messages to monkymind:
(click here to add new message):

from arthursmummy :
I can't get in! My password is saved so it's definitely the one I always use, but it's not accepted this time :(
from mamabean :
Have you changed your password here? What I believe to be my old one isn't working, sadly!
from beyondthemeg :
Ooh, hurrah! Not too surprised that she's accepted the offer, with the current market I heard most estate agents are shifting about one house a month. May be a good idea to let your current one. Very exciting about the moce though! I'm rather jealous as we cannot see any hope of owning our own home, ever!
from mymemry :
Oh Jemma! I'm so excited for yall!! How fun and stressful at the same time. If anyone can handle it without a hitch it is you though! Yay!!!
from nickyslilone :
Oooh looks great! The luck you wanted is on its way! ;) By the way that garden looks fab! What a great space for the kids!
from mamabean :
Your reasoning all makes sense to me, but I'm sorry to hear you'll have to table the adoption plans, even if only temporarily (hopefully!) I love that you want to do that - adoption is such a beautiful thing... miraculous, really. But as for responsibility to your children, I get that too. You know how conservative I've felt even about having a second, so I can relate to your thoughts completely. I wish your family all the best going forward, with school, finances and with adding a new child when and if you and Stu feel it would be a possibility again. Hugs, dear - I know you're sad but hope the dream can stay alive. :)
from mymemry :
Hey. I enjoyed reading about your thoughts on raising children. Though we have a very different belief system - I too agree that the hard part is doing whatever it takes to raise them properly. I suppose properly means lots of different things to different people....
from theflyingrat :
Congratulations on the breastfeeding milestone! I love the idea of adoption. I think it is an amazing thing for a person to open their heart and home up to a little one. There are so many kids out there who need/deserve a good home. ♥
from lowercaseg :
Congrats! Hurray for the new diary. I can't wait til it is time to share. :) Hope you feel better soon!
from beyondthemeg :
Ha, the loo seat thing really made me laugh! I really like the name Lucy though :-) Exciting dream!!
from mamabean :
Help! I've lost the passwords etc. for both of your diaries since my old computer crashed. [email protected]
from mymemry :
I love it! It is so pretty and colorful! Not too big, not too small. I love to watch LA Ink and Miami Ink on TV. Do you get those shows? Talk to you later. Julie
from lowercaseg :
Aww, very cute tattoo! i like your hair, as well!
from beyondthemeg :
Will your next baby feed for sixteen years then?! ;-)
from beyondthemeg :
hi Jemma, just popped over from fertility friend. Don't forget you can merge cycles there if the bleeding isn't period. But very confusing I agree. Possible that the illness masked ovulation?? I dunno!!
from mamabean :
AW! I'm happy you're enjoying your little ones so much... you deserve it. I think your idea for adopting is SO great and I think any kid would be so very lucky to find his/her way into your family. I really really do. I hope you do at least look into it because it seems so right to me, for you. Sometimes I consider it, myself, even. I'm glad you are getting some time for you, as well, and continuing to develop and pursue the talents you've been blessed with. What about those tattoos, by the way? ;) Hugs -
from beyondthemeg :
Poor you! Those germs need to be sent packing from chez Monky. Bless Jaya's moment of curiosity! Love Meg x
from arthursmummy :
Oh I'm sorry I missed this yesterday! I was on the laptop when I saw you on my buddy list having updated, and I can't remember my password (it's saved on the computer, but not yet used on the laptop) so couldn't access it :( Poor you being so ill! I hope you're feeling lots better already and have been able to go and enjoy all that chocolate! Yum! I love that you had your moment of tandem nursing! Hehe! I still find it a bit.... not weird at all, just sort of surreal, when both of mine are breastfeeding at once. I LOVE it, but it's quite surreal to look down at them both and see all the bar stools occupied, so to speak, haha! The same thing happens here when I'm without a top, and often Matthew only wants a few sucks, but just because he SAW them, not so much for actual milk! I think you've done soooooo wonderfully well for Jove with nearly 15 months (can he really be that old already?!) of breastfeeding. And to let him self wean as well is just FAB! I will feel sad FOR you the day he weans. I can't imagine how I'll feel when the day comes for me, but I know I'll feel really sad. Well, hope you're feeling better! This is rather like an email and will prob look extremely long on your notes (!) so had better stop now! xxx
from mamabean :
I guess if you want to keep it up you should just go topless all the time! ;) You know, it's been a very long time since I made any milk for Alex, but she still seems to have affectionate and appreciative feelings towards them. When she catches my "girls" naked, she always gives them a nice little kiss and a pat and says, "Oh, you're the nipples!" ha ha. I suppose one day she'll stop even that. I wonder if she'll stop before it starts feeling weird to me. I wonder if it will EVER feel weird to me. Anyway, I'm really happy you've gotten this far and don't blame you a bit for already looking forward to doing it again with baby #3! Hope you feel better very soon, I would hate for you to miss the Choccies! YUM! Did I know Joel and Jenny were getting married? Maybe I forgot. Surely I did. I bet I did. Anyway yay! When's the wedding?
from mamabean :
Well, glad that's settled then! Like Meg, I am notsomuch into tattoos for me, but I like the originality and sentiment of your lil monkeys, so you get a thumbs up/greenlight from me. :) Just be careful and safe. Oh, I know you will be. And I mean careful/safe about the tattoos. But other stuff too, right? ;) Hugs - M
from beyondthemeg :
ha, I was just coming to waffle on about corpus luteum cysts, but glad I don't have to! Lovely tattoos, I'm not really a tattoo person, but those are very sweet. I like the way they are unique and significant too. I guessed they might be monkeys from your layout pics! I was going to ask about how acting and tattoos work, but you answered that for me. just no Mrs Robinson, hey!
from mamabean :
??????? I hope you're okay... I'm feeling weird and wondering about you. Sigh.
from beyondthemeg :
Crikey jemma, I think you could make a tv show out of this's like a daily soap! Really hope you get answers soon! And hope your head is much better too.
from mamabean :
Still on the edge of my seat here. Even for a non-charter, your chart is interesting/puzzling. You need to write an update! :)
from mamabean :
Wow. I don't know what to think! I guess you'll find out either way within a few days though. Having never charted myself I don't have any experience to draw from to shed any light. But I'm going to be on the edge of my computer chair watching to see what happens. And thinking about you. :)
from beyondthemeg :
Hmm! Interesting...16 days isn't a mega long luteal phase though, although it is long for you. You might not have ovulated on the croos hair, but your CM would indicate you did, so not much help. Maybe you did on CD23?? The chance of your being pregnant from such minor 'oopsies' is pretty slim. Any stress this cycle that might have put ovulation off at the last minute?? I suppose there's a chnace you havent ovulated, my coverline is usually somewhere around the 98 degree mark, but yours seem to be lower so I think you probably have. Overall, not much help, sorry!
