messages to mslovejoy:
(click here to add new message):

from for-you-only :
Hey, I've had you guys linked for the last forever and a half... and I'd like a review. You said those who left a note would be reviwed faster - so here's your note.
from foreversaved :
Because you said that those who left a note would be moved to the top of the list.
from foreversaved :
Hello! I know I must have asked this a few months ago, but I'd still like a review, if you have time. Thank you in advance. I know I'm already on the pending list, but I'm just leaving a note in case you forgot.
from crazygal13 :
hey, I wants me a review. So, I'd still appreciate a review. Hope you get some reviewers. I'd offer, but I have my own site. ;)
from alicegonemad :
I would still like to be reviewed, sorry people bailed on you. Hope everything works out ok.
from faery-lights :
Hi. I requested a review a while back, and I'd still love to get one, if you can find the time. Thanks very much.
from firefirefly :
I would still like a review, even though my entry is still on the your guestbook and not on the pending list. Your review site is one of the greatest around, really, it would be such a shame that you have stopped reviewing. I love how much time and effort that you have put into each and every review. I know that sometimes it may get very frustrating, especially when there's a long pending list to be done, but don't stop!
from elfhands :
I may be the last in line right now, but if possible, I would also like to receive the review. The link will still be on the links page. Thank you.
from redness :
I also would appreciate continuing on with my review. I don't know if I ever even made it to the pending list, but I am interested. Thanks!
from foreversaved :
I'd still like a review! Thank you! You're still linked on the reviews page.
from tsilien :
I requested a review before. I'd still like it, whenever you come back. Thanks
from glaistig- :
if it would be at all possible to still have a review before everything disappears forever i would be eternally greatful.. thank you much
from mizugama :
2-5-04 - Hi, I requested back in September or October and, if possible, would like to have a review before the site should shut completely down (that's been happening around here *lot* lately). Thanks.
from dc3caliboi :
Hi. I requested a review quite some time ago, and unless I am not looking in the right place, I am not even on a pending list. Are you no longer reviewing? I'd very much like to at least know where I stand. You're on my links page and have been since I requested. Thanks.
from gnomad :
You used the word 'phylogenetically '. I am officially in love. *handsmooch*
from veryscary :
Want to meet a REAL Diaryland fucking idiot? Leave a note to the diarist at Or request at this review site.
from solitude71 :
thanks, but i don't need a review anymore.. =)
from revurswanted :
If you are looking for reviewers check us out. We're a site that deals with trying to get reviewers for sites. We just opened.
from psy-vamp :
I just wanted to say thank-you very much for the review. I totally appreciated it. I think I may do the comments popup thing. I just don't like how it refreshes to that dumb diaryland page afterward, but the popup is too small to see it. That annoys me. lol. I didn't understand this comment that you made: "(though if Y means your puss then I�m sorta grossed out�can�t you think of any better term?!)." If you're talking about the statement in which I used Y singly then it was in a different font so that it shows up as a heart, unless you don't have that font on your computer. But 99% of people have that font, because it's a default. If you can't see the heart, and only see the Y, then you've deleted the font or have a caveman-aged computer. Whatever a puss is, I wasn't talking about that. Needless to say, I was talking about my heart. Thus the heart symbol. It's all good, though. Thanks again. xo. ♥.
from brdwaybebe :
LOL Forgiven! No problem at all take your time! ;)
from strangekid :
send me a note and tell me about what you do. :) the diary/site interests me. -B-
from leonmcphelps :
It was a joke. A little Irony, give Leon some common sense credit.

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