messages to pearl-jam:
(click here to add new message):

from kelsi :
Life can be funny.
from vxxen :
dont you just hate it when u start to think?? me too..
from final137 :
from tickertape :
from mathero :
I'm promoting my diary because I'm bored as hell tonight! =)
from thebruce :
Hello Pearl-Jam. Pardon my cousin. she's messed up in the head.
from thebruce :
Carla you have no brain. Nobody likes you.
from thebruce :
and why are you here?
from thebruce :
who are you Carla?
from carla-star :
you are still 997, congratulations!
from carla-star :
from carla-star :
which means you are not in school.
from carla-star :
::sigh:: but chances are you're just not, you monkeyhead.
from carla-star :
unless you're using a different counting system
from carla-star :
because you just CAN'T be 997 and still be in school
from carla-star :
Well, obviously you lied.
from carla-star :
::sigh:: I wish I was 997. I'd know EVERYTHING. Well, almost everything. I'm sure I would have been everywhere, man. Like the comercial with the dude with the post cards! Have you seen it? It rocks. The herding cats commercial is better though. Much.
from carla-star :
DUDE! you're 997??? That's crazy!
from carla-star :
you're in school? how old are you?
from carla-star :
hey. i finished reading a bunch of your entries (oh, lucky you. sarcasm). you dont give yourself enough credit. i like the way you write, bc your entries show a lot of emotional depth without sounding lame (like mine), which makes them interesting. some people blabber on and on about their days, and it's all events and no ideas. you express things that i totally wouldn't be able to, even if i sat at the comp and tried to write for hours. (i'd end up deleting sentences and rewriting them so often that i'd get maybe a paragraph, at most. i can never decide for sure what's going on with me, whereas you seem to be able to do this quite well) i disagreed with something you said though. but i'm really tired. i was going to explain what i disagreed with and why but i can't remember what it was. oh well. something dichotomony. but that doesn't make sense. one more thing and then i'll go away: you aren't useless, becuase your diary is interesting. i'm not trying to force some stupid internet diary alliance thing on you, but honestly the things you said did make me feel less alone. keep it up, you are a good writer. probably translates well into your music i bet. good luck with the band! sounds nifty. (o: ~Carla
from carla-star :
oh. my. god. Oh my god! OH MY GOD!!!! You oviously like pearl jam! bc you are callled pearl-jam! Oh my god! You are so cool! (you probably hate me for being like this since i don't even know you, but i feel i am obligated to bc the Little People tell me I have to, otherwise they will chop me up into a thousand tiny morsels and drag me through their watery depths and into their stones..) Yes, so I am adding you to my faves list. bc i can. Sweet Dreams and monkeyfishes! ~Carla
from tarted-heart :
good luck with your band- you have taken the first step to success, and you can only get better with time and practise, if anyone can be in a band- get somewhere- you can too!
from sk27 :
you would be incredibly intense, i think i could enjoy that
from freaktard :
If you've heard 'jeremy' and 'alive,' how can you not be a fan?
from freaktard :
You're the best. Your writing is the best. I love your diary, I'm adding you.
from apparitions :
Hey. I'm part of a team of designers at 'The Workers Sing A Song Of Mass Production' design site, We have several Eddie Vedder type layouts (One of our designers is quite obsessed) and I just thought I'd let you know. Take a look, you might like one for your own diary. Take care.
from pearl-jam :
never say die, even if it kills you
from marvellous :
nice to see someone feels PJ... listening them right now... words left to speak... makes me.... urgh....
from chicadebsu :
i am not a dwarf.
from kicknpunk13 :
Check out my entry called The Essence of Our Generation Smells Like Teen Spirit and let me know what you think...
from tragedy-ann :
good to know people still appreciate pearl jam.....caught a bolt of lightning, cursed the day he let it go. nothingman................ how about "untitled" man that's one of those amazing "proposal songs" ed rocks my world. you should check out
from be-zen :
such smick taste in music. Ed tells me what I think all along too. 'I know some day you'll have a beautiful life I know you'll be a star, in somebody else's sky, but why oh why can't it be mine.' God damn that is perfection. I heart your diary.
from vasessakins :
Will you marry me ?
from unemployed :
you rock so much.

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