messages to ncrebel21:
(click here to add new message):

from fat-teen :
Thanks, I'll look into that! Right now I'm just writing down everything that goes into my mouth, but that sounds interesting. :)
from talktogod :
Thank you for your nice comment. I agree with you 100%. And yes, the "Evil Empire" is, indeed, the Yankees.
from invisibledon :
happy holidays- to you and your sister too
from asdotcom :
That might be the best compliment anyone's ever given me. Thank you.
from invisibledon :
have a great weekend !!!! tell your sister too ! ciao
from tom-seb-jak :
from advice-4-you :
need advice? visit my profile to see how i can help you!
from geeky-kiki :
Hi-- you've listed me as a favorite, but geeky-kiki is dead! If you're still interested, I can be found at Thanks!
from rockysalsa :
I noticed that you joined a book club ring, have you read the davinci code by chance? or seen the movie? It's good stuff about the holy grail.
from adiershs2005 :
That is so cool it is always exciting to know that there is someone in the same state,let alone in the same county! Well just to let you know I am going to add you do my buddy list to keep up with ya if that is ok!! ~Adie
from gurkindurkin :
Wanted to say hello, and thanks for thanking me that I joined your Monty Phython ring. I love Monty Phython!
from adiershs2005 :
Hey I saw that you were in the Ncarolina diaryring and I was just wondering where in Nc are you from? Cause I am from Richmond county. Well send me a message back.Thanks ~Adie
from punkyfaerie :
Please Update your diary!
from invisibledon :
Happy Holidays -2003
from balletbunny :
from balletbunny :
p.s. ur profile says u like the rolling stones. well my dad was recently in hong kong and he could see the amphitheater and hear thier entire concert from his hotel. how kewl is that?!
from balletbunny :
yeah, no joke! i luv that show. I watch it all the time. i luv cosmo the best. my friends say i act like him and i quote him like all the time. i leave u with this thought "the muffin is not picky. nor is it tasty, but it is powerful. all hale the muffin!"
from rockysalsa :
Good morning! I'm glad you enjoyed that little snipit! My friends send me crazy stuff!
from rockysalsa :
Thanks! You should hear my outrageous accent!
from invisibledon :
Happy Halloween 03
from alwayslolita :
hey, thanks for signing my notes, your survey was fun. it's not sad for owning the action figures, in fact. i just bought 9 she-ra action figures from ebay! nine!!! so i guess i'm pretty sad myself.
from geeky-kiki :
I will totally update when I am home. Absolutely. Oh, and PPS: Christina Aguilera
from asdotcom :
It's not you. It's him. It doesn't make dialing physically painful... it makes talking on the phone physically painful because of the inability to say anything intelligent (or sometimes anything at all) into the receiver. It's actually not a gene, it's a chromosone.
from geeky-kiki :
I don't know what's taken ME so long to get with it, but I'm totally feeling your layout too! ("totally feeling"? Did I just type that?) Anyway, fabulous musical tastes you have, as well
from rumblelizard :
Hey, thanks! Sifl & Olly ROCK. Hope to see you again!
from invisibledon :
oh and the Justaboutsex one too - Jackpot on my end. sorry about getting you all ah... well you know with the questions
from invisibledon :
Wow and the ruethical in the same day
from invisibledon :
thanks for doing the oddsandend survey - John CLeese as god too funny
from invisibledon :
thanks for doing my iwasbored survey- I was drunk too but that's neither her nor there
from invisibledon :
thanks for doing my noreally survey and for doing all the questions this time it gives me something to do at work
from invisibledon :
thanks for doing my survey - why didn't you answer all the questions? and you don't like the bikini photo?
from asdotcom :
I just read your post about house guests and man, that' happens too often! I had a houseguest once that bought her train ticket to see me, but after that didn't pay for a /thing/. I paid for all her meals and everything we did together -- including an expensive trip to New York! Not only did she not even /offer/ to pay for anything, she also only thanked me after paying for her stuff once or twice. Man, that was lame. /rant
from prowlingleo :
Just wanted to say thanks for signing the guestbook for Lucy's birthday!
from crackheadred :
man...i dont know why i didnt add it to my list (i did now) im up to 31 words...yay!
from aura-chic :
hey sis, did you realize that i started this dland thing WAY after you, and i have put in more entries than you.... what are you waiting on.... you're gonna have to do two a day from now on..... you should be like way ahead of'm just playin with said that i never signed anything now i'm signing away!!lol
from aura-chic :
girllllllllll thanks for gettin right on that!! and tell him he's gotta keep up with us.... as in update, update a lot...ok not a lot HE actually has a life.....*sigh*
from aura-chic :
griiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllllll, y haven't you put chad on yer faves yet? oh yeah tell boy to turn on his notes!!!! haha
from crackheadred :
DOOOOOOOOOOD!! my bad!! i fixed it! ~hiding in shame~

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