messages to mindlesslug:
(click here to add new message):

from tenderpoison :
from stardumb :
Nice read. Xo
from lonelygayboy :
Hi there. I was bored and searched my diary name in google and one of the results was one of your entries from a while ago. It was about my 18th birthday and how you're lonely. Well, I just wanted to tell you I'm still lonely and always here to talk. Here's my AIM sn: KileyofRilo. IM me sometime. Take care.
from darkdifranco :
ola... i didn't get a smile... ain't nothing to see, ain't nothing in sight... into the white...
from catpower123 :
Hey, do you know how you can change the font in my diary? Please e-mail me at [email protected]. Thanks
from super-fly :
have a super fabulous time!!!!
from praiseandrew :
raise the praise to andrew!
from be-zen :
Winnie the Pooh = endless love and beauty and joy.
from ledbeatle :
Winnie the pooh. hmm. I always kinda liked eeyore best, myself.
from blackcalla :
I like your style Mindlesslug!
from nomotive :
haha funny thing was, when I hit update, my browser crashed. and then refused to load. so it got lost. but now it's back :)
from nomotive :
I quoted you in my latest diary entry. hope you don't mind.
from snidegrrl :
hello. you emailed me in november, and i am just now getting back to you... i think that proves who's a big jerk here! and it's not you even though you said you hated my colors! i've changed them anyways. :) thanks for the note. here's one in return. your giant black and white stripes are blinding.
from nomotive :
fret not, for I still read your journal :)
from flaming :
so i saw your name on jane's (un-bad) profile. intrigued, i wandered to your diary. and hark, you like patti smith and your diary is fantastic. impressed, i must say i am.(:
from nomotive :
hey, I'm glad you find me interesting. you've got quite a keen mind yourself. I say, though, keep your life; the world needs more people who are conscious and aware of the world around them, capable of rationalizing and reasoning with other intellectuals. in other words, a lot of people in socal are dumb. I enjoy your journal.
from teacupstorm :
^_^ I'm your very first note. I feel damn proud, yesiree!

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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