messages to partygirl:
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from taliana1 :
I have no idea if you'll ever see this, but thought I'd write you a note. It's Sept 11, 2019, and as I always do, I think of you on this day. Hope you are doing well.
from glass-arcade :
Don't know if you check this anymore. Thinking of you today like every year on 9/11. Hope everything is going great for you!
from glass-arcade :
I don't normally tune into any of the media on 9/11 because it's not a true portrait of what I experienced on that day. Except this year, there was something on History Channel called 102 minutes that changed America. I've watched it three times because it captures it and more importantly (to me at least) it captures my lost FDNY friends experiences. The thing that really hit me as I watched it was seeing people watch after the first plane hit (you see the curiosity, the concern but a notable lack of real fear) and then the stunned sick fear as the second plane hit that it was no accident, we were under attack. It's made up of people's personal footage. It's probably the only one that I want my son to watch (he doesnt really remember much of it since he was under three) Anyway, I thought of you on 9/11 and wondered how you were.
from lisamcc :
Nope, I'm not on Twitter; I gave up all my "networking" sites (with the lone exception of this past fall. Nice to see you again, though! How are you?
from argentum :
Merry Christmas, Partygirl!!! You know, have you ever considered coming back and livining up the place? Just a thought. Wish you well.

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