messages to monster-b:
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from raven72d :
Are you still alive out there?
from raven72d :
Comeback, little Tardigrade!
from raven72d :
do write... i do miss you!
from raven72d :
Merry Xmas, girl... And to little Tardigrade!
from raven72d :
Yay, Tardigrade!!
from raven72d :
I miss you...and little Tardigrade.
from raven72d :
Don't vanish... I miss you and Tardigrade both.
from mnvnjnsn :
I'm just now catching up on all the posts I haven't been reading, but I have tstop now and absorb your cigar box entry. I'm so sorry your father and entire family are going through this. Both my grandmothers had Alzheimer's, but I was never close enough geographically to see the devastation. It must have been so hard to write about, but you did it beautifully. Stay strong.
from raven72d :
The cigar box entry... That's heartbreaking...
from raven72d :
I have a small Saturn, too-- but mine has been vur' good. Tell Tardigrade I would be happy to ferry him around.
from raven72d :
You must update soon!
from raven72d :
I must bring him small moss cubes.
from raven72d :
What does Tardigrade like as a small treat?
from raven72d :
I'm doing well... And I look forward to your updates.
from raven72d :
All of us here at Fort Kanji hope you'll pet Tardigrade for us.
from raven72d :
Badgers are notoriously Cool. And the noun of assembly for a collection of badgers is *cete*. A *cete* of badgers. (See also Japanese tanukis) And how is Tardigrade enjoying the Year Four?
from raven72d :
I hope you and Tardigrade both have an excellent Christmas...
from raven72d :
Dust Bunny Village would be a great name for a B&B somewhere.
from raven72d :
My Evil Friend Taylor always has dreams with Pablo Picasso and Mike Tyson.
from mnvnjnsn :
Anyone who dreams of Mr. T is all right in my book!
from raven72d :
A small Party Animal water-bear!
from raven72d :
Ummmm... was Tardigrade at the Moscow party?
from raven72d :
Check the web... The Moomintroll books have wonderful animals (like the horses) and are excellent stories.
from raven72d :
Do you know the Moomintroll books?
from raven72d :
Plague... That's scary. Poor little marmots in Mongolia (and prairie dogs here) still get bubonic plague... Mainline orange juice and feel better!
from raven72d :
I understand what you mean. Watching my father become weak and worried is...sad and scary.
from raven72d :
Does Tardigrade like Hydrox?
from raven72d :
Cookies are good. I like Hydrox, esepcially.
from raven72d :
I hope things do get better.
from raven72d :
Onion rings are good.
from raven72d :
Does your friend Tardigrade enjoy vanilla milkshakes? Those are the classic treat offered a Small Messenger Capybara upon completion of his appointed rounds as Courier.
from raven72d :
Ponies!! I like them... Umm-- who is the small creature inthe drawing next to your profile? What's his Linnaean name?
from raven72d :
Look up Mashi-Maro at Google. There are sites with his video clips on line. And has Stray Sheep Poe, the coolest little Japanese sheep...
from raven72d :
Do you know Mashi-Maro, the KOrean cartoon bunny?
from raven72d :
I love the Happy Bunny!
from raven72d :
One day you'll have to send me e-mails with drawings of little Tardigrades that I can blow up into posters or stationery.
from raven72d :
Norbert is a quite pettable name. I see little waterbears with British scarves.
from raven72d :
I think we need children's books about a small child and Norvert, his waterbear friend.
from raven72d :
I discovered that there's a whole world of Tardigrada sites out there... I hope you'll post many more pictures of our small waterbear friends. Are they named Norbert?
from raven72d :
Waterbears are microscopic but most cool... They may be friends of trilobites, horseshoe crabs, giant Japanese salamanders, capybaras, and other cool aquatic friends. I must explore the world of the waterbear. Meanwhile-- feel free (and invited) to explore my site...
from raven72d :
Waterbears? Like my capybara friends? They are majorly cool...
from raven72d :
The drawings of the small creatures are wonderful. What are they? Is either an axolotl?
from mnvnjnsn :
OK, you're gonna have to sign up for AIM so we can chat. This note thing is gettin' ridiculous. I think the wind-up funny is that the duck looks drunk when he cycles, and that gets people all wound up. Right?
from mnvnjnsn :
You're never gonna believe this, but I HAVE THAT DUCK. This is eerie.
from mnvnjnsn :
So YOU'RE the fourth member of the Legion of Dim! Snicklefritz, indeed!
from mnvnjnsn :
Oh, I hate to be a stickler. But it's mnvnjnsn. My mom remembers it by thinking of Mar(N)VinJohNSoN. I don't know if that helps. Thanks, though!
from mnvnjnsn :
I'm totally living in your notebox now. Tell Momster-B that her Emvelope is in the mail ma�ana.
from mnvnjnsn :
You know, a lot of folks have diaries here because of medical problems, personal or familial. Hopefully you'll get a lot of support here. I know the "buck up, little soldier!" notes aren't usually helpful, but overall I hope it helps to know you aren't alone. I hope your mother will be OK. Should I send her an Emvelope c/o you? I've got some fun new things to include...
from mnvnjnsn :
"Leather Pants and the Waffle Problem." Oh, you're gonna be a favorite, I can tell. I was an English major too. But I'm gonna have a hard time not calling you "Pepsinovich." Sorry. Welcome to Diaryland.

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