from arthursmummy :
Ooh, meant to also comment on something from a couple of entries before, about Jaya's sacral dimple. Matthew has one too, EXACTLY as photographed in the link you posted (it's NOT his! ;) ) and I took folic acid/prenatal vitamins like crazy, and for the months leading up to his conception too, so you mustn't think that is has ANYTHING to do with you not taking them before Jaya was conceived. It's just "one of those things". Don't worry! xxx
from arthursmummy :
Oh my GOSH, I am going crazy watching your chart!!! I literally signed on 1/2 hour ago to check your chart and see if you'd written a diary entry, but found no entry, so I have been waffling around restlessly online just thinking about you! Finally I came back to the buddy list and lo and behold you'd updated! I nearly choked on my own saliva while I waited for the page to load, lol!! ;) I have nooo idea what is going on. I think you HAVE ovulated, but I keep wavering over when I think it happened. I still reckon overall that it's when it says you did though. I should be writing all this in an email! Anyway, aaaaargh, what is going on?!! You tested pos late with Jove (though you'd done so by this stage) so maybe try again in a day or so? I don't know. Your temps were weirdly low for the first week post O, so hmmm. I don't know what to think! Milk drying up is also RATHER interesting.... Sorry to be so useless, but I just don't know! I hope the suspense ends soon, one way or the other, for you!
from beyondthemeg :
Ooh! Chart watching avidly here!
from lowercaseg :
Great pictures! It is so nice you have such sweet photos now to look back on someday! Congrats!
from mamabean :
Hiya! Sunny self, huh? Hmmm... Lemme see. I seriously doubt you're pregnant, but I haven't gone and looked at your FF chart yet. I shall do that immediately! If you ARE pregnant, then that is as it is supposed to be. And you will have another ADORABLE little one (because you make ADORABLE children!). And it will be a struggle, for sure, but you are so strong and capable and, oh, I don't know... full of life and sparkle... that you (and Stu) will manage it beautifully as you manage most everything else. You have family and friends who would love to help you, too. As for the preemie/health thing, you'd just need to plan to be royalty for part of your pregnancy (old fashioned royalty, I mean, not the kind of royalty that joins the military and gets shipped off to war, tsk) and rest/relax/rely on others to do things, so that you and the beebee would be safe. I think it will all work out fine either way and I hope that beyond what you've written in this entry, the personal stuff you are dealing with will all get worked out soon, too. I didn't mean for you to feel scolded or rebuked by my Diaryland comments, I promise. I am just a bit lonely and in need of bolstering this week as my Dad's accident and family stuff has been a bit burdensome. That's all. Sorry if I came across too harsh! I hope you are all okay, though. Lots of love to all of you! M
from mamabean :
I have had mid-cycle spotting almost every month since my PPAF after Alex. Never had it before. I don't know why. It doesn't really bother me now... but the first few cycles it did have me worried!
from lowercaseg :
Congrats on 12 (+) months!
from arthursmummy :
Oh I LOVE your breastfeeding updates!!!! Huge congrats again on your big milestone, yay! Your term "acrobatic buffet type feed" made me laugh because you describe so perfectly something that is so familiar to me! Not quite yet with Matthew, but I remember it well from Arthur! I love the photo at the end - Matthew does the same thing! I think you're prob right about Jove not breastfeeding way into toddlerhood given that he's dropping his feeds, but you never know, he might want a bedtime one for a good while yet? I think Matthew might drop feeds quicker than Arthur (quicker?! Arthur hasn't dropped ANY as yet!) once he's really let loose on the huge portions of food! I don't think he'll nurse as long as Arthur. Why am I writing a diary entry/email type thing in your comments?! Will go and read your other diary now :)
from theflyingrat :
Hi- I just realized you had this diary and I was wondering if I could have the password? I COMPLETELY understand if you don't feel comfortable sharing. Honest. ♥ [email protected]
from mamabean :
I remember that feeling so well... like coming home after long vacation, in a way. Like where I'd been was nice, but that it was good to be home again. I'm glad you are feeling the return of the old Jemma! And I know I say this all the time, but it bears repeating... well done on the breastfeeding! Hugs -
from mamabean :
HUUUUUUUUUUG! We all do things we feel bad about. I think it is all a part of the growing up WE do alongside our little ones. We're all still relatively new at parenting, still. I suppose really we always will be as parenting has to change as quickly as children do. That you feel guilty about it and know it was the wrong thing to do shows what a loving and sensitive mother you are, not that there was ever a doubt about that in my mind, anyway. (Some mothers do that sort of thing all the time and think it's completely justified and deserved.) I'm sorry it happened to both of you, but please don't be hard on yourself. You're an awesome parent to both of your little ones - one that I've always admired. :)
from arthursmummy :
Oh Jemma :( *hugs* I really sympathise with how you're feeling. And you're a lovely mummy. I've had many guilty moments like that with Arthur - I think you are a lot gentler with Jaya than I am with Arthur, so you are doing a great job! I wish I did as well as you! There's nothing much to be said, but I wanted to send hugs and understanding. xxx
from lowercaseg :
Happy 8 months to Jove - I can't believe it! Jove is 8 mo and my Johnna is 7! It's fun that they are so close in age. :-) Congratulations on your success in breastfeeding!! :)
from mamabean :
I've really enjoyed watching your success at breastfeeding with Jove. You have every right to be proud of yourself and Jove as I know you must be. I think you will get to one year with no problems, and I'll be cheering you on at the finish line, whereever it may be. Go Jemma! :)
from lowercaseg :
For some reason, it took a few tries for your page to load - but I saw in the URL "took a test," and I thought: "WOW!" That would have been exciting, but I agree with you, too soon! Now that I've been pregnant I can't help but fear(?) that it will happen sooner than I am hoping it to! I'd love to have children close in age, as well, like Jaya and Jove!
