messages to monkeybeast:
(click here to add new message):

from candikurlz :
Weird. I had both a pretty serious conversation about Wesley aNd Ivan just this week! And I didn't know your dad and Walter were a day apart! Good luck with the asylum @_@
from jaysthoughts :
Just seeing who is active and checks their notes. Peace.
from candikurlz :
Regarding life-changing decisions: I think we shouldn't believe that our decisions are certifiable or final at any age, especially not the ones made in our early twenties.. but goals call us to action, which we most definitely should be doing in our mid twenties. It's a tough ballpark. You never really know how things are going to play out, and outsiders know even less sometimes. For instance, my aunt and uncle on my dad's side was one of those couples people didn't expect to stick together.. lo' and behold almost three decades later..
from candikurlz :
since the notes pages do not incorporate time: 10/18/11 (funny that the years are so valid here) gahhhhhhh, i know!! i miss you too, it has been ridiculously long. thinking of you often. calling you soon. love.
from candikurlz :
oooooh nooooooooo :(
from candikurlz :
Thank you for one of your more recent entries, authentic consideration is so hard to come by these days, and sometimes it's all that one needs. Thank you for being a fundamental part of my life for nearly fourteen years now. Thank you for wanting to be a fundamental part for the rest of it. I love you.
from candikurlz :
:S :(
from candikurlz :
seriously.. where did it come from?.. heh, i absolutely love it though. it's funny how this happens to us over and over again. what?! how?! when? where?? oh..
from candikurlz :
from lovinglost :
I still read
from candikurlz :
you're beautiful
from candikurlz :
lol... well I feel like an idiot now. The only reason I wrote that was instant reaction... I was more offended than holding a grudge (I wasn't holding one at all). It just seemed like it was about me. shiiiiit. Anyway, my apologies. fuck.
from lovinglost :
does this mean you saw The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy TOO!??!?!?!?!?!? i finished reading it this morning then saw it 2 hours later. XD
from beko :
from lovinglost : this one reminded me... of you...
from candikurlz :
love the template.
from candikurlz :
rosemary, you're becoming more and more of an author... *appreciative smile*... i hope you know what i mean.
from lovinglost :
aww ROsemarY! people keep taking your headphoneS!!! FIGHT BACK :P:P
from lovinglost :
aahhh! i remember harkaur being such an annoying/ stupid person... i guess i havent realized that people can change.
from candikurlz :
i love you too rosemary. thank you for noticing, somehow that makes me feel much more appreciated. but yeah it's there. it's just not worth talking about. you're so good of a friend sometimes it scares me. once again, i love you. (and i'm sorry, because i know i'm not being the person i can be, and caring enough, and listening enough and you deserve it and i just feel bad lately)
from beko :
be careful
from beko :
we should have a girls night out sometime somewhere, here a girls night in is good too. But of course with guys...
from beko :
it finished today at 5:30
from lovinglost :
heY, remember you put in some pictures in one of your diaryland entries?
from beko :
i love you. </P><P> and i feel like i haven't told you that enough... </P><P> so that was my attempt to make it up to you...
from lovinglost :
Pamphleteer is an awesome song. ^-^ Lovveee yoouu -AnNA
from wedding05 :
Hi! I'm getting married in 2005 and I started a diary to get some feedback on wedding ideas. If you like taking polls and giving feedback, please check out my diary. Thanks a bunch!! And if you have no intentions of helping out, Sorry to bother you =(
from candikurlz :
thinking of you
from beko :
why does it matter how I write?
from buttermary :
hello monkeybeast
from beko :
I know you feel it too. With all that talk of your about only being close to ben and whatnot. It was kinda just there to tell you that I understand and that it's in my mind too...
from beko :
No. Stop. Listen. That wasn't intended to be mean or anything at all or anything like that and I'm sorry if it was. So forget it and well keep doing what we're going and if you want to stop caring go ahead, I can't stop you from doing what you want to do.
from beko :
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROSEY! I'm sorry I don't have anything to give you, and nothing specatular to say or do. I've never really known what to do on birthdays. I hope you've had a good one. I love you and I'm sorry for everything but don't worry about that, don't worry about anything, todays your day to be happy and carefree like you should be everyday. Just breathe and let it go, you still have your whole life ahead of you and the whole world to discover and enjoy, it's for you, that's what I give you...if you can say I give it to you...that's what I hope for you, a life where your happy and free and with people you want to be with and doing what you want to. To sum it up I hope you have a good life. Run mad. Run happy. Run free. Just run. i love you
from beko :
from beko :
ummmmm...?no. That was to myself... To my other self, the friends craving bitch that lives inside me.
from candikurlz :
Change your template.. NOW I want to read your past stuff... I kinda miss you lately I mean we've hung out but something feels gone.... or as though we haven't seen eachother/talked in a while. I think it just hasn't been just us in a bit... Still- we have good fun. What's up for your b-day by the way? Ps: Advice: Enjoy spring (haha I'm on d-land during gym class... I'm supposed to be looking up Inhalants and drug usage *rolls eyes* but this is more fun) I already got caught and I'm back. K sry it's amusing.
from beko :
It's complicated, if you were in my head you'd understand... When it comes down to it, I'm not confident...
from beko :
I love you too, (but you already know THAT). Come to think of it...Gab's house... But no it wasn't. And just so you know too that Gab isn't the guy that's the asshole and that's that. And the people there aren't the fake people, actually I think of you guys as real as real can be. Real friends... Million Kisses, Beth
from candikurlz :
AHHHH I'm all pumped for living ensemble se fin de semaine. How did I switch that to french all of a sudden? Anywhoo I luv ya... felt like leaving a note cause notes are fun.
from candikurlz :
You need a note. HI PARKER! K I'm done... what's up with us lately?
from groundhogday :
Can you watch my house from Oct 5-10? I will be out of town.
from monkeybeast :

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