messages to mechelle420:
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from rose-phoenix :
i'm concerned about you. i just had a chance to catch up on your diary. I am sorry about your grandmother. also sorry to hear you are in an abusive relationship and somehow feel this is okay. can you get into therapy? you need someone to talk to. don't isolate.
from mmmfactor :
b/c i think you are such an awesome person, i think you just man the F up for yourself and esp that lil boo of yours and tell homeboy peace out. we DONT want to rewrite history. hugsssss.
from rose-phoenix :
did you get my email, sent it about a week ago. offered to design you a new template. let me know.
from rose-phoenix :
thank you so much for your comment and reach out to me. you haven't written in so long. how are things for you now. if you'd like to email me I'm at [email protected]. Be well. rose
from mmmfactor :
hey girl, I just wanted to say that im really sorry about hear about your grandma. I hope everything is okay, hang tight.
from mmmfactor :
guys are jerks no matter how old they are. I guess you just need to figure out if you can live with all the crap that makes you crazy, and whether the crap that doesnt is more important. hope everything figures itself out for ya chelle.
from onelilwitch :
hey! thanks for adding me as a favorite. definitely appreciate it. take care.

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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