from lowercaseg :
thanks! my email is [email protected] :)
from lowercaseg :
hi, can i be nosey and ask for your password? :-)
from arthursmummy :
*Hugs* to you over the sleep issues Jemma! I think The No-Cry Sleep Solution WOULD be a good idea because it has a lot of ideas in it. You can pick and choose and see what works and what doesn't, and it's worth a read. I feel like I ought to have a ton of advice from my experience with Arthur but as you know I basically haven't ever found a solution, so am therefore pretty useless at advising anyone else, lol! TNCSS has a section for babies aged up-to-4-months and then another section for older babies, and I never bothered with the younger section, as Arthur was 4.5 months old when I bought it. So it may have some helpful stuff in it for you. I REALLY sympathise with unhelpful people suggesting you leave your baby to cry - I would be a rich, rich woman if I had a � for every person who had suggested that in one way or another! Tsk. It's so frustrating because you WANT and need a solution but advice like that feels so unsupportive and unhelpful. I'm sure that Jove is making more milk for some mighty growing that he's about to do! But I am not sure what to do about the rest of the normal wakings at night and during the evening for him. Does he fall asleep on the breast? I think I will work harder at the gentle removal technique that TNCSS describes, for Matthew. I think I will also try more structure/routine to his days and nights than I did with Arthur, but then you sound like you are really on the ball with that already. Jove may settle better after he finishes his growth spurt, but I am hesitant to suggest that it will all calm down by Edinburgh because for us it never did get any easier really. Though maybe Arthur was just TERRIBLE with sleep and Jove will never be quite that bad?! I hope things do settle for you, and that you find some helpful stuff in the book. I would lend you mine but have a feeling I ought to have it to hand over the next month or so! ;)
from mymemry :
I wish he WOULD send the reply. I feel she needs to hear the truth - odds are that she wouldn't see it as such - truth. I'm so sorry that she has that attitude. A pity. I'm glad she's all the way over in NZ. Stu is wonderful with words - open, honest and not skirting around issues like lots of us sometimes do. I'm so glad everything is going so well with the BF!! Take care, Julie
from arthursmummy :
Ohhh you guys are so nice! I got sooooooo cross and worked up reading those horrid emails, I can't tell you! Part of me thought, "Don't read them, don't read them, you're about to go to bed!", hehe! I skipped to the end of your entry, but then so wanted to read all that had hurt you. I LOVED Stu's reply, and was really hoping he WOULD send it, except I did see (like you did!) that it got a bit iffy from somewhere around the line about "her endless stories of her hospital operations"!! I am such a hot head, I don't think I would have had the grace to just leave it and cool down like you two have. I really admire that quality in you both! I feel sorry for her too, and I'm just glad that you are both able to put it behind you and that things really ARE okay with Stu's parents. Urgh. And because I neeeed to finish with something OTHER than the above subject (!), I just love the photo loop thingy of Jove feeding! Lovely to see him snug in the Coorie that I remember seeing pictures of Jaya in when she was tiny too! Big hugs to you all! xxx
from mamabean :
I am completely astounded... why would anyone take the time to be so obnoxious to someone that they have to be related to until they die? And I don't know you guys in person, but I do know you pretty well, I think, via your diaries. I'll be darned if I can believe you have done a thing to deserve such horrible treatment. I really am hoppin' mad! I hope she comes to her senses and apologizes fully and earnestly ASAP. hugs - M
from arthursmummy :
Yay, I've caught up with you at laaast!! So sorry to read that you had been so poorly! Yikes, it sounded terrible! I'm so happy that you're doing so well now, despite that blip in your health. HUGE congratulations on your 6-week breastfeeding milestone - you soooo deserve that award! :) I'm so glad that it looks like your milk supply is settling to be great for the long-haul! Yay! And yay for no leaky boobs as well! Mine leak horribly (when there's milk there) but oh well, it's manageable. I also got the purple award for a difficult start with Arthur, and used it on my signature in breastfeeding forums, but I didn't stick with the award system - you know me and blinkies! ;) Jove sounds like he's doing so well! Well done you! I read that 6 weeks is the normal average for social smiles so don't worry too much! Jaya was just an early smiler! He sounds like he's going to be just as early in things as his big sister, just that they'll look more "average" in timing because he was a little early himself. I love the picture of him feeding with his eyes open! I wish I could remember when Arthur started that but I didn't take note of it at the time. I actually love the sleepy feeds when his eyes are closed :) So glad your weight is evening out as well - keep up the chocs! Arthur is the one I'm nervous about when Matthew arrives as well, as I'm sure it's HIS demands and not Matthew's that will overwhelm me :S But we'll see. I know it'll be worth the difficult times! Hopefully I'll get to keep up with your diaries a bit more regularly now! :)
from mamabean :
Glad things are still going so well. I clearly remember the hormonal emotional ups and downs. I still wonder if it couldn't be explained also in part by the sleep interruptions. I'm so happy that breastfeeding is going well for you. That is my fondest wish - that you will get to have a nursing experience that is exactly what you wish for this time. I've often thought of adoption, as well... the mothers I know who have done it have such beautiful stories and such huge love for their kids. So honoring and special. I was touched to read you think of it as an option, as well. M
from arthursmummy :
Wow wow wow, you're doing soooo GREAT!!!! Well done you!! I am not being pessemistic, but I can't imagine it will be that easy when it's my turn. I am not down about that, it just feels more realistic for me than anything else! Arthur's cord had to be cut before he could be delivered as it was wrapped very tightly around his neck. Also I had a 2nd degree tear. Though a speedy birth would increase the risk of tearing since the tissues had no time to stretch, so you did wonderfully to just have a graze!!! Jove sounds like he is doing wonderfully well, and I soooo love the photos! I love breastfeeding pics, they make me so mushy! He looks so tiny and cute there feeding, and soooo utterly content afterwards, hehe! I am so proud of you. I hope I do as well!
from mamabean :
Wow! He is absolutely GORGEOUS. I am so happy you're all doing so well and you are feeling so great physically and emotionally. You're getting me feeling all mothery and wanting-a-baby-ish with your sunshiney depiction of life and body after baby 2! I'm amazed and thrilled by it all... :)
from arthursmummy :
Urgh, I hope you are back out again soon Jemma! I was gonna say def phone the midwife since you're not term yet, but then saw your P.S! Also I would be really surprised if that was much of your whole plug! My first big show in early labour was the size and shape of my whole PALM and raspberry red throughout, yuck! My midwife was home with me at the time and said it was perfectly normal and I would probably get another lump of similar size yet (it's amazing how BIG our mucus plugs are!). I had another of the same size a few hours later, so I'm sure a thumb-sized show is only a tiny chunk - but symptomatic of your cervix opening all the same!!! Just don't worry too much that the whole thing has gone yet! I'm so excited that you've made it to 36 weeks!!! Well done you!!
from mamabean :
Wow! I only lost my plug 48 hours before Alex was born... But I bet it's different for everyone. You sound ready to me... hope the night at your Mum's goes well!
