messages to othelladub:
(click here to add new message):

from southeast :
yes send it please! i will fo sho check yr space out. and its southeast/hug if you want to catch up on yesteryear.
from mangotuesday :
you're back! [its southeast.] so funny. i was just looking at the comic you sent me from yesteryear! hope all is well my friend.
from southeast :
othelladubhowareyou. thesedays.
from lulublu :
you should talk to me more.
from lulublu :
What are you doing for thanksgiving and christmas?
from lulublu :
I read straight dope...I appreciate you. Please call me...I want to know how you are....
from gallinula :
Oh shit, y'know, I didn't stop to note that as I was reliving yesterday's shite while reading your entry, "All the Real Girls" is on right on cable behind me right now. Don't you hate it when basic programming knows when to play the stuff that's eating you alive?
from gallinula :
"She was always interesting to me, even when I felt a violent distaste for her frequent forays into superficiality. " Hear, hear. This is what I had to fucking go through all because I'm too lame to draw the line at dating anyone under drinking age. This is what I get, dude. Hey you know what? I might be moving out to LA if I get this fellowship thing at ABC. So cross fingers for me, Brian, I'd appreciate the hell out of it. We can scope chicks at La Luz De Jesus.
from gallinula :
Heh. . . thanksformakingmetangible, Magick, Ineededthat. So this afternoon I stole a peek at the new Zadie. Have you? I likes enough of it to keep reading, moreso than I did "Autograph Man", which came at a time when I was truly being difficult and should've just bit the bullet and gone on. Take care, be well.
from lulublu :
Why don't you miss me?
from lulublu :
Are you among the land of the living?
from gallinula :
Man, since Zooey was my girl, I got to see for myself what's up with Lords of Dogtown, why that America could ever sway you from a Deschanel sister. Oh hey, I was meaning to ask if you'd ever picked up a copy of "Desperation Jones". Killer comic . . .
from lulublu :
So are you going to be near to me soon?
from lulublu :
BJA.....U miss me, I know you P.S. I agree with mangotuesday, she is darling.
from mangotuesday :
but zooey is darling. xoxo.
from lulublu :
lol....Poor Zooey's already out the door eh?
from lulublu :
Hi mi amor! I hope you realize how talented you are.....your b-day is looming, I'm going to send you something, but it will pbably be late.....
from lulublu :
HAHAHAH! OH I needed that laugh. You're hilarious.
from lulublu :
Are you aliiive? You should call me so that I
from lulublu :
hi love~ what's goin' down?
from southeast :
i did too. and i passworded you. love and paper airplanes.
from seadreamz :
I prayed for your detangled tension. I need the favor returned no sooner than Thursday morning. Is all ok up in North C A?
from southeast :
for you for you. what's your email address?
from lulublu :
I can't sleep. And that's making me sad.
from lulublu :
from lulublu :
from redalert :
done andddddddddddddddd done.
from lulublu :
Where's the sound effects? It's just not the same w/o IM sound effects.....
from lulublu :
Jude Law indeed! lol....Happy Valentimes Day love!
from southeast :
hi you. with your dayglo notes. that make things brighter. do you like elliott smith?
from othelladub :
why are bitches so mean? for reals. fucked up, even when what they say is true.
from lulublu :
Is it me? Is IT ME!!!!!? sigh, it's not me is
from lulublu :
Petey Pablo? I'm not sure I even want to know....and, you have a MYSPACE name? Interesting....
from suta :
Hiya! I like your writing-style. *smirks* Actually, that's all I wanted to say... ^^ Have a nice day!
from southeast :
a note and a smile. didn't you just make my day. zadie smith and eternal sunshine. all my love and rockets.
from koreamatron :
hey! what's your myspace name?
from majnoon :
Just wanted to send you a howdy. Simple hellos and congrats are often overlooked. I'd also like to say congrats on Jan 9th's entry...very abstract in a wise enlightening way.
from candoor :
happy new year :)
from shoot-down :
thankyou for the lovely note. i though no one really cared these days. <3
from girlslife :
from moviejunkie :
Yeah, your wal-mart poem. Haha. I remember that. It was a looong time ago wasn't it?? Anyway, thanks for signing my guestbook and shit. This is me 'dropping you a line.' Merry Christmas. Dary
from lulublu :
learning is a process of repetition.
from lulublu :
hey, are you in Mod-town, or H of B?
