messages to melissima:
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from bubaloo :
I have a great new name for this diary. "The Red X diaries". What do you think? What's that sharp thing in your hand? lol
from bubaloo :
What the hell happened to the pictures? That's lame.
from bubaloo :
Yay! New Pics!
from lulublu :
Okay, so I am an idiot of ginormous proportions and I just now looked at who has me listed as a fave diary, and there you are! I am not the hottest of the pinks, I'll tell you that much! Anyway. YOU ARE PRECIOUS! AND TINY! cute as a button! Your pics crack me up! You know what's funny? El Toro is exactly as I pictured him....weird huh? Did I tell you that I might move from CA to Phoenix? It's up in the air, we shall see. Who knows with me right? hahahah
from bubaloo :
Oooooh, I saw Mel butt and boobie! I think I am going to die and go to heaven. I loved the diner picture, and I can't believe how lush some of Arizona is. I always think of desert and the painted rock. Coop's adorable.
from big-d-love :
Hello do you believe that we are only figments of Gods imagination and when he forgets about us that is when we die?
from pixie0323 :
yay! yeah, I thought better of linking it too. Good thinkin' bub! El Toro is precious!
from bubaloo :
Mel, you are a doll! El Toro's a nice lookin' fella, I can see why ya want to keep him around.
from bubaloo :
hey sweetie! I won't link it for your security. Loved the pics so far, except there's none of you!

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