from mamabean :
Wow so close now! I totally understand the meltdown - I think when you are used to a nice, easygoing, calm, flexible child, those times that they get really upset are just such a shock! You will be fine, though, when Baby Too comes, I bet. Jaya seems to accept things in stride and so easily. And you are so energetic and loving - there's plenty of you to go to both of them! :)
from misschrisc :
Hi Jemma I'm really excited for you to make it to your water birth and maybe the home birth too. I just wanted to say that I'm in competition with Jess for you to have the baby on my birthday and not hers! Mine is March 15th so that's close to Stu's prediction. The picture is lovely. I love those last tri months' pictures--always wonderful. You can practically see baby too's outline all snuggled in there :)
from arthursmummy :
Yay for you Jemma!!!!!!!! Congratulations on making it through bed rest!! You must be so thrilled, and it's SO lovely that you get to carry Jaya more and cook and go out and things. You've done so well!!! I love your latest belly pic - wow, look at that boy GROW!! :) You look great, and the boy looks like he will be strong and healthy when he arrives, whenever that might be! I can't believe it's only 7 days till you can have a waterbirth!! I'm soooo hoping you get to have your homebirth though, that would be wonderful. Anyway, yay! And enjoy your activity (do you get to zuzz again?)! xx
from mamabean :
Yay! Way to go Jemma and Baby Too! :) That's great (?) about Jaya's chicken pox - the earlier the better, they say! I'm glad she's feeling better, too. Hang in there... I'm glad you've made it this far and excited to see when he'll arrive now! Love, M
from mymemry :
32 weeks!!!! WOW!!!!! I am so happy for you - it makes me cry with joy to think how close you may have been to delivering a premie and now he is almost TERM!! You really are doing an amazing job! I am just so happy - the time is flying by - before long your sweet little baby boy will be in your loving arms.
from mamabean :
Aw, Jemma! It's okay to be un-jolly too... it took me a awhile to realize that myself, but the thing is, we're all 100% there with you and we care so much about your little family that knowing you are down is when we can sortof spring into action with all of the support we have stored up for you! You're going through so much and being so brave and positive and upbeat. I mean of course Baby Too is going to be absolutely fine, but I know you are stressing and down about how the latter stage of this pg is going. Of course you are, it's perfectly normal! You are so much in my thoughts and prayers, my dear! Hang in there and do continue to take it easy. Maybe the tiredness is just your body's way of insisting that your normal busy, active self slow down and rest rest rest. Lots of love, M
from mymemry :
You are doing a FANTASTIC job keeping that sweet boy inside for a bit longer. I know it's tough - but try not to worry too much (that can add to your physical stress). Just take the things that you HAVE TO DO slow and easy and just let the stuff that is unnecessary slide. Relax and try to enjoy these last few weeks.
from arthursmummy :
Just wanted to send you huge (((((hugs))))) and to say congratulations on making it to 31 weeks! You are doing so well Jemma, being a WONDERFUL mother to Baby Too already, just as you already are to Jaya. Every day that you manage to get through is a gift to Baby Too and he is doing wonderfully well because of how well you're nurturing him. In a couple of months this will all be behind you and you'll be wondering how he managed to pee sideways through the leg of his nappy with that pointy device of his (!!) and everything will be so much easier in many ways. You look so fabulous as well, and I LOVED the photo of you with Dylan! I had a strong linea negra with Arthur but then I have had a faint once since puberty so I'm probably just weird! ;) I have been thinking on Jaya's night-nappy crisis for a few days (how I LOVED that photo, hehehe!) and am beginning to piece together a couple of possible ideas in my rather slow preggo-brain! Will let you know when I manage to complete the process! ;) There must be SOMETHING that works, so I'm thinking on it.... That's it really. Tomorrow is a whole new day. Love you xxx
from mamabean :
OY! I can relate to the loneliness! Though I have to admit that your next few days sound heavenly to me... Your picture with Dylan at Monkymind was so sweet... You just look so lovely these days! And the new bump picture is wonderful, as well! I am happy that little boy is staying put and praying he will continue to do so. Hugs to all of you - sweet sweet family! M
from arthursmummy :
Thank you for your message! I do think we will absolutely NEED a double buggy though. I think the sling/buggy and then buggy board option will work for you (lucky you!), because you have had no trouble wearing Jaya in a sling, whereas I have had HORRIBLE trouble with my back and slings even when Arthur was tiny (not that he was ever THAT tiny, hehe!). I remember when I was at secondary school I swore I would NEVER have a double buggy because they just looked AWFUL and were always in people's way, and universally loathed by the general public!!! ;) But I'm just glad there are so many better ones these days, and I'm really happy to get one now. I know it will be cumbersome at times but it will still be an absolute joy compared with (worse!) exhaustion and an aching back! Oh and Arthur and Sprout actually have a SMALLER age gap than Jaya and Baby Too - it's just under 19 months as opposed to your 20 mths :) If Baby Too comes early then maybe we'll have the same gap or nearly as small? I think we'll be needing our double buggy for a good while to come!
from arthursmummy :
Phew, so glad to see an update, and that you're still home! :) How amazing to feel Baby Too's head!!! I think if your membranes had broken anywhere you should find that you get trickling or little gushes at odd times over the next few days that you'll notice and act on. But I just wanted to say (and expose myself in public by doing so, hehe!) that as you know, I have been terribly constipated my whole pregnancy so far, and I do find most times that when I really strain, my bladder suddenly gives way and I pee a lot all at once without having any sensation of doing so from my bladder! It is often worse if I am leaning forwards at all. Could it have been something like that? I hope it was. Stay put Baby Too!! And Jaya is such a love :) What a clever girl you have!