from lulublu :
hiya buddy. I miss ya! hope all is copacetic....
from koreamatron :
hey, yeah. i agree with you, and lately, eminem. it still seems better to elect a man who hasn't yet committed the crime than to re-elect a man who already has and has made it clear that he will continue to do so. depression going away?
from girlslife :
Jimmy Carter is my hero.
from girlslife :
Hey~ Gentile Seth-alike, 11-4-04!!!
from addieplum :
where, indeed?
from koreamatron :
i really appreciate this entry. there were a lot of things that you wrote that i connected with.
from koreamatron :
"don't hate the playa', hate the game."
from smurphy21 :
Tell you what, tho I am almost non existant nowadays, hit me up in email and if you haven't gotten The Dark Crystal on dvd yet, it will be your early xmas present. [email protected] TOODLES!! ps dont read my diary for the next couple of entries if you are prone to sadness and depression. adios.
from koreamatron :
i love that you love alice walker.
from koreamatron :
did you go to chico state?
from koreamatron :
hey- went to the site. so, is your character portrayal a caricature? heh. anyway, chico would definately be graced by your presence. maybe i'll grace it with mine as well. i'm currently a fugitive in korea.
from lulublu :
are you there yet?
from girlslife :
There, I filled out two. Now, if you will excuse me, I must lower the fragrance level of my Glade Plug In air freshener.
from girlslife :
arg yourself
from lulublu :
I thought of you tonite b/c I saw Incubus at the Forum, and he did a rendition of "Milk Shake" And even tho I hate that Effin song it makes me laugh 'cause i think of you...LOL
from seadreamz :
Where you been? Werent you to be visiting these parts sometime?
from hamiltonian :
hey to you too
from lulublu :
hey you.....Y tu was indeed cine bella....did you have a good time in SD? Sorry I didn't get to see ya...hope all is well! P.S. My middle name is cool am I? ;p
from seadreamz :
I went to Newport Beach for the weekend. Thought of you being in the OC and all.
from koreamatron :
yeah, y tu mama tambien was the shit.
from koreamatron :
thanks for the note, and for reading : ) As for my dad, it's not that i think he's an idiot for having rightist politics, i think that the way he spends his money is unconscious. i think that his attitude that "poor people earn poverty and rich people earn wealth" is dehumanizing on so many levels, and is part of the "problem". i would love to speak with my father about socio-politics, but the family bb-que is the wrong time and place for it. the two of us are also too stubborn and tempermental to listen rationally to each other. i agree with you, though, that people will disagree with me, and will for whatever reason. ultimately, i think that if disagreement is thinking that only a small elite percentage of the world population has the right to enjoy the fruits of life beyond survival, then fuck 'em. they're wrong. okay. i'm obviously preaching to the choir.
from inelysium :
"good point you make about psychology." thanks
from koreamatron :
where you been?
from darceek :
Oh, why thank you! <33
from babigurl4456 :
nothing bacon... yeah... so what's up with you? or... yeah... im not that big into yellowcard... just so you know...
from girlslife :
seen it. maybe love actually, i recall you prasing it highly.
from xshebreaks :
haha. really? it looks kind of like a water gun to me. :)
from seadreamz :
Love Actually is one of my new favorite movies... and while you mentioned some of the tracks Im not too sure you own the soundtrack, which you should.
from girlslife :
That was a fantastic shirt. Clothes can make the man.
from seadreamz :
ANOTHER random note. Why? Because you always IM me while I am away. So I note you while you are away. Consider yourself noted.
from seadreamz :
Hullo its me. Very much leaving you a note in a random fashion. Why? Because Im an insomniac with sadly nothing better to do.
from lulublu :
hi sir! Just wanted to see how you were doing!
from koreamatron :
thanks : )
from lulublu :
Oops....that's right. Don't I feel silly.....
from lulublu :
OOH! Your sister's stuff make me smile.
from majnoon :
Still diggin' your wordin'. Your thoughts fleet and shift around concepts and images cool. BTW eveytime I read and that music player is linked shuts down my browser.
from the-clan :
NINJA: Hells yeah, it's comin' dawg! 'Bout time too.
from mandahm :
from falllikewind :
Hey... don'tbe sad. But then again, I'm sad too, so why should I tell you not to be?
from lulublu :
So I should be reviewing for for my exam right now, but I'm singing along to Jeff Buckley instead. Which reminded me of you, b/c i think you'd dig him....okay mi amor, i will talk at ya later....
