messages to mutster101:
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from spacebabe :
I can't get into your guestbook for some reason!!! And yes, i am still reading, when I do MY intermittent entries! xx
from stupidgoose :
cool diary... like the graphics
from candoor :
yes, music, yay. someday I will have a new sound system again. until then, I vicariously listen and dream :)
from skilver :
hey, just wanted to say i completely agree with everything you've said about angel/buffy/networks etc.
from spacebabe :
I tried putting this in your guestbook about 6 times and no such luck - so here it is again!! You are SO one-track minded!!!!!! Very very predictable, LOL!! Nothing you want to know about me then apart from any girl-on-girl action which isn't going to happen??? ;)
from boxspringhog :
I like how you fight, tv/internet companies can be a bitch to deal with. I was waiting on the phone for almost 2 hours once listening to bad soft rock before they told me they couldn't do anything about my problem.
from parkplace :
Who you gunna call? GHOSTBUSTERS!
from shesadrug :
Yeah well, I feel that I should keep modest dreams for the future :)
from born-n-sin :
Nice diary
from kornrockchic :
That is a friggin awesome banner! Plus your diary is some entertaining shat. Anywho, my comment in 'nice'.
from onewetleg :
nevermind its been done
from onewetleg :
what about googlepuss?
from onewetleg :
i am very glad that your banner got approved. love,
from randomness :
you have the rockingest banner.
from dnilasor :
I guess something non-threatning. Jeeves and Wooster would be nice. Sophies world might be a cool, but brain melting book to camp out in.
from shesadrug :
Indeed, I do attempt to keep up with your entries. :) And I did get back ok... $25 less because of a mix up, but still alright. hehe
from booberella :
P.S. - I can only suspend my disbelief SO MUCH and then I call "bullshit!".
from booberella :
Yeah, file that under: "Comic books should not ALL be made into movies." Because some of them are just dumb when attempted to be translated into a semi-realistic setting.
from dnilasor :
I've got it. Mwhahahah Its twice as big as the other two though (not in length, in size of the book)
from trinabird :
(hopefully you knew this was coming...) FUCK YOU!! (love, trina)
from trinabird :
damn...why'd i put an apostrophe before the "s" in "smothers?"
from dnilasor :
damn can't sign again that fast: I think you should put it under the name in smaller letters, and have the date and time a bit smaller too. Hmm just an idea, I guess I can't really picture it.
from booberella :
you're damn right it was funny! kudos to you for promoting Bren Health and Updating Status!
from dnilasor :
I can't sign your guestbook again that fast I think the templates okay, a little more swish than before.. I think you should put the buffy ringlink above the prev and next arrows at the bottom of your entry, rather than under the green box. And I would suggest haveing a cream rather than white background (though I could be wrong about that), the white looks really white though.
from booberella :
question. a few of my friends that live in sheffield had no idea what "hooters" was when i told them it was a chain restaurant in the states. where in hell is there a hooters in the UK?
from treedancer :
greetings - as grudges go, that's a pretty good one to have ;) I like your diary.

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