messages to monogatari:
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from mylovedies :
i can.t wait to see the movie now <3
from floodtide :
Your essay on Moore's 9/11 film - especially your comments on what is efficacious or effective and what isn't in bringing about actual change - was brilliant. Thanks for sharing so much in such a cogent, thought-provoking, brilliant, clarifying way. May I share it? Love, flood
from mylovedies :
<3 random
from mylovedies :
it scares me too...probably more then you because i really fear i may be one of those people...oh and if i wanted to get by a bus..i would stand infront of one and not say it.
from mylovedies :
heh <3
from floodtide :
I'm anything but a college hipster, but I find your writing exquisite, and on many levels. However, I'm thinking this probably won't encourage you much? How discerning will you think me if I tell you I rather liked >The Corrections<? It certainly didin't strike me as hackneyed. Nonetheless I assure you I have SOME taste, and I enjoy your form, content, and style. Verisimilitude, indeed. Plus I'm broke, too. Love, flood
from mylovedies :
hope all goes well on your adventures in life...
from floodtide :
Terrific banner led me to your terrific writing; I'll be back. Love, flood
from vesselland :
clicked at your banner and now i�m here.. nice diary. keep up the good work!!
from jcruelty :
i've been amazed by the # of gonzalez signs i've seen everywhere. clearly the mission is behind him, but i don't hang out in the marina and there it may be obverse. my mailbox is filling with useless flyers so i can't wait for dec. 9th so this will end. i hope gonzalez makes it.

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