from mymemry :
Jemma - I'm so sorry that I haven't taken the time to write you a bit. I was behind, then shocked to learn about what that little boy has been up to when I did catch up. He seems to want out! Too bad we can't reason with him. I can't reason with Nathan either though. DO, DO, DO rest like she said. My only concern is- what if your membrane split at another area other than right there where you could feel? How will you know? If there is a tear in your membrane - there would be a chance for infection. Did you tell your midwife about the gush you felt? I will be praying that this boy stays put for at least a few more weeks! You take care, Julie
from mamabean :
I'm glad you are home, but sorry you have to take it easy the next 6 weeks! I know that will be hard for you... it would be for me, too! How neat to feel Baby Too's head... I never tried with Alex and I'm wondering if I would even know what I was feeling had I tried. Jaya sounds like such a joy. Alex "leads me" to her bed these days when she's tired, too. She can't get into it on her own, though. And the signing! Isn't that wonderful? They are soooo much smarter than I'd ever assumed when I dealt with other kids their age. Alex understands EVERYTHING I say! It's amazing. Anyway I'm glad the appointment went your way and you are home with your family. STAY WHERE YOU ARE, little boy. You will be out here in this big old world soon enough - enjoy the pampering you're getting inside Mummy as long as you can! HUGS - M
from arthursmummy :
Oh Jemma! I'm so glad to see a proper newsy update about all that has happened, I was wondering about the details! So glad that everything has settled down more, and I really hope your appt today went well. I'll be checking frequently to see if there's any news of the appt! I'm sorry you had such a crappy birthday. You'll have to have a double birthday next year! :) Poor Jaya being so ill at the same time! I'm so glad she's feeling better, and what a GOOD girl too!!! She sounds so mature for her age Jemma. I'm so excited about your colostrum!!!! Yaaaay! I feel really confident for you that you'll have a MUCH easier time breastfeeding this time. I was leaking colostrum just as you described from 21 weeks, so I know it's no indication of Baby Too coming early, it's just great that everything is gearing up for MILK!! :D Perhaps your body knows (as I reckon mine did!) that you are having a big hungry boy who will want plenty to eat when he arrives?! ;) It sounds like he is doing fine. I am so proud of you for doing so well through all of this. Sending you lots of "Stay Put, Baby Too!!" vibes and hoping the appt went well today. xxx
from arthursmummy :
Oooh getting really far into your pregnancy now, so exciting!!! Yay, well done for getting a belly bra, I hope it helps with everything, esp the crampiness :S I have one from last pregnancy but didn't use it so I think I will try it out later this pregnancy. Is it time for a new belly pic yet?!! It feels like ages since the last one now! You definitely seem to be carrying different to Jaya in your pics so far, although you looked as big to me in Jaya's bump gallery at the same times, just slightly differently shaped. My bump was a similar size to yours last pregnancy too! Maybe Jo-Jo will be a similar size to Arthur when he's born? I hope you don't have to take a sabbatical!!! I will miss your diary entries now that I'm FINALLY catching up a bit! :( Hope your belly belt does the trick :)
from mymemry :
Jemma - just a quick note to let you know that all is well here. I had a vaginal u/s and heshe's heart was just a beating! Just wanted to let you know. You take care.
from mamabean :
wow! and I just found out that my sister's 5th is on his/her way. So many babies!!!! Wow!
from mymemry :
I'm so glad to hear that he is doing so well! I hope you are feeling better each day! I am curious to know how far apart they will be. I could do the math, but I'm not feeling up to it at the moment......You take care! Julie
from hunterpoo :
OMGosh!!!! Yay!!! Another boy in the lil group. I'm so excited. I've never heard the name Jove before, but it sounds great! Of course I've never heard Jaya before, and I'm totally in love with it now! Congrats and don't let Stu get too far ahead on boy plans! hahha.
from mamabean :
congratulations! that's what I thought and I am so excited. likely it'll take a brother to keep up with Jaya, anyway, right? :) She's going to adore him... and the rest of us are too! In a hurry... more later - I am so happy for you, Stu, Jaya and JoJO.
from alicesbaby :
WOOHOO!!!!!! Congratulations!!! I KNEW it was a boy - your pregnancy has just mirrored mine with Arthur, it just HAD to be a boy! :) I'm so pleased for you, and Neil is too! Boys are just sooooooo lovely, I can't recommend them highly enough, hehe! ;) I hope he looks like a Jove because I like that name for him a lot! I read a lot about how scan predictions for weights are notoriously inaccurate, so don't worry toooo much about that bit! Especially from earlier on rather than the 3rd trimester. But on the other hand, statistically, you will have a heavier boy than girl, and second babies are heavier than first babies, even two boys - the second will statistically be heavier. So it makes sense that he will be heavier than Jaya, unless he comes early! It sounds like he is very much like Arthur in size and activity! Everything you describe sounds so familiar from my pregnancy with Arthur, and he was 8lbs 1.5oz! He has a bigger than average head too, but he still came out (did tear though, but I didn't care at the time!)! Yay, I am just so thrilled for you! I can't wait till MY anomoly scan!!! Also very eager to see pics next entry when Stu gets a chance! :)
from arthursmummy :
Oooh ooh, soo many entries of yours to catch up on AGAIN! Tsk, I am so behind! But I saw your message in my gb about weight worries and wanted to check your diary to see what is happening with you! Please don't mind me and my ranty waffle!! I didn't mean to pass judgement on those who worry :) (which of course I must be doing without thinking when I write ranty stuff *sigh*) I think I would probably worry too if I felt thin and like I wasn't gaining weight, but I am absolutely SURE it will be fine, honestly. The vast majority of pregnancy weight is gained in the second half of pregnancy - even most of that in the 3rd trimester, so you have plenty of time to catch up yet! I'm still convinced you are a little "behind" on weight gain because of your nasty illness recently. Your body is just catching up, I'm sure. Don't apologise about worrying just because I ranted about worriers - tsk, I'm so annoying! ;) Sorry about that. Also I hope you feel less crampy soon. I have read that crampiness after zuzzing (even quite severe cramping) can be very common and quite normal. Hope it's just that! You've only been at it 9 weeks after all - seems a shame to stop you again! ;) I am so excited that we have our scans at the same time on the same day!!!!! I will be eager to post my news but I'll be itching to read about yours!! Hope it all goes well and Baby Too is feeling bold and stretchy, hehe!
from mamabean :
Hiya! Did you know that Rebecca is my very favorite book ever??? I am just all excited thinking about you getting to play Ms. DeWinter - I wonder how you interpreted her... She could be a much more interesting character in the hands of a creative actor like yourself. What a wonderful thing to know about you... I love you even more now! The bump is so lovely! Try not to worry toooo much about your weight - you've only been back to normal for a week or so, and your body had been to heck and back prior to that. Love all the speculation about what Baby Too is - I'm going to be literally sitting on my computer waiting for the news on your scan date! Must go, Alex is in a hurry to leave on our morning walk! Hugs - M
from arthursmummy :
Yay, here I am at LAAAAST!!! I have sooo missed your diaries!! Imagine my excitement when I find VIDEOS of you all!! I just love them so much. So glad you are all getting better - should have checked your diaries before I emailed you this morning! How flattering that the first entry I come back to read has an actual QUOTE from my diary in it, hehe! ;) I am so sure you're having a boy! Isn't it funny how your pregnancy is just exactly like mine with Arthur?! PLEASE don't worry about the weight. It will definitely even out. I lost nearly a stone in the first trimester of Arthur's pregnancy with morning sickness, but gained it back once I was eating again. I got two nasty colds that knocked me sideways in the first trimester too, and not surprisinly, my weight plopped during and after those too. Your bug has been so nasty that I am sure you must have lost muscle mass, and you haven't been able to eat or keep food in, so you will have lost weight as though you'd suddenly decided to fast or go on a crazy crash diet! The good thing about that kind of weight loss is that once you are eating normally again, the weight comes back very quickly. With me it took a couple of weeks. I'm sure it is just to do with how ill you've been. Once I was over the morning sickness, my appetite became ENORMOUS so I didn't have any worries with putting on weight from that point! I'm sure you'll be the same. They say the most weight gained is during the second half of pregnancy anyway. But I do second Megan and suggest eating things high in fats and calories like full cream milk on hearty cereals, etc. Can you take hot milky (full cream) drinks before bed? Any extra milky or cheesy things will add those calories nicely, to help you put on some extra weight. I have a million entries to catch up on so I might be back with more comments soon! :)
from mamabean :
What a relief to know that you are all feeling so much better! Whew! I loved the videos so much and hearing your lovely voice and laughter was delightful. So delicate and feminine but very happy and bouyant-sounding. Yay! From all of my reading while pregnant with Alex, your body will be able to pack on the weight it needs with your eating perfectly healthy foods. Now that you seem to be done with morning sickness and with this virus, I bet you will begin a nice steady gain and be right on track for the rest of your pregnancy. I don't know why this is, but my brain is screaming at me to tell you to eat oatmeal made with whole milk in the mornings. I'm sure Miss Jaya would love that, too. Hugs and more hugs - M
from mamabean :
I wonder if the Braxton-Hicks and the low weight might partially be due to your being dehydrated yourself thanks to all of the nausea? Are you trying to drink plenty and able to keep liquids down? Drink drink drink! And try to rest, too! I'm worried... take care of yourself, dear!
