messages to mentalscars:
(click here to add new message):

from quick-view :
Hi, I saw that you were on a waiting list at one of the review sites for diaryland, and I thought I'd tell you about my review site, Quick-view! It's a little different than most review sites, but you will definitely get a review within a couple of days. Hope to see you soon!
from honestlyou :
Your review is completed, thanks for requesting. :)
from raw-hate :
thanks a lot...i thought i was back but i've been pretty lax in my updating due to not having a computer. I very much appreciate that someone still reads though=)
from some1smommy :
Hey, this is alonenafraid, I've moved.
from alonenafraid :
Hi! I saw you have me listed on your favorites and thought that I'd say hi. I'm looking forward to checking out your diary!
from midnightrum :
interesting template.
from ferine :
Myspace is really good for "feeling tha love" with friend's comments, right? I think this should be the same way. But since Diaryland isn't so much like that.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
from ferine :
The drive to keep going comes from great support such as yourself! Thanks so much for checking it out, I appreciate it :) Happy to have you back on your diary, your talent in writing is something I look forward to, since I can't write worth a lick! =D
from midnightrum :
actually, yesterday was the lsat night before school started. therefor today was the first day of school. All I can say is...I'm realizing again just how much hate is inside of me. Maybe I'll see you in hell one fine day.
from ferine :
hey hey! Heard the news, dear. Congrats and blessed be! :) By the way it's Nicole, lilvixen was deleted and I made this diary instead. Hope to see you soon, and welcome home.
from nirvana-rose :
Im adding you to my fav list..i hope you dont mind
from lilvixen :
Be careful, my mind isn't as nearly interesting as yours ^_~ However I won't lie, I'm thrilled you added me now. Thank ya dear
from lilvixen :
Long time no see girl. I just got hooked to your diary, I wish I could write as well as you do :) Take care
from awkwardpause :
Uh... I am? Sure... what?
from peteweekend :
I do?!
from quasimoto :
what can I say, I try. I really only aim to please.
from seraphim77 :
hey sweets...sup? Anyhoo, My buddy would like to know the html color code for that glowing blue. He's currently in an html class and would like to use it for school. Will you be a dear and pass it on? I hope so. Much love. Luisa P.S. Thanks for the update...Been a while since I read about ya.
from explosion :
im really [dis]interested in self-proclaimed psychologists. they irk me. [breathe]
from cutencuddly :
I love to read your diary, you seem to be just as confused as I am at times. Your Diary is kind of like a soap opera where you keep waiting for the next episode, pulling your hair out in agony. Your writing is so phenomenal, so keep on writing. I kno how it feels to have your trust betrayed time after time ... I go through it all the time, people suck huh?... Email me sometime because I feel we do have alot in common and would end up becoming very close friends.
from seraphim77 :
I liked that alot...
from dennisdmnace :
Hey, come back and write summore. Dennis misses you.
from kiko153 :
YOu Are Always soo Sexy When YOu Sit Down......................hhhhhmmmm

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