messages to ninepoems:
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from trulypoetic :
came around to check on ya ...and I can't....hope you are well :-)
from calendonia :
hello! :) thanks for stopping by... i hope the brownies turn out alright for you. i just ate one. :) oh, and by the way, i have to agree that ewan mcgregor is an absolutely beautiful man! cheers!
from wonderwall :
russell is damn sexy, there's no two ways about it. i think it's the fact that he's so intense, i dunno. but i feel ya :) have you seen "a beautiful mind"? it's so amazing. "you are the reason i'm here. you are all of my reasons." by the way, i taped the ewan thing as well. i loved the whole damn thing. he is so much fun. maybe you'll run into him on your trip. :) (which i am so jealous of!) think i could fit in your suitcase?
from wonderwall :
i'm sorry to break the bad news about ewan. isn't he beautiful? did you see the special on E! "ewan macgregor: revealed"? it was brilliant. thanks for your kind words- the thing about being hopelessly in love is i'm sure i'll always have plenty to write about. i'm going to add you to my favorites :) see you around!
from trulypoetic :
"When the Stars.." is my all around favorite song for this past year after "You Won't Ever Be Lonely" by Andy Griggs for obvious "him" reasons. The way "him" sings it to makes me cry everytime.
from trulypoetic :
awwww I just noticed you added my bud Mad to ya list! You rock. Um..and can I borrow that sign? I need one that says "I'm not fucking here today!" teehee...
from trulypoetic :
Ryan Adams is god in another galaxy I think.
from trulypoetic :
shopgirl is a cool book
from trulypoetic :
I just moved.
from poetical :
Happy Holidays my fellow ink And may your New Year be blissful to the brink.
from poetical :
Thornbirds fantasy.....tee hee...I thought I was the only one that couldn't get that movie out of my system.
from poetical :
Tom McRae is awesome. Check for the entry in my diary about his CD. Go buy the entire thing. Trust me on this! It's awesome stuff.
from poetical :
diggin' the updated rock!
from poetical :
you did it again with that Stevie Nicks quote. It's so right on for my day. Thanks.
from poetical :
thanks for the didn't have to do that...but it was nice too. "Every poet is a thief" I agree! We know what to steal and what to leave behind.
from poetical :
welcome to diaryland....I look forward to reading more. Your poetry site is awesome. I loved this...I think I'll be reading it for the rest of the day. I'm gonna mention ya on my diary...hope it's ok. If not send me hate mail and I'll remove it!!!
from ninepoems :
Hi! Leave me a note!!!! And I'll look at your diary.

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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