from mymemry :
Oh Jemma, I'm sorry that Jean is like that! That IS frustrating. She sounds quite child like, if you don't mind me saying so. You are such a GOOD daughter in law. I want you to know how much I love to read your family diary then sneak over here for the 'behind the scenes' footage. Also, on a serious note - I'm sorry that I never commented on the entry about Stu's sweet cousin, Sally. It hurts my heart to know that medicine can cause such horrible, horrible mental side effects. When I was working up north in the PICU, I got a patient in one Friday evening. She was 16 and had attempted to hang herself (at school, in a bathroom stall) She succeeded for the most part (brain death), but all her organs were salvaged for donation. SEVERAL people were given a second chance at life because of her death. I can't think of any other 'method' that would have allowed her organs to remain viable. Upon examination, I discovered that she had several 'phrases' written all over her body such as 'today I will die' and 'I need to die' and 'no one can save me' and 'I won't see another tomorrow'. It was evident that she wrote these saying on her own body. Her mom said that she had been talking about wanting to die for months. I hate that things like this happen. The doctors thought that one of the drugs that she was taking to PREVENT depression actually caused her to become suicidal. I'm just so, so sorry about Sally. You described her as a beautiful and sweet young lady with such a bright future ahead of her. I just wanted to say that I was sorry. Take care, Julie
from mamabean :
aaaaaaaaargh! I have a good mother-in-law this go-round but my first one was a nightmare with the same ability to grasp the negative in even the most positive of situations and blow it up so that it ruins everything. I'm sorry that happened to you and wish that there was a lot more appreciating and a lot less complaining done in this world in general. Thanks for going to visit your mother-in-law. It was a thoughtful thing to do, and a sacrifice on your part (any extended time away from home takes its toll on the household for weeks, doesn't it?). Hug hug... pat pat! Megan
from mamabean :
Aaaaaawww... sniffle!
from arthursmummy :
Awww Jemma, that's so lovely!!! What a lovely moment! I can't wait to feel my TWO little ones at once - I can't imagine it right now, but you paint such wonderful pictures with your words that I can't WAIT till it's my turn! :) You're a lovely mummy. xx
from arthursmummy :
Oooh I'll miss your entries while you're away!!! I had that dizziness at around 18 weeks with Arthur, and it seemed to involve sweating and nausea for me as well. My midwife said it sounded like sudden drops in blood pressure, which is very common and normal in the middle of pregnancy (or at other times too actually). I read that the best thing to do for that is to drink water (increases fluid pressure in your body) and rest. It did used to help for me. I hope it doesn't happen again for you!! Also don't pin too much on the heartrates thing, it's an old wives tale and very unreliable! I wrote lots of excited predictive things about Arthur's heartrate and was so surprised to have LOTS of people signing my guestbook saying it was totally false for them, re. the baby's gender. I double checked at the general chat board at FF (hundreds of users!) and found the same thing. It sounds like it's 50/50 as to whether it predicts the right gender or not! But I still think you're having a boy! Hope you have a wonderful holiday! Then we MUST meet up! Apart from longing to see you and Jaya again, I will need my doppler soon! ;)
from mamabean :
Yay! We're going on holiday "together!" Hope you have a wonderful, restful, relaxing time and I hope your spinning is over quickly. Thanks for your sweet comments at Panacea. You are always very helpful and encouraging to me. The peanuts comment made me feel so much better!
from mamabean :
Hi Jemma... Just to reassure you, silence on my part, unless you confess to having brutally killed or maimed an innocent someone, will always only mean I'm busy or distracted (and perhaps not being as empathetic and supportive as I should be, for which there's no excuse and I sincerely apologize for all such instances!), never that I disapprove or am deserting you because of something you wrote. My guess is that's the case with just about anyone here.
from arthursmummy :
Oh I knew there was something I forgot to say! Tsk! I am sooooo convinced you are having a boy! I continued to feel sick up to 18 weeks, although it was more bearable from 14 weeks. I was always so disappointed that it was STILL there every new "teen" week, but it DID go eventually. Your pregnancy sounds sooo much like my pregnancy with Arthur, it's uncanny!
from arthursmummy :
Jemma, thanks for your honesty in my guestbook :) I'm sorry I haven't left a note here recently. I can't think why either. Except the one about Sally, I find it hard to comment on things like that since I attempted suicide once myself. It's just a hard thing to comment on when it happens to other people, for me. But *hugs* to you, because you really sound like you need some! I'm so sorry I never let you know if it was okay to use the doppler for your friends!! I remember when you first asked and I thought oh I'll leave a message in reply later - of course I never got round to it. I don't mind though :) I'll be eager to have it back in a few weeks though, if that's okay! We must meet up! Oh that reminds me, I must owe you an email too, ugh! I'm so behind on communications. Yay for your bump popping up! I remember actually being able to feel the top of my womb at 9 weeks, which is totally crazy but there we are - it's documented at my diary! Also I wrote about the exact same crampy discomfort before it popped out properly from about 12 weeks. I was so impatient waiting for it to actually pop out, since I knew that's what the crampiness was for, hehe! I can't wait to do it all again!!! I keep being amazed how far on your pregnancy is getting already! Anyway, long message, I'll stop now! xx
from mamabean :
On a brighter note, yay for your popping uterus and strong heartbeats and kicks, and boo for still feeling sick! I can't wait for the next bump gallery photo...
