messages to myrealname:
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from grt8f84me :
Oh, Sis...I feel you! Just last night I broke down and started crying, because I feel like I am at the end of my rope with Hombre!And you are so right...sometimes all you can do is just breath! And talk to good friends! Keep your head up, Girl! All my love to you!
from spiritdanse :
and once you do free yourself, that freedom will be the greatest gift you've ever given yourself... YOU are beautiful and it will be amazing when you give yourself to that YOU. I believe in you, my friend and my love... I believe in you.
from minstrelite :
Hi Patti! I hope you are doing well. I got a job today as a K-8 music teacher, I'm starting on Monday. Haven't blogged lately but will soon, maybe even right now. (Just winding down at the end of the day, visiting D-Land.) Lots of work here in the Big City.
from spiritdanse :
Yeah, I'm really enjoying this you too. ;) Although... I've enjoyed every recreation of you. xxooxxoo
from twodesigns :
You're so very welcome =)
from minstrelite :
Yah, it's all good. I'm a little confounded as to whether or not to move back to the Village, and how. I'm up here now getting ready for those students, and it's just a way way mellower place to be. But I might be accompanying the opera one night a week down in town (Sunday nights) when there is no public transportation to the Village. So I'm confuzled. But thanks for the dance. Know of any musical theatre in Kansas City? I'm in a much better space. Have been, all day. I awoke after a sound sleep at a reasonably early hour in unusually good spirits. Bygones be bygones, but I'm going to go to Anger Management on Thursday. It's time. I got a job today! I was leafing through the classifieds, when the words hit me: "PIANO PLAYER." Just what I'd prayed for, just yesterday. I was thinking, "Ask and ye shall receive," so I asked God to give me a job as a piano player, and soon. I then thought, amazing! This might be the one. So I called, and it turned out to be a little preschool and Kindergarten combination school. I told them my experience and said I could come by this afternoon. Interviewed and auditioned for about an hour, including chatting with the principal and figuring out the details of my contract. Signed the contract on site, got the job. Six hours a week, twenty bucks an hour. That's like $500 a month! Doesn't seem like much, but it's not a whole lot of work either. It'll be easy and fun. So, on top of the remaining client up in the Village, my monthly income has suddenly increased to a whopping $1,120 a month! I'm already back to where I was in 1988. So I'm definitely on the upswing. Plus, this will put me back into the community. The only remaining "direction" issue is that, although the job is in town, it's situated in such a way that it's actually easier to get there by public transportation from the Village. So I still don't know whether or not I ought to move back to the Village. It'd be an easier commute. My spiritual guess is that I ought to stay where I am. I think this signifies that. I can get to the school on a single bus transfer, and it's not time-consuming. Or I could get there by bike, but I no longer have a reliable bike. This morning I got yet another flat tire! So I've officially ditched the bike idea for the time being. I can tell I'm swinging more toward receptive mode than creative mode these days. I have no writing ideas whatsoever. I'm working on a nine-page poetry project for Donald's new anthology, and you ought to contact him if you wish to contribute. He'll explain the concept. Anyway, I'm fairly into the project, but otherwise I've basically burned out creatively for the time being. Except for the nine-page poetry project, all my writing on all levels has been spontaneous and random, and my mode is to put down the pen for a while and chill and meditate. For everything there is a season. A time to sow, and a time to reap. But I'm quite thankful for the new gig! It starts on September 12th, Echo's 20th birthday. posted by starsworth at 10:30 PM on Aug 22 2005 Leave your comment You can use some HTML tags, such as <b>, <i>, <a> Choose an identity Blogger Other Anonymous Username Password No Blogger account? Sign up here. Name Your web page All of these fields are optional.
from starsworth :
Yeah, I heard you. I think so anyway. But you know what, unrelatedly, I just saw your comments on my blogspot and left a couple of replies, randomly. Meant to mention my daughter Echo lived in Missouri with my ex for a couple years at one point. Not sure where KC is, but they were more near Springfield. I haven't been in the MidWest for hecka-long, but I'd like to be sometime. Getting out of California is always nice.
from starsworth :
How did you know I went to Or did you??
from myrealname :
hahahahaha OOOOOookey dokey! :)
from minstrelite :
Just wanted to note you to let you know I got your explanatory e-mail, and I appreciate that. It's late at night now, and although I tried responding, I realized after reading it a couple times that I pretty much lack insight, other than that which you've already provided me. If I can think of anything more useful in the morning, I'll send you an e-mail before I leave for the Village.
from minstrelite :
Was just taking a look at your entry again. Your writing style is really witty. You've actually been with-holding sex to your hubby? I'm not sure I got the total gist, but it sounds like we're talking Lysistrada here, and Aristophenes, only not about war-monging, but general disregard for self-care. There's probably some deep underlying issue. Anyway, I hope it all works out for the best. By the way, my interview went really well. I'll probably post a blogspot in a bit.
from alannablue :
thanks for the shout-out. :) woooo
from minstrelite :
Thanks for the wish of luck. Hopefully I'll sleep tonight--not necessarily alone, it's starting to look like...
from lasvegasliz :
I was watching VH1 classic last night and they played a Runaways video and then Close Your Eyes Forever with Lita and Ozzy! I was happy.
from grt8f84me :
You are too funny! Thanks for the made me smile!
from grt8f84me :
Oh, please don't feel like this much longer! You were one of the first DLander to e-mail me, and you just lifted my spirits when I was feeling down. You go shake your thing, Lady, and get rid of this nasty emotion you are feeling. I am looking forward to reading more of the upbeat, encouraging, funny person I have come to know in this diary! Keep your head up, Sister!
from minstrelite :
Thanks so much for your entry in my Guestbook. I'm so glad someone bothered to read that whole thing. Anyway, I'm on my way to San Francisco. I'm going to try and stay with a friend and get a music job. I can't stand it out here anymore.
from jenniam :
sorry--that was me down there!!! :)
from dietingjenn :
you are a massage therapist? I can use one of those too, these dang boobs hurt my back!! LOL. Thanks for the advice. I bought some arch supports in the meantime and my foot, combined with some Alleve, feels better today. He really hurt me yesterday poking around it and. Thanks again!!!!
from okigiveup :
Interesting/disturbing info on Scientology:
from spiritdanse :
Awwww I hear you love... I soooo hear you and love you with all that I am.
from twodesigns :
So, you just want the image of the girl? With or without the leaf border?
from itineration :
at one point of my life, i went between six and seven months without touching anyone at all, and without anyone touching me. no bumping into someone, nothing.
from dizzy-dame :
*laugh* Thanks for the note, and glad you enjoy. You caught me in the midst of some serious writing down-time, but I'll be back to writing regularly soon. At least, I plan to.
from ines :
Hi, thanks for the note. I wouldn't wish my situation on anyone. I'm sorry you've been feeling the same. Best of luck to you, Cecilia
from myrealname :
Testes... one, two...

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