messages to ndthsmdy:
(click here to add new message):

from f-i-n :
No. I haven't read it. But we read a Doll's House for English class and that was good.
from banefulvenus :
loved your banner... great site!
from wilberteets :
One day, when you are really feeling like dying, just be really really obnoxious so someone will actually murder you. That way, you get your wish, without having to go down in history as a pitiful suicide. You have too much intellectual capability to do the whole lame suicide route. I like your diary. And the pictures are gorgeous.
from ashtraygurl :
thanks, you're not so bad yourself! :)
from ashtraygurl :
your title quotes my favorite song. wonderful diary.
from homerismygod :
me likey. ummm..yea
from poison-words :
i love you.
from tokana :
It's not about validation. It's about reciprocation. Thanks for the intended encouragment thought. :)
from sourballs123 :
or do u have to a gold thing
from sourballs123 :
hey how do u put pictures in ur entry if u kno how tel me if u dont dont talk to me
from tokana :
Intriguing � you�re way of expressing yourself is amazingly uncluttered. I�ll be back for more.
from a-nymph :
I like your picture-a-day and right-to-a-point style
from sylviashadow :
Welcome to ladylazurus--the original sylvia plath ring on d-land!--sylviashadow,ringleader

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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