from mamabean :
Thank you for telling us the story about Sally, Jemma. I know it must have been difficult for you. It's sad to know you harbour any guilt about what happened, though. Although I'm sure you know intellectually that what she did came ultimately from something inside HER, and not from anything you or anyone else who loved her did or didn't do. I think we tend to look to blame ourselves in some ways just to regain a shred of control over a situation that is so completely incomprehensible. Al lost his "favorite" nephew, Andrew, to suicide the year we first started dating. Andrew, like Sally, was such a bright, charming, promising, capable and funny kid (he was only 19 when he died) in his freshman year of college. His family absolutely doted on him, and he had so much ahead of him. The week he died, he'd just returned to school after spending his spring break with Al here in Atlanta and they had had a wonderful time together. He never said anything to give Al an idea that he was unhappy or stressed. He just seemed like normal, happy Andrew. And then he went back to school and killed himself. Al was the last person in the family to see or hear from him. Al was devastated and still carries guilt over Andrew's death, but it's surely clear to anyone else looking at the situation that Al's guilt is unfounded. Yours is too, but I think those who know and love people who seem to have suffered so deeply just need to hold on to some amount of suffering themselves, as if to take back and hold at least some small part of their loved one. There is no doubt that Sally loved and appreciated you and Stuart and was uplifted by your support and concern. I'm certain Andrew adored his Uncle Al and cherished their close relationship and Al's "big brotherhood." I pray both you and he can see that what you DID do for these troubled kids was beautiful and loving and full of hope and meaning for them, even if they ulimately made the wrong decisions due to their own pain. Such a sad thing to happen. I'm so sorry for your family's loss, Jemma.
from mamabean :
Just for kicks, I looked up Alice's diary entry about her 13 week scan and yaaaaaay... here's what she wrote about dear Arthur: (I hope she doesn't mind me quoting her here!) "At the pelvis, as the sonographer rotated the image we looked up from underneath Bean. Bean had his/her legs open and I asked if 13 weeks was definitely too early to tell the baby's sex. The sonographer hesitated and said they didn't "like" to say at that stage, even though it is possible to tell. She said they don't normally do that at the earlier scans, but she zoomed in on the genital area while she said all this anyway, but said they don't like to "say". She didn't say anything about what she saw (or didn't see) but after a moment she just moved the scanner out to see the profile again, but I have seen a zillion ultrasounds of baby genitals online and I personally thought it was fairly easy to spot.... boy parts! What?!! But, but... my girl vibes!! And afterwards when I was talking to Neil about the ultrasound, he said he wondered if he had seen boy bits when the sonographer zoomed in, and I said that's what I thought too. Neil hasn't seen loads of ultrasound pictures, although I have shown him one or two online of baby boy bits and girl bits. So hmmm. I know it's too early. But actually the genitals ARE discernable one way or the other at 13 weeks, it's just difficult to see on a scan at this early stage." So you see? Sidney! Sid - ney! Sid - ney! Sid - ney!
from arthursmummy :
Ohhh, Megan is right, I DID see boy bits at the exact same gestation at our scan! You are soooooooooooo having a boy, hehe! Those salt and vinegar crisps are convincing me even more than the boy bits you think you saw! ;) It's funny because I think I even worded it the same in my diary entry, something like, "I think I saw.... boy bits!" hehehe! C'mon Jove, prove me right! ;) Sooo glad it went well Jemma. I love the pics. The third one is so cute! xxx
from mamabean :
Hooray!!! That all sounds very very reassuring. "He" looks adorable already and so strong and healthy! I am so delighted to hear you are feeling better and eating nice salty delicious snacks (they say salty cravings mean boy too). Didn't Alice see boy bits at her scan for Arthur at this point in her pregnancy? I'll let her comment on that, but I do seem to remember it, and she was accurate! Hugs to you and lots and lots of love to the expectant family! I'm so excited and happy for all FOUR of you! Megan
from arthursmummy :
I hope the scan went well Jemma! Can't wait to hear about it! I did the same thing before Arthur's scan at 13 weeks - listened to him on the doppler right before we went. I think you just want to know you won't get a nasty surprise at the scan. I hope you had a lovely afternoon with Stu! xx
from mamabean :
Ooooh! I am on pins and needles to hear how the scan goes and how beautiful and strong your little bean is getting to be! Have a wonderful and romantic time with Stu and get him to give you a huge hug from me, please! You haven't said lately how you are feeling, physically... I hope things are getting much better in that department. Much love - Megan
from mamabean :
Poor Jemma! Keep resting... that's all you can do right now, and it is what your body and your little babylet need, right? If I lived close-by, I'd come do your dishes and laundry for you! Ship it all over here to me and I'll send you back a trunk of clean laundry and shining dishes! :) I'm sure you'll be back to your perky self in no time, though. I'm glad Stu gets to join you for the next scan... how is HE feeling about this pregnancy? I mean besides being happy about having another baby, which of course he is. Has he written an article about it yet? He's so good at expressing himself... and so funny. I love funny men. hugs - m
from mymemry :
It makes me tired just reading about being tired all the time. I'm sorry. I hope you feel a little less tired each day. A blessing, it is that Jaya is fine with some alone time. That is GOOD for her. Hope you got some rest while she napped today!
from mamabean :
Yay movement! That must be sooooo exciting! I'm so glad you and Alice had a great day together... I wish we could ALL get together for lunch and have our little ones play together, but just seeing you and Jaya with Alice and Arthur having fun makes me happy. They really make a cute pair... it's funny how a few months ago there would have been such a big difference between them in terms of their development. I am sorry to hear you are still feeling bad, off and on... I hope that is over for you SOOOOOOOON.
from mamabean :
I can't wait to hear about your family's and "real live" friends' reactions to the news. I know that they will be delighted! Oh, and the new belly gallery looks great. Can't wait to see you SMILING in your turquoise ensemble. :)
from arthursmummy :
"My Sharona" is the song that instantly popped in my mind when I saw Sherona on your list too! How funny. Now it's on my brain for the rest of the evening :)
from mamabean :
uh oh... did you have another template accident? tequilamonky is locked! sad sad sad.
from mamabean :
yay! thanks for updating! So happy you're fine and well. Hugs - m
from mamabean :
Hiya! Hoping you are doing okay, and Jaya too... you've gone missing! Drop me a note when you have a chance so I can stop fretting. And Julie (mymemry) too. She's fretting as well. Hugs!
from mamabean :
are we supposed to be being anonymous in here? i'm confused by Alice's comment, below... Anyway YAY! I'm so happy that all is well, and that we got to see the little peanut in person. Enjoy your Chinese and a good night's sleep, now that you can rest easy! M
from mymemry :
What a BEAUTIFUL day it has turned out to be for you! The little monkey is on it's little head! How cute is that!? My heart swells with happiness for you. An April baby. Springtime! Here's to 'New beginnings.'
