messages to n-i-n-bunny:
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from killsoft :
i only come here to listen to your music. and eat your food.
from n-i-n-bunny :
And I hope it had cooled down before he licked it. :)
from n-i-n-bunny :
Oh, y'all can have it. I was just sayin why it was that I burnt it.
from nikkifoofoo :
As good as can be expected for something that was lit on fire. I'll have him wash his lick off of it, but be prepared to be called an Indian Giver.
from n-i-n-bunny :
The ammo can has smelled like gasoline for years. Was tryin to eliminate the residue. How does it look in daylight?
from nikkifoofoo :
The mess isn't too terribly bad, but your ammo can has now fallen under the category "Gear adrift is a gift" subcategory "He tried to burn it, I don't think he wants it back." As for everything else, it'll be handled. I'm glad you got a fresh start for when you wake up this afternoon. Getting rid of shit is one of my favorite things to do. And people laugh at me because I throw everything away. : )
from seasons79 :
Months do move more quickly now, don't they? Months that bring new friends seem to be on double-time... July shows a lot of promise.
from n-i-n-bunny :
Nny is freshly showered and no longer smells like a campfire. He even has some food in his belly. He's about to head to cot, now, so he can make it to the cookout of a friend he'd blown off on Memorial Day in favor of chasing tail. Nny wonders what happened to June.
from n-i-n-bunny :
Just occured to Nny that people might be responding to his die-ary in his notes section as well.
from nikkifoofoo :
I had a hard time getting into it, but Eberron James is still my favorite basketball player.
from seasons79 :
Agreed (with Nikki)... However, she would say anything to de-plug Facebook. Psst... you could've texted me, btw. I had to assume that you disappeared into the oblivion.
from nikkifoofoo :
I can't speak for FB, but we love you here at Diaryland!
from seasons79 :
I'm with Nikki. It was a good day. Next time maybe go with a milder dish. ;o)
from nikkifoofoo :
I wasn't aware of this supposed negativity. Are you sure it wasn't just a side effect of the Juan Caliente?
from nikkifoofoo :
Our trip to Cedar Point (the girls' first) will be taking place in October. I've never seen the Hallo-Weekend so I think it'll be a fun first for us too.
from nikkifoofoo :
I watched one of those pizza challenges once. Thankfully, no one puked, but they did not finish the pizza. Later, they speculated that the problem was the cheese. Evidently the richness of provolone was too much.
from msmmack :
Ok. I'm about to call the po-pos.
from msmmack :
Where is Nny?
from msmmack :
I love the number seiben. It's fun to say--ZEEEEEBIN! Love me some German.
from onda :
Hello there! I noticed that you are a fellow JtHM fan, so I decided to check out your site. I love how it's written in third person. I'll be sure to read again! -Cortney
from msmmack :
Thank you

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