messages to overtaken:
(click here to add new message):

from dinahsoar :
Your writing is stunning. May I add you?
from raven72d :
I do hope Christmas goes well for you.
from raven72d :
Autumn is the best season. Always.
from raven72d :
Joyce Carol Oates is so incredibly haunting sometimes...
from raven72d :
I'm glad you're writing here again. You are missed during your absences.
from raven72d :
The "commuters" entry was lovely.
from raven72d :
I'm glad you're writing again.
from raven72d :
Joyeux Noel... And I hope 2006 goes well for you.
from raven72d :
I'm always glad when you're back.
from raven72d :
"Grail" is beautiful...
from raven72d :
The 19 October entry is lovely. You catch autumn very well... I hope you'll write more this season.
from raven72d :
Wanting to call an ex... I know that feeling. And the sense of loss.
from raven72d :
Your writing continues to leave me wanting more, wanting to know all the backstory...
from raven72d :
11 July 05... *sigh*...
from raven72d :
The 01 July 05 story... I do love it.
from raven72d :
Do update...
from raven72d :
The 26 May 05 entry... Beautiful and haunting. What lies behind the poem?
from raven72d :
Your 6 April entry haunts me... And I understand the feelings...
from raven72d :
thank you for the password. i do enjoy reading you... i hope Spring goes well for you...
from raven72d :
locked? may i have a password?
from greentealeaf :
i sent you an email but i got no reply .. =/
from raven72d :
One day I will sit with you over coffee and just listen to your words...
from raven72d :
Dip pens and a new box of oatmeal-scrub soap bars. You've shaped my Sunday.
from raven72d :
I do love the scent of oatmeal...
from raven72d :
Update soon...
from raven72d :
Merry Christmas...and a great Year Five.
from raven72d :
If I may... I'd offer you a waltz. It's one of my odd list of skills...
from raven72d :
Happy Turkey Day, bella!
from raven72d :
Mille grazie... And, yes, I love writing on fine paper with a dip pen.
from raven72d :
Mille grazie... And, yes, I love writing on fine paper with a dip pen.
from raven72d :
Thank you for the kind and thoughtful words... I must make one small correction: I am male...and have always been. Nonetheless-- I do appreciate your comments, and I will be reading along with your entries.
from greentealeaf :
i'm soo relieved to hear that. :D *hugs*
from retold :
I'm still here, holding onto things and one of them is you. Your writing, well it makes me want to write, and I think that is amazing since so few things do these days. Sometimes I think I can see myself right there beside you, because your words run like paint on a canvas.
from greentealeaf :
oh, angie. i miss reading you, and you don't update enough. but hey, if you need solitude, then i'll respect your wish. hope you're doing ok.
from greentealeaf :
oh, dear. i forgot to ask you the *username* and now i've lost the password too. how typical ..
from greentealeaf :
i would love to know the password.
from greentealeaf :
i never quite forgot how beautifully you could write, but i'm delighted to have you back. please don't ever abandon diaryland again. it needs more writers like you. and so many good writers have left .. it's so sad.
from greentealeaf :
... i think i'd love to hear your voice.
from infiniteaaah :
infiniteaaah would like to wish her beautiful overtaken a happy anniversary, and to tell her that whether a giraffe, a monkey, or an amazing writer, infiniteaaah loves her very much. p.s. infiniteaaah misses overtaken lots!
from infiniteaaah :
Where oh where has my overtaken gone? Woa is not complete without the overtaken. Then it's just wa... like a baby crying. You hear that? Babies are crying because you haven't updated! :-P I love you beautiful.
from infiniteaaah :
it's fun to read the notes down there *pointing* from before I met you. It's good to know I wasn't wrong about you in your unmistakeable beauty. I love you.
from infiniteaaah :
Thank you thank you thank you. *a snuggle and a kiss back* ...but thinking about it, do we ever really kiss just once?
from cdghost :
a beautiful layout..
from sarahterry :
if only the map were that easy to read...
from infiniteaaah :
absolutely... username: myintangible password: holdit
from screemingink :
you are so beautiful. xoxo, Miss Takes
from infiniteaaah :
reading your words leaves me touched more deeply than I have been in a very long time. I hadn't been here since the beginning of the summer, and now I walk away with tears in my eyes and an ache in my heart. You are absolutely unmistakably beautiful. Thank you for that.
from overcasted :
hmm. i seem to invest so much of myself in "emotion"...others...the emotions of emotions.... the lack thereof. it becomes an effort to read words of the life of yet want to. like many great things...i stumbbled onto your diary by accident. i'm glad i did. read them all. i admire your bravery. will see a shooting star every eleven minutes. stare long enough, and i'm sure you'll see as many as you'd wish to wish on.
from thisuser :
Wow I am your first note! Hey, update, write more more more. I dig your diary but it needs more. Actually I feel a little bad about telling you to write more but you are an interesting person and now you are on my buddy list and damnit, the people on my buddy list don't update enough for me. (Not that they owe me an update though...hmm, I'm making you feel like updating is a homework assignment or something.) Anyway yeah. I have no point! Other then I am looking forward to reading more of your thoughts! And that, drum roll please... I like your diary.

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