from arthursmummy :
Congratulations! I knew it would be fine :) So fun to see the picture! It's a very good one for a transabdominal at only 8 weeks - I thought you would have a TV scan that early on like I did (they give clearer images). So glad to see your second little one in person!! Hope your first lil lovely (sooo weird to be so anonymous with your names here!) is feeling better soon. xxx
from mamabean :
hugs hugs hugs to sweet sick little Jaya from Alex and me. Please keep us posted on how she's doing. Tomorrow is the day when you WILL see your darling new baby's heartbeat, and I'll be thinking of you all day and anticipating hearing all about it. And when you see it, he or she will be real to you, and you will fall in love, just as you predict. I just know it! Can't wait to read your next entry, sure to be full of joy and excitement and love. With you in spirit - M Oh and by the way, I checked out your website and I loved it. Especially the photos. You're so pretty! And the photos you posted today at TMonky's shots were so much fun to see!
from hunterpoo :
UGH! I hate that. I was once working on someone else's layout and was uploading to my dland account and ended up switching my entire layout to theirs. I did the same locked up, fixed it and hoped no one noticed. haha. But i updated on it just in case anyone had noticed the locked door.
from arthursmummy :
Man I am so stoopid! In the first message I'm going on about the secrecy thing, and just seconds later I post your email address. D'uh. Please delete the second message. Tsk. Where's that rolling-eyes smiley when you need it! ;)
from arthursmummy :
Hi "Monky"! ;) I love all this secretyness! I can't wait to see lovely blinkies on your diary so I am only too happy to give you some tips! You need to save them to your computer first, when you find the ones you want, and then upload them to your photo host place (mine are at Photobucket). Then just post them like you would a photo! You just need to make sure you post them on your diary template instead of in an entry, and they will show up fine! Can't wait to see which ones you've picked!! I have a LOT of pregnant-with-number-two blinkies all ready and waiting! I wonder if we have picked any of the same ones? :)
from mamabean :
you're fine! everything's fine! I am so sorry about these headaches and your fragile feeling... Take full advantage of all the TLC (Tender Loving Care) I'm sure Stu is wanting to shower upon you... you need and deserve it! And it won't be long before you'll have a toddling Jaya and an itty bitty baby Sidney or Sosie which will mean no time for TLC for a long while! :)
from mamabean :
hee hee hee... naturally manly scent. you are so hilarious! what about the new belly gallery, anyway? or would having stu photograph you in your undies be too much temptation? good luck! ;)
from mamabean :
what cute pictures of you two with your coories! Jaya is just so adorable! I'm sure all is well with the little bean, Jemma. I just have a good feeling about everything. :)
from rdhdprincess :
Freaky, I remember e-mailing you! My computer hates me sometimes. It's sweet and then potato. Sweet potato. Thanks!
from mamabean :
Wow. I didn't read your title and when I saw "... I wasn't pregnant!" I got so upset! Thank goodness you made it all clear later. I'm sorry you're sick. All pregnancies are different, I guess. I hope the first trimester zooms by for you. That one was the hardest even when we weren't sick, wasn't it? Hopefully you'll just have this briefly while your body adjusts and then be back feeling great again! Thinking of you trying to get ready for Jaya's party when you'd likely prefer to be camped out in bed for a few days! Hugs - Megan
from arthursmummy :
Ohhhh I think you are having a boy too! Your pregnancy is soooo similar to mine so far! I had bleeding, but loooads of it. And I had the veg and salty cravings, but more specifically it was salad and vinegraitte (sp?!) dressing. I had to have that like 5 times a day to stay sane! If I woke at 6am I had to eat some. I had morning sickness which started quite suddenly on the evening of 5w6d! Sounds just like you! Urgh, it was appalling nausea, dawn till dusk, and it lasted till about 18 weeks. I lost a lot of weight and nearly got hospitalised!! But I wasn't actually sick though (keep eating - the key is NEVER to let your tummy get empty - eat in tiny amounts constantly throughout the day, it makes the nausea more bearable). And I have me a little scrumbly boy! :) I can't imagine you having a boy at the moment though, what with you only having a lovely lil girl so far!
from mamabean :
aw... I know your bean is fine and growing in there, but don't blame you for taking a test! I think by the time I'd had my first scan with Alex I'd already taken 6 tests! You are such a good Mummy taking such good care of yourself! I bet you are already glowing, too... when's the new bump gallery going to get started? I'm dying to know what fabulous underwear combination you'll choose! (Maybe it'll give us some hint at the sex of the baby, since your lingerie in Jaya's bump gallery started and stayed pink the whole time!) I just get all butterfly-ee whenever I think of you. Pregnant again. Whoopeeeeee! :)
from hunterpoo :
OMG!!!!! I'm such a dork, I need to add this one to my favs so I can keep tabs! Congrats woman!! I must say you and Stu work FAST. hehe. Like bunnies. Hope you don't mind me adding you there! I missin' the good stuff.
from mamabean :
wow! how great that your parents appeared right in the nick of time. so happy the doctor found everything looking fine and right... sorry about the zuzzing, but you seem like a creative couple, i'm sure you'll be able to keep yourselves entertained for a few weeks! tee hee.
from mamabean :
Yay! i'm glad things are better now! Keep resting!
from mamabean :
Maybe you just irritated the now blood-rich cervix while checking it and it bled a bit? I bet that's what it is, Jemma! Keep us posted and I'll be thinking of you today. Hugs - m
from mamabean :
I am thinking I may just put ALL of my notes to you in this notes section, because I am totally dorky at times and may goof up and give something away at tequilamonky if i am not super careful. so if you see me disappear there, it's because i'm here! :) i am thinking of either locking up Panacea! or starting a new more private diary, myself!
from rdhdprincess :
Hi! Can I have the username and password?
from hunterpoo :
hey woman. =) i'm such a dork, you think you could send me the pw again? pwease.
from arthursmummy :
P.S. I added you to my favourites, but with no mention of who you are. I hope that is okay? I want to keep track of your updates! Let me know if you'd rather I didn't have you on my buddy list though...
from arthursmummy :
Wheeee, I'm the first one!!! Yay for your new diary! I love the layout. I love your openness. Thank you for letting me read it! I get Flylady's emails at the wrong times too, but I started leaving them till the relevant time during the NEXT day to open them. So I open her morning emails the next morning, instead of during the UK afternoon when they arrive! Hope that makes sense. You are so outrageous with your fuscia-pinkness!!! Hehe! (but in a nice and ultra-cool way, obviously! ;)) xx

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