messages to mybabylove:
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from preg-nancy :
I was reading some of your earlier entries and noticed that you took the baby camping around 8 weeks. How did that go? Where did she sleep? What was the overnight/daytime temperatures like? I love camping and now that spring is here, I have the camping itch. But I'm totally nervous about taking the baby out. Hope all is well. I'm still reading all of my diaryland friends but I've moved my journal over to Figured it was time to start anew as I'm no longer pregnant!
from preg-nancy :
I haven't quite got the sling down yet. I do have the Baby Bjorn and I love using it. I need to make use of it in the house. I am slowly transitioning into things. I just started actually putting her down for a nap as opposed to holding her!
from preg-nancy :
I've heard about the gripe water. What exactly does it do? Yesterday I tried Harvey Karp's method for calming babies from his book the "Happiest Baby on the Block." It actually worked like a charm, but I didn't like having to use a pacifier because she's so young. Actually I'm torn about the whole pacifier issue. As with all things baby, there's so much conflicting information about whether or not to use one. I know it should be given up by 6 months but when is it okay to start use? I don't feel too bad because breastfeeding is going really well. My only issue with breastfeeding right now is that next week I'll have to phase out my nipple shield. But even if that doesn't work, I don't mind using the shield indefinitely. We'll see.
from preg-nancy :
Thank you so much for thinking of me and lighting a candle. It must have helped because I couldn't have asked for a better birth. I believe everything went so smoothly because of all the kind people who kept us in their thoughts.

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