from lulublu :
Hey! what's going on? Miss ya? Hope that the educating of Mod's youth is going well....
from sunnflower :
Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs is one of my favorites too but even better is a book called The Big Orange Splot. Me - I like Scope. Although the new orange flavored Listerine may be okay. Hmmm. Interesting question.
from asdotcom :
Yeah, right, like I could choose a favorite cereal. Why don't you just ask me to pick a favorite parent or sibling while you're at it. The last cereal I bought was Cookie Crisp and Honey Nut Clusters. Does that help?
from peth :
oh, I dig on Raisin Bran. And I love childrens books, especially William Steig books. And I need to start White Teeth, a friend loaned it to me....
from seadreamz :
reading through back entries. Very much dig 02/22.
from koreamatron :
friendster- it's worth it if your friends actually do it.
from peth :
yes, I live in New Jersey, where all the 'tards dwell. I'm a suburban gal with a station wagon and soccer playing rugrats and a subscription to better homes and gardens. I am not cool enough for Philly, plus I get nervous when I have to park in the city, so I just simply stay away. But I do love me some Iverson, and I refuse to let go.
from addieplum :
no, peth does not live in philly. right now we both live NEAR philly. very near. but not IN. she will be staying with her Flame, i expect, and i will be moving in with fogies.
from addieplum :
why NOT philly? it's easy for me to get to work, it's a cool neighborhood, and i need a total change of scenery.
from addieplum :
it just gets madder and madder all the time, my life.
from addieplum :
yes, noodle away with the colors! i quite liked that last entry too...i think everyone was feeling the same way this weekend.
from peth :
color who? do you mean tag-board color? when you log in to, there's a spot where you can noodle with all of that. color!
from koreamatron :
hey- whoa, that's so weird. i was invited to go to that thing in san francisco with one of my comic artist friend people, but i had band practice. our own art first, eh? anyway, it's cold and rainy on and off- i'm always in suspense in the morning before i open the drapes. the lemon tree in the backyard looks vibrant as fuck under the overcast skies. yeah, they're the best. glad you had a blast. btw- do you do the friendster thing?
from peth :
ooh la la, Dame Darcy.
from peth :
oh black velvet, sooner has gotten a new job, and has updated his diary, and it makes me oh so happy. and iverson has not been traded, and that makes me even more happy!
from candoor :
This is a test. (beep) This is a test of the Emergency Valentine's Day System. (EVS) This test is to see if leaving notes around DLand will make this a wonderful day (and weekend) in spite of not particularly being with anyone romantically at the moment. (ummm) May the results be that all this love in my heart found some productive use. (smile) And maybe a giggle or few (Happy V-Day from my other persona too :)
from lulublu :
So apparently I'm a Low-Fidelity-Allstar Where are ya? I miss ya!
from koreamatron :
it's cold as fuck. wet, cold, and dark. but i like it. the play got postponed until the spring. trouble with the law (doh). but it's all good. still thinking of visiting?
from thespark :
I run a diaryring/community. I'd like for you to join the ring. E-mail me if you're interested: [email protected].
from star-saphire :
from trapidi :
why is there a pic of mac and cheese on your page about lebians...r u saying that mac and cheese is a lesbian food!!!
from for-you-only :
Your entries are interesting. I looked at your profile and found I knew what none of your favorites are... I clicked on your banner, cause it seemed interesting. (I've seen 5 cool banners today, and yet yours has been the only one I clicked on...) I think I'm truly in love for the first time right now. I've never gotten to the point where I'm never sick of seeing someone, where I can't stay mad in the least, where I don't want to even look at other guys. Maybe I'm just crazy... But he feels the same about me. :) I wish everyone could feel the happiness I feel with him. Everyone needs love like that.
from pantypulldwn :
love is way over rated anyway, once you've hit love you're at the top of the emotions chart, you have no where else to go after that except down, you know?
from lulublu :
hey, we're like holiday too bad niether one of us can fly...
from koreamatron :
yeah, the messenger messages (blasfemmeity). password thingy- i'm going to unlock it soon. ; p hope you're enjoying socal.
from koreamatron :
i really liked your blue glue entry. thanks. btw- are you getting my yahoo messages, or am i on crack?
from gallinula :
That was cool. Thanks. I don't really care much for the Rolling Stones, but I know there's something about iconic achievement somewhere in there. Heh.
