messages to metanoia:
(click here to add new message):

from gomerx :
Hey babydoll...hope all is well. I am recommending you a book called Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce will help you live up to your moniker to change your thinking...coz you deserve to enjoy your life. God bless you.
from gomerx :
Hoping you are feeling better...
from gomerx :
to your last entry, I'm wondering if you guys didn't have enough time to hit it off? I know people I didn't like at first, but then I got to know them better, got a glimpse of the other dimensions and saw what was likable even if they weren't exactly my favorite. And I think we are all put here for each other-I think deep down everybody feels the need to be loved and to love because that is how we were made, now since we are in a fallen world, unfortunately we don't all have the beautiful experiences many others might enjoy at first. And, maybe, it would take truthful introspection to really know oneself and love oneself for who one is. I don't know, I'm gettin' all crazy philosophical, I hope it wasn't too bad. In the end, you were there supporting your honey. Hope all else is well...
from ingridwrites :
m e d u s e l l a @ g m a i l
from gomerx :
Hey sweetie, long time...I hope your Christmas was nice. Well, Happy New Year...
from ingridwrites :
Thank you.
from boxx9000 :
just curious, what does your screen name mean? My maiden name was NOIA.
from gomerx :
Hey sweetie! So good to hear from you. Ever stop to wonder what is going on in the spiritual world (the unseen around us) that is trying to make sure you never get that writing out? You just might have the perspective that somebody else needs to propel them to there own purpose. I say, write. Screw those feelings, do it inspite of them, hec, write about them! Expose those feelings for the life and creativity sucking leaches they are! I hope you feel better soon in your body and otherwise...Smooches
from metanoia :
Ing - just read your diary about boredom and just wanted to say I know what you mean! PS good luck with the yard!
from gomerx :
Hey thanks for the boost! I'm glad to hear you are waking up your writing self. Just a thought: What if your creativity is the next big thing everybody is waiting for, but we be able to enjoy because its all swirling around in your brain...never know. Well hope all is well. Hope to hear from you soon. ~GomerX
from ingridwrites :
Have fun, grandma ;)
from ingridwrites :
(((hugs))) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
from gomerx :
I don't know where you stand spiritually, but girl, I know exactly what that is-and don't listen to it, ok? It's a liar. Check out Joyce Meyer's book Battlefield of the Mind, that's a really good one to give you some incite. And if it ain't your kinda thing, I would still give it a chance, you never know it could be very helpful to you. Take care and keep writing. ~gomerX
from gomerx :
I can't get over how alike we are in some ways.
from gomerx :
I know I just met you and I've only read like possibly 2 1/2 entries, but I think I love you dearly, hehe. Lunch break is almost over....
from ingridwrites :
Do I need to say that I've missed you?
from ingridwrites :
Yes. Write.
from ingridwrites :
Ah. We only had the fish since Sunday and yesterday I felt so damn depressed that all three had died :( I totally understand your feelings of loss for Goldie.
from ingridwrites :
OH GAHD I HAVE MISSED YOU! A lot. I'm glad to hear from you!!! :)
from ingridwrites :
I miss you.
from ingridwrites :
Will you please email me? Thank you!
from ingridwrites :
YAY! Sheesh, I was getting worried!
from ingridwrites :
Thank you for the card. I haven't responded yet...because I've been busy (that's my excuse!). ;)
from kingbuk8 :
There was a little old man on some cable fishing channel that made "Stink bait" in a LA bayou. LOL. They said he smelled just like his bait. Don't know if he was nice or not. :)
from ingridwrites :
As a young children who lived up north in AK, my mother and her siblings would get crates of onions and apples from their grandmother in the lower 48. They would eat them both the same. Just like apples. -- I always thought that was gross. But, I guess, if you never got veggies, it would taste like some kind of heaven.
from ingridwrites :
We are all of us loved.
