messages to meffinmisfit:
(click here to add new message):

from se7enchance :
Hey there. I honestly had no idea anyone even read my slice of 'Land. But you're welcome inside, if you were one of them~
from melodymetuka :
Hey there! It is good to hear from you, even if it doesn't seem like you are in the happiest place right now. You keep on taking care of yourself and the baby, and don't worry about him. Either he will come to see you as the wonderful person that you are, or he's not worth the effort. In either event, you and your baby are worth everything you can give. I'll be keeping you two in my prayers. :-)
from movingsands :
Congratulations! :)
from jaysthoughts :
Just checking to see how many diarylanders still actually check their notes and stay active.
from melodymetuka :
Keeping my fingers crossed with you.
from stepfordtart :
How shitty! Commiserations. s x
from movingsands :
from julymalaise :
Tell me about it, he gets on my nerves and can be an asshole sometimes. Yeah, I'm not even going to pay no mind to this ex "friend". If they are inclined to still try to reach out to me with childish means, then that's their problem.
from julymalaise :
Sometimes we have to let of the people who are keeping us from miving on. Glad to hear the Lugo files are closed. It will be the best for you, after how he treated you like that.
from movingsands :
Dear M, if you still need help taking that bitch insecurity by the hair, I can don my pirate ways to give you a hand :)
from julymalaise :
Haha, thanks! Yay, Portugal won, but they went home :'(. Im going to miss seeing those cute boys. Yes, I've been harassing and inquiring everywhere that it is not even funny. Ugh.
from julymalaise :
Unfortunately, it's the truth that sometimes being cold is the way sometimes. It's because why try when the other is not going to make the effort and is going to keep hurting us no matter what. And that's true, when people lie, it's harder for us to trust. I like what you said at the end. That pretty much sums up who it's like with lies.
from papotheclown :
I totally agree with your last post. I'm not there yet myself, but I am trying to see the world (and myself) in a more positive light. Thanks for following me, and more importantly, thanks for writing good things.
from julymalaise :
Yes, she really made me mad, I didn't why she had to have a digusting attitude towards me! I didn't do nothing to her, like that's so unflattering and unprofessional. Yeah, that's the only setback if I do get the job, working with Donkey, eww. I wouldn't stand her, but hopefully she'll have a diffferent shift or something...
from julymalaise :
I'm so glad to be back :). Yeah, I'm going to steer clear of those fake friends! Don't need 'em in my life ! And yeah, I'm going to harass these people until they give me something. So done with these job people giving me the run around. UGH!!! Yep, I'm still looking! Job searching a pain in the arse!
from movingsands :
Hear, hear! A toast to grand! Love it :)
from akasha90 :
I wish! I still don't have a bunny yet. :)
from se7enchance :
I enjoy reading your entries. Very much. If you ever wanted to.... talk? About nothing or anything, I'd be happy to have my ear bent. You seem like a sharp tack, indeed. Just let me know and I'll give you a email. And if not, that's alright, too. <3 I'll just keep lurking. Good luck out there, yeah?
from movingsands :
Life a little crazy for you at the moment, huh? No matter M, you'll get your times of serenity too. And anyway, chaos is what keeps things moving along :)
from stepfordtart :
Wishing you all the best for the new job and the move. Let this be the beginning of something wonderful for you. s x
from movingsands :
Properly warned. You steady on, steady on despite the curveballs. Don't think impediments, think logistics. And it's always so very good to hear someone is open when it comes to religion :)
from stepfordtart :
Bloody hell. *pushes your sister in the stinging nettles*. Hope the job thing goes OK. Will have everything crossed for you. s x
from stepfordtart :
Aargh. It never rains but it pours, huh? *thinking of you* s x
from smashthegas :
The sad thing in life is we don't always get what we deserve. The second sad thing in life is that sometimes what we get what we don't deserve. And the third sad thing in life is we haven't always done anything to deserve what we do get, good or bad. So don't go looking for reasons why you are to blame for things. As bland a statement as it may be, sometimes life is just life and there are no reasons for what we are dealt. Take care.