from psychefox :
so when do we start with the wedding plans?
from seadreamz :
Im flattered that you consider me platinum. Mucho props on hoping your ex is happy. Coming south for the holidays perhaps?
from iluverica :
Why should I?
from lulublu :
from jason75 :
everything goes better with vodka
from en-trance :
now i feel dumb cuz i see that posted 3 times and i have no clue how that happened, sorry
from en-trance :
you may find this corny but i just read your blue glue entry with the middle plaing over it and it was just what i needed to read and hear at this time... i just wanted to say thank you and if you think this note is dumb, oh well, thats how i feel... cheers! chris!
from en-trance :
you may find this corny but i just read your blue glue entry with the middle plaing over it and it was just what i needed to read and hear at this time... i just wanted to say thank you and if you think this note is dumb, oh well, thats how i feel... cheers! chris!
from en-trance :
you may find this corny but i just read your blue glue entry with the middle plaing over it and it was just what i needed to read and hear at this time... i just wanted to say thank you and if you think this note is dumb, oh well, thats how i feel... cheers! chris!
from psychefox :
yeah did mention merle haggard...unless you were being sarcastic in which case i swear ill punch you in the face
from candoor :
I came, I read, I laughed, I cried, I wondered why.
from lulublu :
WOO! I have finished the semester from HELL! Yay for me! Where are you? Where have you gone? Why are you not here to celebrate conmigo? Perhaps you are off conquering the world.....
from justenough :
pretty diary <3
from thevow :
Wal-Mart is the devil. I thought I was the only one who saw horns.
from koreamatron :
are you okay?
from lulublu :
Brian! I just wanted to holla at ya! love Me
from koreamatron :
in the mail. thanks.
from koreamatron :
and yeah. diet slurpees. i'm a diabetic.
from koreamatron :
word to your pops. Question: how do you get the real player thingy on your pages? I waaaaan it. ; )
from lulublu :
Happy Dia de las Gracias! Espero que tu comes mucho!!! LOL porque tu necesitas! I tease because I love......
from lulublu :
yo yo yo. I hope you're feeling better (Take that sentiment and apply to all applicable areas)! Now I'm gonna sing: Baaaby YOUU, You got what I neeeed......k, I'm done lol.
from lulublu :
hey, haven't heard from you in a there.
from iluverica :
I agree with some, but I would add Woo Choi-ji and Park Jung-Hyun. And I still would like to do a threesome with Mary Kate and Ashley :D I mean that's 300 mil...that's fine
from lulublu :
you and your menagerie of women never fail to make me laugh, but honestly: "ewww Chino"? What happened to your principles? LOL....
from rageofangelz :
not bad...i agree with some (kobi's wife, and i LOVE the bangles *hehe), some i didn't know who they were (excuse my ignorance) and others...lets just say if i was to turn into a lesbian i wouldn't fight with you for them (kelly osbourne?!!). i'm more an angelina jolie girl i guess (;
from peth :
I LOVE the list. I love Kate Winslet, and I think Kobe's wife is too pretty, if that is possible. Good job, dubster.
from rageofangelz :
has it really been that long? it's been raining quite a fair bit these last few weeks and i absolutely love it...
from tenaciousnat :
hey there :) um supp? obviously i dunny use tha diaryland much nemore heh but its all gud, or not i duno lol... hope ur well. take care xXx
from lulublu :
I love you more than words can say b/c let's be honest, you're hilarious....In a variety of unerving ways. ;D
from seadreamz :
I know I said I was going to bed. But for the next few weeks Im still 19... which considering recent conversation makes this quote from a week ago a little eerie: "That yes - the idea is to "just live, man!!" That the 19-year old is right."
from iluverica :
FeFe is a sweet fantasy. OMG, would I love to make her sing!
from seadreamz :
Hey. Now I'm leaving you a note. Just to let you know. I got your note. And not to miss LA. I dont miss it.
from hazyeyed :
hey. so.. i saw on your journal that it said you lived in modesto. i do too. it sucks so hard. im me at my aim on fairyxgoddess or email me at [email protected] it'd be cool to meet someone from the same boring town i happen to be stuck in!!
from iluverica :
Does the photo of Erica and me make you tingle?
from peth :
oh dubly, i know what you mean about going back a few years.
