messages to minkie:
(click here to add new message):

from kristintracy :
hello, minkie. i just wanted to write (again) to tell you how absolutely flawless your diary is. mad love! ~kristin
from kristintracy :
minkie are you a boy or a girl? i mean. no real reason. i was just curious. um. right.
from reganesque :
Oh Minkie you are so gorgeous and official looking in your photo! Have you ever considered modeling?
from kristintracy :
I'm so flattered that your mom thinks I'm pretty. Red and green leafies coming your way...
from kristintracy :
Dear Minkie (if the non-capitalization of your name is purposeful like k.d. lang or e.e. cummings, my apologies), Strawberries are, unfortunately, out of season. Hm. Lettuce I can do. Parsley, no problem. Do you like apples at all? Pears, maybe? Let me know.
from reganesque :
oh minkie, someone should write a song about you! ohsomuchlove
from kristintracy :
*pat pat pat* I heart your diary every day and night until I die. ~kristin
from vomit-stars :
okay. i hope you don't get computer-ink poisoning :) haha.
from vomit-stars :
hey, i don't eat parsley! i eat candy. so pffflt to you!
from vomit-stars :
you are certainly the most awesome guinea pig i have ever met. truely, you rock my socks juniormink.
from kristintracy :
Your blog is excellent. Stare at your mom for me. ~kristin
from rysya :
Happy Birthday!

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