messages to n-passant:
(click here to add new message):

from sythy :
It's November, 2021. I'm here to tell you if you've given up on writing a novel, please don't. The world needs your inner world. And so do I. DAB xx
from aucrepuscule :
from jaysthoughts :
Just seeing who is actively and actually checks their notes. Peace.
from sythy :
I miss you. Sigh. The ring suits you.
from aucrepuscule :
thank you, N. don't ever stop writing for very long. your experience of things is too important to me. please... -hayley
from hider :
you hurt my heart today
from hlao-roo :
more updates please! -urs
from hider :
welcome back
from sythy :
Oh, Nicholas: "Emotional cannibalism - it passes the evenings." How awful. ;)
from hider :
from sythy :
I love you, darling.
from hider :
the fact that a writer as prolific as yourself would even read my diary is flattering but to be listed as a favorite, that in my eyes is a fucking achievement. thank you.
from xkamilx :
Still watching You, interested and impressed. The very Best, k
from ashesraven :
If you don't write soon i may cry
from mi-contra-fa :
Thank you. (Reciprocated, in the hope that you will spare some smoking time to write again in the not too distant future.)
from ashesraven :
don't bother reading it, pointless ramblings of a lonely idiot you should read gallinula's they're good worth something -blah
from ashesraven :
i just found you please don't go
from mi-contra-fa :
I challenge you: giving up writing is like giving up cigarettes.
from gallinula :
How are you lately?
from zemphera :
And now, utilizing the full potential of my undoubted creepiness, I admit that I have read a myriad of entries and have only one question: Pretty GEORGIAN girls? Someone knows my heritage?! (We mean the Republic, I assume...) That was, in fact, two questions. Apologies.
from zemphera :
Yet another example of a member of a club I want to be in: Are there any breaks for Russians if they want to enter the intelligentsia..?
from gallinula :
I enjoy reading you aloud. You are insanely good to the writing marrows.
from bonkersquipy :
welcome to the nabokov diaryring...and thanks for joining...
from blackshirt :
i absolutely love your writing. as pedestrian as that seems, it was just the right things to put here.
from arsenic :
N, do you try to attract fans of the bands you list purely for the satisfaction of snubbing them? I strongly suspect you of this, you rascal. Hang on to your virtual metapersona, for I am *coming to get you drunk*. Yessirree... x
from n-passant :
Messages are appreciated.

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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