from ingridwrites :
I usually write my entries in word/works/email prior to putting them into the little white box. It is too frustrating to have everything I've just written lost. I tend to be a one shot wonder. The first is sometimes the best and that seems to be all I have in me.
from ingridwrites :
Oh, I'm totally going to the chiroquacter tomorrow. My mil showed up, took one look at me and said, "I'll be here at 8:30am and I'M paying so SHUT UP!" Hahaha! Maybe I could have gotten her to clean my house too... ;)
from kingbuk8 :
Of course you're going alone Mr. Frodo and I'm going with you.
from ingridwrites :
from ingridwrites :
Yay for Ipods! I just taught Mister how to make CDs on the computer (I know, it takes him awhile to catch up) and now I have to listen to old time Kuntry Mix tapes or classic Rock tapes. Gah ;)
from ingridwrites :
Hah! We've *known* there was some gonga going on over there - but I assume that is part of the condition of her release that she NOT do those things or be around it. In today's paper, I'll found out when her court date is. Ahh, small town life.
from calmish :
sorry you're feeling so...distant? hope things come into focus for you soon. lots of love, xx
from ingridwrites :
from ingridwrites :
Yeast infections (thanfully I've only ever had one!) are caused when the ph level in your hoohaw is disrupted (by antibiotic use, douches, the sun going down, childbirth, lack of childbirth, etc) and this causes the candida (yeast) to go out of control. And pretty soon you smell like you are baking bread in your underwear and acting like a man with the constant scratching, scratching, scratching. 2. Jeeps are MONEY PITS. They look like they'd be fun to ride around in, but they are not. They suck. 3. You used K's full name in that post. ;)
from ingridwrites :
Now that, my friend, is TIRED!
from ingridwrites :
She will try to stay with me, I'm sure. I've decided to leave the back room a complete wreck until she comes back. HAHA! She'll think pack rat hell. Heh.
from ingridwrites :
HAHA! Someone did show up that day. He looked at me and said, "Uh...I think you are burned." And I said, "Yeah, I know." And kept laying there until he left. Then I got out and ran into the shade ;)
from ingridwrites :
Oh I hope so. After this burn fades. :( At least I burned at home and not when I was in Vegas. That is kind of what I'm trying to avoid.
from ingridwrites :
Welcome back, stranger. I've been wondering about you ;)
from calmish :
Hi, I found your diary thru the writeclub ring and added you to my favourites, I hope you don't mind. You are a very talented writer, your entries are like self contained stories, and you have great insight. Just wanted to let you know, take care, luv jo xx
from ingridwrites :
I totally agree. A few years ago I drank a whole bottle of wine to myself. Oops. Seriously, this one is going to be ROUGH!
from ingridwrites : calculates how much weight you should lose too, along with calories, etc. I wanted to use something better, but free is BEST, isn't it? ;) Ugh,I truly believe in the next 2 months, my mom is going to make me jump for joy when her plane takes off.
from ingridwrites :
You don't want to go to Baptist heaven. It's full of hypocrits.
from kingbuk8 :
Life on the edge? Lighting the fuse and letting it burn almost all the way down... hmmm. I know someone like that. :)
from kingbuk8 :
Perhaps the behavioral study should have included a little girl with a stubborn streak a mile wide. lol I knew a child like that once. Wonder what ever become of him.
from kingbuk8 :
Can I cross the bridge with you?
from ingridwrites :
Yeah...I tend to burn my bridges down though :(
from ingridwrites :
I had my thyroid checked a few years ago. It was fine.
from ingridwrites :
There is a dog in my neighborhood, I'm not sure if he is new, I've never seen him. ONLY evidence of him. He gets into my garbage and there will quite soon (if I catch him!) be a dog who (hopefully) will be restricted to his own yard. If I ever see him and find out who owns him, that is. Until then I just keep putting on the gloves and picking up the trash. (Logic tells me to put the trash cans in the garage but my wonderful husband says, "NO!" Pfft, as if HE is the one picking up trash every day. GAH!)

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