messages to neuroticgirl:
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from milkmaid :
Heh... I got a nasty GB message last week from someone "in the past" too. Maybe it's the same demented nutcase who wrote me. Only I know who mine was. I think she's finally torn her tether completely. At any rate, I'm going to have to check out your Blog on knitting. since I'm trying to get a collection of really cool scarves going for wintertime.
from opopopo :
your melting showcase of tarnished clapping is exuberantly a neon flask!
from powercut :
ullhave to get used to diet coke its 0points isnt it? my mums on WW too i tried once but i hated having to count like the sugar in the coffee and the oil in the salad haha
from lenecamilla :
I've been meaning to leave a few words for a while, but you know how it is.... To be honest, it feels totally weird to comment on somebody's diary, so I'll just pretend I'm not actually doing that. The fun thing is that even though I am not married myself, and don't have children, I can relate to so much of the things you say (the difference is that you say it in a funny way... I'm no good with words). Argh... this turned out way longer than planned - sorry about that. Take care!
from ihadbighair :
Yes! We do the same exact thing. It is sooo nice to know I'm not the <i>only</i> fruit loop out there. Have a great weekend! P.S. Give that baby a kiss for me.
from tattoobelly :
Hey, re: the beer, I recommend Red Oak Lager. It is my current favorite, and hopefully it is available in Florida. Over.
from trulypoetic :
You don't know me. I don't know you. But I just read a large portion of your diary and I have and somewhat am where you are. If you would like to chat, talk or hear my story...just contact me. Other than that...I'll be respectful and say "its not easy being married" and "its not easy trying to be unmarried". Good luck.
from tattoobelly :
Congratulations! He's gorgeous!!!!
from medicated :
your layout goes great w/ the fact that you're having a baby! but i bet that was the point...anyway, very cute and good luck ;)
from barenaked500 :
you have the cutest layout ever!! ill be back...

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