messages to mijelah:
(click here to add new message):

from marield :
Lucy, you have some 'splainin' to do!!!
from funjules :
NO! None at all!
from funjules :
Hallooooo? Is this thing on? *taptaptaptaptap*
from angelblood2 :
Your babies are so cute!
from funjules :
Is there ever going to be an update to this thing? Ever?
from kilowatt :
Jim, "Appreciation is a wonderful thing; it makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well." ~Voltaire~ Thank you for leaving me a lovely comment on my most current entry. I am so pleased that you like my site. I thank you for your support. I also thank you for your kindness. And for thinking such great things about me! May your day brim over with beauty.
from angelblood2 :
personal section? HMMM! sounds interesting... :D umeroonies... yes, you should just reveal the first names!
from oobie-doobie :
yes, there is someone out there
from frisky-girl :
Thank you for adding me to your favorites (and I love the quote you wrote for me!)
from splinterhead :
Thankyou so much for your kindness ~william
from funjules :
That's, um, interesting. What the hell?
from angelblood2 :
loving your progress, your fantasies, don't know P, but she must be hot, do post a picture and i am not likin S
from angelblood2 :
loving your progress, your fantasies, don't know P, but she must be hot, do post a picture and i am not likin S
from funjules :
Are you ever going to update? Oh, and also, I love you!
from angelblood2 :
oh turkey butts, i read this, i always read this, i look for updates as often as i can. i can't email you, sorry. i just like your diary. it is so amazing. i think you should write more. it's delicious. everday i wonder, did mijelah update yet? sometimes i get online to check, but not often so i'm not too disappointed because i really enjoyreading your entries and then, i get so close to the end, and its all over. i could read it on and on and on forever. its so amazing. just lettin ya know i read it!
from funjules :
I read it, too!
from angelblood2 :
i read this! i do and i love it. it's like a good book. i love it! you should so update more often!
from angelblood2 :
when will you update?
from funjules :
Are you ever going to update this thing?
from funjules :
Aye luff ewe!
from funjules :
I'm sorry. You don't deserve to be treated like that.

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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