messages to mistresyo:
(click here to add new message):
from enelmundo : |
Hola, perd�n por no haber contestado ni uno s�lo de tus mensajes, la escuela y la vida me vuelven loco-_-(adem�s rara vez los checo-_-), pero aqu� sigo bien y espero que tambi�n est�s bien, tambi�n te leo, gracias! |
from travelgirl79 : |
Mistresyo se ha mudado.... ahora escribo en los espero ^.^ |
from bazofia : |
Hola! Muchas gracias por los consejos. Experimentar� un poco je je. |
from bazofia : |
Hola!!! Me encanta el nuevo template, ojal� y yo supiera algo de html. Bueno, no te deprimas, tienes que ver el lado positivo de las cosas... �nimo! |
from sunnflower : |
Hi from Suburban Island. Thanks so much for adding my diary to your Diaryland favorites list. I like that you are writing in two languages. |
from banessa : |
i really like your new template! sorry i havent been updating as much lately... i just put in 2 new entries this week though :) alright well i hope all is well with you! talk soon ~ luv vanessa |
from mistresyo : |
gracias!! |
from bazofia : |
Hola!!! Gracias por leer mi diario y por la encuesta. Me gusta mucho lo que tu escribes!!! Suerte... |
from mistresyo : |
Hola!! Thanks for the visit!! Gracias por la visita!! XOXO ^_^ Carolina |
from ragazza007 : |
Hubo un error con eso de poner password y todo eso, pero creo que ya se arregl�... Gracias ;) |
from ragazza007 : |
Hey, gracias por el consejo, las cosas se van disolviendo poco a poco :) .... gracias tambien por a�adirme a tu buddy list, cuidate, bye... |
from adysan : |
Y donde estudias? |
from adysan : |
Que onda! Gracias por tu tarjeta, me gusto mucho. Eres muy amable. Espero que pronto podamos platicar...por msn o algun otro n_n En que parte de EUA vives? Donde estudias? |
from ragazza007 : |
hey! gracias por la tarjeta, esta muy linda, que tengas un a�o nuevo lleno de alegria y que lleguen muchos logros con el nuevo a�o. |
from ragazza007 : |
hola, acabo de ver mi guestbook, mi mail es [email protected] �ok? cuidate, feliz a�o nuevo |
from benzene : |
�Mil gracias por la carta! You're so sweet! I really liked one of the entries you wrote a while ago, reflecting on yourself in the U.S. and remembering your father. It was really touching and made me appreciate my own dad. Pues, espero que ahora te sientas mejor y que todo vaya bien con tus estudios. �Suerte y hasta luego! Irene |
from pink-circle : |
Hey, I've added you to the list for the story. To read the progress so far at any time;; and to see your self on the list;; I'll let you know when it's your turn and what to do; so you don't have to worry about that. :) ~Pink |
from pink-circle : |
Hey, it's aight, try again to make it - or, just e-mail it. ([email protected]) ~Pink |
from pink-circle : |
Hey, are you interested in working on the collaborative story? If you are, note back and just let me know. :) /collab.html explains what is going on so far. :) ~Pink |
from forty-plus : |
Thanks for joining the All About Me List Diary Ring! |
from pink-circle : | The topics for this session are there. :) Yes, see you at 7pm. ~Pink |
from pink-circle : |
It's alright, next chat, Monday, 7pm eastern time. :) Oh, and let me know what topic you'd like to nominate for writing workshop. :) ~Pink |
from pink-circle : |
Eastern time. :) I should have mentioned that before - a few people have been asking - some figured it out because they know I live in New York. :) As for making your bio page - go ahead already! w00t, lol. Don't worry about format too much, just know that if it titled impropperly or doesn't include a link to your diary, I'll simply fix that. Everything else - ah well, include a nick name and whatever else you'd like to. :) I hope to see you in the chat tonight - I don't know if you know this, but it'll be our first dl chat. We used to do this whole thing through e-mails before this site was made - yeah, this works much better, lol. ~Pink |