from mandahm :
radio sucks lately. i just listen to HIM & CKY and a lot of goth & industrial bands that my friends send me. you wouldnt think that stuff is good... but its amazing. <333
from girlslife :
your welcome :) she is locked up too. no love lost, i suppose. i think you are cool -xo
from koreamatron :
sooooooooooooooooooooo. . . aren't you supposed to be visiting me and mdzc sometime soon?
from abstrusely :
thankyou...i think. Sad? perhaps it's my wording....i never thought of myself that way -something to chew on.
from lulublu :
honey, sometimes your passion is hysterically comic
from koreamatron :
yeah, come up for a weekend.
from girlslife :
Yeah, I feel you about the tv chanel thing. It took me two years to remember where fox is (its the only network I watch really, with such fine programing as The OC and Futurama). I couldn't say where NBC is, and I would only guess channel 4. Where was Stiles in The Bourne Identity? I don't remember her in that, of course I was far too captivated with Franka to notice anything else, plus shes had hobbit sex, how cool is that?
from lolas-a-fox :
hey, how do you get that music player on your site that rocks...good selection for your entry (usher/ludacris) !!!
from lolas-a-fox :
my diary is new and fixed if you cared
from lolas-a-fox :
what makes you say that? but thank you. anyways, sorry for the sloppy diary...i am planning to start a new one...will let you know the new name when i get it up...get back to me!!!
from mandahm :
ty:) xox*mandah
from taylorjsmith :
I love Sel. She is so amazing. :)
from koreamatron :
Towne Lounge Haiku: (*)(*) Rising molecules intertwining from the floor a nostril tango. (*)(*) So, what was her name?
from hazyeyed :
isnt angelina jolie the most beautiful girl ever?? i have seen ALMOST all her movies nad plan to see the newest one.. so are you a boy or girl?? i'm 17.female.from california. you?? write back! <3 kristy
from dust-settle :
following in the tradition of randomness: theres a million fine lookin women in the world, but they dont all bring you lasagna at work, and most of them just cheat on you.
from okdonnasgo7 :
hey. you randomly left me a note, 'yeah yeah yeah'. that was it. who are you?
from koreamatron :
Yeah, September for some peking yummies and duffy's for hungover tummies. . .
from mojo1915 :
Happy fourth of July! ~Jesse
from smurphy21 :
Did you ever find "The Dark Crystal" dvd?
from koreamatron :
Happy Garden can suck my yellow left tittie. Munch at Peking and Turandot. If you come to Chico after august (I'm in Korea), I'll take you.
from lolas-a-fox :
i absolutely love you...
from iamemilie :
Of course we have pie. Name a city that doesn't.
from fangtastic4 :
dude, i didnt take ya off. something's wrong with the buddy list. i had other people whom i just added but they weren't shown in my profile. i'll try and get it back soon! hope its gonna work.
from peth :
I like your list of hotties. I am hoping that you mean brittney murphy would be prettier if she gained 10 or so pounds, not lost. she's a scrawny one. I agree with you on Zadie and Lisa Bonet. ooh ah.
from anavi :
Hi. So,I gave this one banner a clicky-click & there you were. It's rad. I like it.
from muse11 :
"copycat fuck" I like that....
from devouredsoul :
Hello! If you or anyone you know would like their diary reviewed go to and sign the guestbook for a review!
from perceptionss :
Sorry it took awhile to get back to you but I sleep a great deal. Some sites like this one Come up and go down... Its a start =)
from peth :
my nails are not all that long but my eyes are rather sticky. did you want a button?
from asteroidbelt :
mike allred the comic guy?
from carlita27016 :
Hey silly - thx for the note. But you forgot to answer some of my questions. HAha... So who are you? Ahh yes, that question can be answered is so many ways - how old are you? What do you look like? Whats your name? What do you believe in? Where are you from (city, province/state)..? Blah blah blah. And take care :) ~Carly~
from knotagain :
Yours is one of the neatest things I've read in a long time.
from strangekid :
Hey. Love the journal. And the pictures. Would love to talk. [[email protected]]. IM: rare Celestia Later, kiddo.
from carlita27016 :
so - you like words that start with 'A'? *giggles* .. youre funny. So who are you? Ahh yes, that question can be answered is so many ways - how old are you? What do you look like? Whats your name? What do you believe in? Where are you from (city, province/state)..? etc etc. Hope to hear from ya.
from myhorizons :
I saw your banner ad and stopped by. :)
from seadreamz :
I left you a message. This is twice.
