messages to oldjake:
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from minstrelite :
I am wondering how Old Jake is doing, either here on Earth or in Heaven - it would be good to know, as I used to read these posts daily. If you get these posts, clue me in. Thank you and may God bless you always. - Andy
from talktogod :
Merry Christmas, oldjake!
from minstrelite : I finally decided I had to open up and be accountable to somebody. This is like what happened a couple years ago. I gotta nip it in the bud before it gets as bad as it was then, to where I didn't even think I was a Christian anymore, or that I even ought to be one. I think I've grown since then, but one of the ways I've grown is that I believe there's help available. I just gotta find it. Please pray for me.
from minstrelite :
I'll send you an email with the user/pass. The first of the two August 19th entries in conjunction with the morning entry of August 20th is pretty much where I'm at.
from neeeeek :
Man, you kinda got your head in the clouds. Well, yeah, if that Jesus idea works for ya...I think we should less talk about it and rather take action for those who need our support.
from requiel :
HA!!! That made me laugh so hard! I don't know if that is the same thing. Being married to a horny guy for the last 18 years my mind is frequently dragged through the gutter but I didn't even think of that one! So funny. Thanks for stopping by, come back anytime!
from minstrelite :
I just collected my notes. Not sure why you couldn't get into my diary in July, but just a day or two ago I locked it again so I could discuss some issues more freely (in which it becomes burdensome not to allude to certain people and places in my professional life.) I'm doing all right, though broke and challenged. I'm starting to become more involved with my church. I'll send you an invite to my diary in a minute or two. Thanks for noting me, Jake, and God bless.
from minstrelite :
I liked your entry about His voice too, how His sheep hear His voice, and it's not possible for anyone to pluck any of His sheep out of His hand. That is a great comfort. I'm really glad you're writing again.
from minstrelite :
Wow, what a great entry! (The one about covetousness.) I liked it so much, in fact, I bookmarked it so I can read it again when I come home from worship practice tonight. It's making me think about all the things I might be coveting...
from minstrelite :
i just locked my diary, so plz e-mail me for the username password combination
from minstrelite :
Hey Old Jake. I got your comment, and left a comment on the thread. I'm not really looking for an "answer" there, in the way that the Lord is the answer, but I still think there's something to that stuff. Anyway, I've been trying to get ahold of you about something. I talked to Waldenponder about it. Is there a way to reach you by e-mail?
from waldenponder :
Oldjake, I'm still kicking-and screaming. New house, baby on the way, studying Hebrew trying to avoid flunking graduate courses, keeping the constituency happy, stormchasing. Thanks for the kickstart. I will leave an entry today. -Walden
from moodymelinda :
hi there. i just stumbled across your diary, its interesting, i will be back. :-)
from nuntobe :
Thanks for adding me as a favorite, I really appreciate it. Umm, I don't really know much about you, but I will start to read your diary now. Thanks again, and May God Bless.
from nuntobe :
Thanks for the note, it meant alot to me. I will write more later, but I have to get ready for my weekend with God. Bye
from waldenponder :
Thanks Old Jake for putting me on your list. I think it's cool that you are a Colordoan. I take it you are not a front ranger. My friend could do that photo reading too. He picked it up late in life, so I imagine you could relearn it easily enough. I wish I could do it. I am as slow as mud when it comes to reading books. Take Care. In Christ, Walden ponder
from babysoft :
Hi Jake how are you? This is your new friend Donna. I've been trying to get stuff together for a garage sale. but everything seems to happen when ever i make a effort. Well thats the way it goes. :-)
from babysoft :
That makes you very wise not old jake. can i add you to my buddy list?
from babysoft :
how old are you jake? I like your profile. alot of young ones here lol

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