from pink-circle : |
Hey, I actually started reading your diary today... I just meant to leave a note, but that interview seemed interesting. Welcome to the circle! Congradulations on the joining of the ring, and offcially becoming a member! To make your bio page, go to the right hand part of the screen, and you'll see an option that says "add an entry." Things you should include in your bio page; Your name, A link to your diary or diaries if you have several, and maybe a short poem if you have one. Feel free to add in other things like what kind of music you like and such, but try to keep it simple. Hope you have a good day! ~Circle Counsil |
from pink-circle : |
I know I knew what 10-4 means, but I've forgotten... Could ya clue me in??? ~Lost |
from pink-circle : |
The chats will be in the Diaryland Chats, it's the last option on your left - you should try them out sometimes, make sure that you can get them to work. If you have not already, join the cirlce diaryring. Tonight I plan to tell all new members to the ring what the next step is, and plan our first chat meeting. :) -Pink |
from pink-circle : |
{Circle Invite}: Hello. I'm speaking on the behalf of "the circle," a writers group. This is an invite to our group. I have noticed your displayed interest in writing &/or poetry. We are doing a reform, to re-form and rebuild our group. Please visit the website, and if you are interested, leave a note to this account. Thank you for your time. -Circle Council |
from irishblueyes : |
Thanks for the's always good to know that i'm not the only frustrated artist and writer out here in diaryland! |
from ocean-front : |
Welcome to the Gael-Garcia-Diaryring. Thanks for joining! |
from sunnflower : |
Hi from Suburban Island. Thanks for joining the Paris diaryring! Just make sure the code for the ring is up on your main page or your rings page. |
from mistresyo : |
Thank YOU guys!!!!!! |
from straysparrow : |
Hey there! I should have done this earlier, but welcome to the Bilingual Diaryring! Ciao. Sparrow. xx. |
from ginko : |
Welcome to the ringaddict diaryring! |
from adysan : |
�Hola! Gracias por tu mensaje, por leerme, y por lo de "mente brillante", aunque no es para tanto! pero se agradece. Por aqu� nos leemos. �Hasta Luego! |
from benzene : |
�Hola! �Qu� tal? He visto que hay muchos usuarios que escriben en espa�ol aqu�, y es buen ejercicio para me tratar de leer sus diarios. Gracias por a�adirme a tu buddy list! Tambi�n he le�do tu diario. ;-) Sigue escuchando a las canciones de La Oreja de Van Gogh...son fabulosas, �no? �Hasta luego! |
from moodymelinda : |
It takes a lot of courage to be a bitch ! Some times I wish I had more of it. Take care! melinda |
from moodymelinda : |
Hola. Hablo muy bien espanol:-D. No I don`t really. Thanks for your nice note ! |
from endirecto : |
HALA.. joder.. muchas gracias por el comentario, es un halago que me leas desde el otro lado del charco s�.. no s� qu� decir.. gracias . Deja los comentarios que quieras, no s� si funcionan bien o es que la gente es curiosa y no quiere decir nada, tampoco creo que sea capaz de dejar a la gente sin palabras.. jej.. much�simas gracias, justo hoy pensaba dejar la historia. pero mira, seguir� un poquito m�s. |
from enelmundo : |
Jeje, Gracias^^! |
from lunatikz : |
girla aunk sea 3 dias despues.. ps k hayas tenido un cumplea�os chingon.. a ver si nos topamos luego en la red!! cuidate y pasala bien! |
from lunatikz : |
Hola!!! grax por la visit.. aka andare tambien dandome mis vueltas... saluditos desde Mex!! |
from stellarose : |
hey there, thanks for reading! tratare escribir in espanol; he hablando para diez anos (estudiaba en escuela y un poco en la universidad) pero no he practicado mucho...but yeah, i'm glad you enjoy my life! xxx |
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