messages to nocalgal:
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from ohpeanut :
i just did your survey after 9/11.. feel free to read my answer. you'll probably hate me. i've got a question. what do you think about the war? i bet you think it was horrible a bunch of people died for a cause they had no part in. right? and that, america is under attack by all these "terrorists", right? and that, your country needs to do anything and everything to protect itself from these people? i don't disagree fully, nope, not really... but you're not looking at this from all sides. your survey was so freakin biased it made me want to puke. you should read up on the war going on, and not watch so much cnn. btw, cnn is affiliated with the whitehouse, what does that say to you?
from elberry :
Merry Christmas
from mandypandy83 :
For your after911 survey:
from elberry :
Hugely impressed by your! I'd like lessons (smiling) Enjoyed it lots....Come visit.....another cat person.
from orinna :
Thanks for the positive view�I�m probably pretty good, but my principles are better than I am, so if I�m reflecting on the nature of therapy, you probably won�t see my mistakes, and my moments of arrogant judgement. We�re all human, and have our blind spots. In theory, we don�t judge. In practice we do.
from orinna :
Hello. It�s good to find other diarylanders who can remember the 60s & 70s.

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