messages to orange2o:
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from fortybuddies :
I am positive you are giving your mom a lifetime of wonderful memories.
from spritopias :
Dude, TV is the Devil
from sunnflower :
Walks are good!
from spritopias :
yeah, try not to hit mail boxes either.
from forty-plus :
Hope your V-Day was fun!
from forty-plus :
Fun stuff! Hope your butt feels better very soon!
from spritopias :
I can't believe I use the word "dude" so much. Don't break your tailbone, that's a tale no one wants to hear!
from ghostiness :
Aw, thanks for adding me to your favorites. *blush* Compliments make me nervous. Hee. Dude, I just saw that you like Secondhand Lions. That rocks. Keep bein' cool :)
from forty-plus :
Sorry about your glass. A bummer and a mess. I shattered a glass coffee table in my living room last week and the glass went EVERYWHERE! Hope this week has been much better for you.
from spritopias :
little dude, mother knows best, that's something to never, ever forget.
from forty-plus :
Happy New Year!
from sunnflower :
Have an amazing New Year!!!
from forty-plus :
Good for you striving to better your grades! I hope you are well rewarded for your efforts.
from spritopias :
good job on the grades kid, and remember that while gym teachers aren't really people they think they are so be mindful of their sensibilities!
from forty-plus :
Happy Thanksgiving Day! Go give your mom a hug, she'll appreciate it! Have a great day.
from sunnflower :
I wish I could paint a bear!
from spritopias :
I was going to ask you about a noise my car was making but then I realized it had more to do with 'poor taste in music' than 'mechanical failure'
from sunnflower :
You have much bigger adventures than I ever had in high school.
from spritopias :
I just got done brushing my teeth with my new orange toothpaste, undoubtably inspired by your diary layout.
from spritopias :
I wish I had taken a class on fixing cars instead of being the world's largest auto ignoramous. I cannot even describe the funny noise it is making well enough to help the mechanic out.
from sunnflower :
Hi from Suburban Island and thanks for adding my diary to your Diaryland favorites list. I'm looking forward to reading more of your diary. Love the oranges!

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