from fuckthecause :
Heyo, I found your note a bit confusing, mostly cause I am bit dumb. If you havn't already read the Autograph Man, don't let it disappoint you, it wasn't bad, but it was no White Teeth.
from tenaciousnat :
wha u mean all about jeff buckley? :/
from creepatron :
So I can't tell if you have a super bitchin cam on your cell phone to take pics of all the ladies you mack on, or just find their online equivs. Perhaps that is the mystery? The intrigue? Either way: "You are charged with six counts of meddling, five counts of vehicular meddling, and one count of sodomy...I mean meddling."
from bonnie-moo :
sup home dawg? *ahem* i'm likin your diary more every time i read it. good stuff ♥
from seadreamz :
I like your writing. That's all.
from pumpkinfish :
oh GOD that caramel honey's so pretty.
from pumpkinfish :
she does indeed.
from peth :
you are making me sexy!
from xunforgivenx :
why, thank you.
from iluverica :
Erica and I light candles, put on some samisen music and dine on sashimi and saki wearing only hapi coats. Oishi.
from gallinula :
amen to those pajamas, bro -- i just wish she wasn't so difficult to work with.
from iluverica :
It's fine either hot or cold. I prefer it hot when eating sashimi with wasabi. Do you eat sashimi?
from rageofangelz :
surely not as tasty as you delightful one *hehe*
from pumpkinfish :
my entry? haha. i promise it makes sense. & i promise it's not as fucked as it seems.
from bonnie-moo :
Hey. Thanks for the message, twas a welcome surprise. I'm not doin too good lately, to be honest. Usual troubles, meh. I got meds to supposedly help me so nay mind. How you doin?
from peth :
Did you see the New York Times bit by Zadie Smith this sunday? She is charmed, I'm sure. She got her hair did.
from gallinula :
oh yeah -- do you have all five ish's of "100%"? Paul Pope's Vertigo website ain't for shit -- in the updates section the latest said something about the 4th issue barely going off to the printers, and so yesterday I go into my comic shop and there's the lone copy of #5. Fuck.
from gallinula :
I'd say Zadie Smith w/ White Teeth -- at least because she actually optioned off the film rights that ineluctably turned into a great two-parter on Masterpiece Theater premiering tonight.
from rageofangelz :
my stomach is tuff. it can handle it. i really only crave choccie when its that time of the month anyways. then i can eat loads and loads and loads of it that it sometimes scares me if i stop to think of the amounts i have consumed. and that dear, describes my relationship with your diary (;
from darkfairy13 :
Your diary is cool, but the tittle is creepy...
from mandeville :
Like a short, dirty, creepy frenchman, but in spandex.
from iluverica :
I prefer sipping sake.
from peth :
I agree about white teeth's aesthetic rankings. And I am honored to be Annie, with the short sharp shock of orange.
from creepatron :
I adore your poem on the pretty pink peony girls. San Francisco is a beautiful city, but instead of making laws against deficating in the street they allocate city funds to figure out why people do it. Somehow, it makes the ladies there seem less attractive to me...(one of my friends went to the prom with Kobe Bryant. Years later he and Shaq came back and had an assembly @ school--her and I went, for the sheer purpose of telling Shaq how great 'Shazaam' was)
from pumpkinfish :
then what is it?
from pumpkinfish :
you're kick-ass.
from gallinula :
I with you on Anna, man
from gallinula :
I with you on Anna, man
from twinklies1 :
weenies are quite the protein source! haha. nice diary; i like lotseseses.
from gallinula :
I believe it means you're still badass: top form. She's too hot to even think about it for too long, you just go in and come out the phoenix riser.
from tenaciousnat :
heylo there :) ty 4 ur gb! :D hehe wha u wana do wiv the html 2 ur diary schweeti? :) Take care xXx hope ur kewlies :D <3 Nat
from bonnie-moo :
Hey, thanks for signing my guestbook. Yeah, you can use that picture if you want to, it's not my own work anyway =) ha, um we have macdonalds, burger king, KFC, pizza hut, little chef mainly. I've never heard of white castle or krispy kreme :S what are they? I heard you have a chocolate bar over there called "fanny farmer" haha! doesn't fanny mean ass over there? ass farmer? lmao! fanny over here means cunt...cunt farmer! ha, whichever weay you look at it it's funny. anyway, i'll go now =)

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