messages to perversions:
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from lasweetthing :
Today is Jan 12, 2006. I will be locking this diary up soon! You can find me at jalepenogirl
from lasweetthing :
I stumbled onto your diary through rockabillie, and added you to my list of fav's.
from shoreline-- :
Your "passions play and ecstacy" entry is good. Being impulsive is rarely a bad thing, so no. I'd have to say it's not. Thanks, take care. xoxo
from pfirsich :
Ooh,thanks,yeah,that�s exactly what I want.I�m talking of the first page,of you not seeing me,but something else.Yes,yes,that�s exactly what I want.Like,somehow I couldn�t stand you seeing me,you know? Somehow I can�t have that.I want exactly that what you do,I want you to look away and not see me,but be in your own world or something.That is exactly what I like,thanks! Thank you so much,you know!
from suprgoddess :
amazingly, i understood and felt every word of "mean no harm." i feel like printing it and framing it even! wow. btw, thank YOU. :D
from annie-m-s-b :
I don't I don't ! Enlighten me!!!!
from annie-m-s-b :
I have know idea why this went through my head with what you just put up(mean no harm): "Whatever doesn't kill me makes me stronger.... but, Whatever I don't know makes me weaker." you figure it out for me ok?
from snow666white :
WHOAaaaaaaaaaaa O_O
from blab :
You're talented, lady, so talented. You have a gift for poetry, not just rhyme but meaning, emotion and lyric. But damn you break my heart...
from annie-m-s-b :
Come and see me...... Love, Hugs, blow job!
from g1rly-g1rl :
Thanks for visiting and signing the guestbook! I *love* getting messages! :)
from annie-m-s-b :
I had no idea your note to me was here. I could just read "Christmas" over and over and over and over . . . ... (sigh)
from perversions :
well of course you love God, but what about me? ;P
from annie-m-s-b :
God I love you!
from dizzy2003 :
>>I am a penis, I want respect, dammit.<< That _entire_ entry was briliant! gosh. thank you. you always bring a smile to my sad eyes, candor. umm, i mean pervert. ;)
from small-talk- :
Yes, Yes, I know. Thank you as I am one of those innocents.
from perversions :
Life, love, and pursuits are not always easy... some perversions hurt. As a tribute to the innocent who are hurt who deserve their stories told, everything gets explored.
from small-talk- :
I know I should say something about "holding hands" but it has left me speechless and with a deep pain that starts at my heart and goes all the way into my soul. Love to you . . .
from annie-m-s-b :
Yes! Yes! Yes! (and) YUMMY!

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