messages to onthe1ns1de:
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from jaysthoughts :
Hello again.
from jaysthoughts :
What a field of ghosts this world has become..
from lobo21 :
Hey there. Been some time since I've posted a note. Hope you are well. Sounds like you'll be having a nice sprucing up going into the holidays. Take care.
from wtng4lezlie :
The wake board comment reminds me of a time I was jet skiing out on the lake and made the mistake of a sharp turn at full speed.. it's harder to judge speed out on the water. I don't even remember hitting.. Just realizing that my whole left side stung and that.. about twelve feet above me.. at the surface of the water.. my jet skii was circling into the distance, kill cord still attached.
from svenhard :
ah, scratch the last question, i just saw an earlier post where you say you're going, 'dam is good, delft is dull, you can't touch the stones at the henge, but Bath is pretty since you're out that way
from svenhard :
o hai if not too inpertinent a question, where you visiting in the uk ? thnx
from lobo21 :
yes, I remember that feeling of having someone beside me. I miss it too, though I'm trying hard to convince myself I don't. lol not doing a very good job at the moment.
from lobo21 :
yes, I remember that feeling of having someone beside me. I miss it too, though I'm trying hard to convince myself I don't. lol not doing a very good job at the moment.
from lobo21 :
Europe you say, well how very nice! Here's to the great time you are about to embark on. All the best!
from lobo21 :
Hope your grandpa continues to improve.
from lobo21 :
Well a most Happy Birthday too you, and here is hoping you have a fantastic day!!!
from lobo21 :
It is going to be a spectacular day and the media will cover it to death. It's just what they do. With all the partying and speeches I've caught in the last day or so I actually thought the inauguration happened yesterday. Silly me, who knew this was a 3 month long celebration. I like your insight on how if you're a very special orator and have t he ability to win people over at the right time, which this clearly was for Obama, then you have things really open up to implement yours or your party's agenda. It is so great to see how people have rallied around him and the support he has taking leadership. Unlike our own figure head who is going to spend most of his elected days just battling to stay in office never mind trying to run our country. Let's hope that isn't the case in the months to come.
from lobo21 :
I am always up for an election. :) In this case though, I'd rather see the govenor general disolve parliament for a month, get us through the holidays, allow the current goverment a chance to come back with a fresh approach and then if the opposition sides still decide a vote a no confidence is in order, then let's go back to the polls. I think anytime something gets us talking and thinking about our politics, it can't entirely be a bad thing. I mean in Harper's first go round you hardly heard a thing of any real interest come out of Ottawa. Now it's on the front page most days. Interesting times.
from lobo21 :
ohh but isn't Canadian politics fun? Who said our politicians are boring? Hmmm looks like we're going to have a three headed monster running the country. On the other hand when was the last time you got to vote twice in under a year?
from neeeeek :
Nietzzzzzzzzs Che I meant to say.
from neeeeek :
I can't really share your appreciation for Nietsche. His ideas are definitely negative often. But what concerns Christianity: the cruxification idea is a bit crazy, but the idea "Love thee next" ain't that bad... a similar idea that can be found in other religions like the buddhist "buddyhood" / common suffering idea. Whatever. Take it easy. Best wishes, me : - ) P.D. Funny, how many religions got contradictory ideas
from exo-skeleton :
well well if it isn't my mistress who i love very very much. ummmmmm.... 41 days and counting!
from cdghost :
enjoyed your words and layout
from evilangel21 :
Lol, thanks. Sorry, I just randomly felt like talking to someone..I have issues..With stuff.
from evilangel21 :
Hiiiii! Your profile looked kool..
from roomglowsred :
hey. Add me as a friend.

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