messages to miss--lily:
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from readnglst999 :
Where is clarity25? Recent vacation blog - "Eric's" Photobucket account -
from beckers-j :
Happy New Year! Yeah, I hear you on the less energy thing. Four years ago on New Year's, I partied until 9:00 am! This year, I was beat at 4:00. ;)
from starlight42 :
Happy Holidays!! Hope all is well.
from blazingstar :
For pirate pics (which I'm about to put up), you'll need the password to my private diary. Email me at [email protected] if you want it!
from clarity25 :
ONLY 90%, are you kidding me? That's an incredible score. I'm terrible at taking tests, especially when it comes to remembering details I've read over a period of time. That's impressive. Well, have a good weekend and try to enjoy the rest of your business trip. Sounds like you can't wait to be home though. Thanks for your E-mail, letting me know who you were! I like your new diary!
from beckers-j :
It IS a Hyundai - and I'm not getting it. It was a piece of crap. And yay for your new diary! I'll check it out soon.
from clarity25 :
thanks for your note and adding me to your fav. list. I loved your first entry, that's why I started a diary too..I don't want these moments to pass by and to forget them. I want to remember all the events that made up my life up to this point. Something to look back on in the future. I look forward to reading more:). take care!
from beckers-j :
Hey! Thanks for adding me! I'll be back to check out your diary soon!
from starlight42 :
thanks for the heads up! Hope all is well :)

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