from imalex :
Good luck with the job! Yes, life should be tolerable. :) And thanks for the note :)
from stepfordtart :
Did you ever get any trauma counselling (or similar) for the abuse? If you didnt, maybe you should. Sounds like you might have some unburdening to do. ((hug)) s x
from julymalaise :
Here, try it now. I made aa mistake on tge lettering. It should work now!
from stepfordtart :
Im trying to catch up so I can understand what youre writing about right now. The whole situ with Lugo and your mum and your sis sounds super-complicated. Is there an entry that explains it all? If not, I'll just keep a-readin'! s x
from akasha90 :
Thank you! :)
from stepfordtart :
Hey! Thanks for adding me - much appreciated! :-) s x
from imalex :
Feeling needy... yeah. It's definitely something I struggle with. I'm rather proud so I generally only write this stuff down, never vocalise it to people. Thanks for the love. :)
from movingsands :
So are you M, so are you. Fiercely loyal too
from movingsands :
Go M, go! You can do it! (I was never a cheerleader but I think you need some cheers)
from melodymetuka :
Good luck to you, I really hope you are able to make a new start away from your toxic family.
from loveherwell :
that dude sounds like a tool. seriously, good for you for taking the initiative to get yourself out of a potentially worse situation.
from julymalaise :
I know, this year was horrible. I want it to be 2014 already! And yeah, my cat went through so much, I miss him. No, I don't think we are getting another cat. I don't think we will get another cat. However, my father wants to get a dog in the future for brother when he gets older, lol. Happy thanksgiving, hope your day is wonderful!
from julymalaise :
Oh yay, great! And thanks! I'm definitely excited for 2014! New future, new beginnings! Thanks for the kind words about my kitty. I miss him so. He had diabetes that later turned out to be something cancerous. Yeah, 2013 was a hard year. Can't wait for 2014. How's the year been going for you? :)
from melodymetuka :
I find myself wanting to click 'like.' Spending too much time on fb, I guess. So good to read you sounding so good.
from julymalaise :
YES! I am glad you are back, my friend! I'm so sorry you ended your relationship, I hope you are fine. I have power here, we got it last Friday. I missed you! :) Pleasure to see you back on d-land!
from julymalaise :
I miss you, girl. Come back soon, dear!
from julymalaise :
Thanks for looking out for me :) i hope it passes too. Ugh, i hate storms
from julymalaise :
Hahaha, I like to make nicknames about people in my life in my diary. Like my best friend is named CurlyTopHippie because he has a heart of a hippie & curly hair of gold, lolz. Yes, I must write about the man in the car! The suspense is killing everybody. I just cannot wwait to get my laptop and finally type on it. Lol.
from julymalaise :
Thanks for your thoughts on the matter :). I am hoping to write about the whole situation by Wednesday because that is when I am going to get my computer fixed. I hope things look up between you and the boyfriend. And do treat yourself today! :) have a lovely day!
from melodymetuka :
Thanks for adding me as a favourite. I have enjoyed getting to know you a bit through your diary so far.
from meffinmisfit :
@melodymetuka - *sigh* I don't think I'll ever see that money again. She hasn't even texted me to apologize, to explain, or to say, "hey, I have it now." - but thank you! I hope I can flip the loss into a gain!
from julymalaise :
Hi, I was just snooping aroind found your diary and I was wondering if I could add you. I feel you about the whole lending money thing. Whenever someone needs to borrow money, I pretend I have none because I also had some bad experiences with people not paying me back and I was sick of that. They are quick to ask you for some money, but yet take forever to pay you back because they mysteriousy "disappear". Well, I hope you have a good day!! Bye!
from melodymetuka :
If you lend someone $25 and never see them again, it's a bargain. I hope you do see your money again, though.

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