messages to pezloko:
(click here to add new message):

from sourballs123 :
south park rocks have you seen the movie
from everoboto :
Hey there, I clicked on your banner and checked out your profile. You like some cool shit, girl! \m/
from misspinkkate :
Pleaase join the new Musical Theatre diaryring, MusicalT, started by me!
from swim4gold04 :
rent rox my sox you are a smart cookie
from doomy :
Hey, the exact same thing happened to me this week (only I think it is my real period, not just spotting), and I have the green pills next week. It is very much irritating me. Didn't Laura say once that on one type of pills she was having two-week periods? GAH!
from kaorunshinta :
lucky you if i had the Kodomo no Omocha DVDs ill see them even if i got no sleep...ok ok maybe not but u'r still lucky *envy* i hope thet goes well anyhow... every one likes the anime love stories huh? ^_~ ~*later*~
from anifish :
I think procrastination is an artform that must be practiced and mastered. Isn't that why we go to college??? :)
from flyinby :
wanted to say that i love your layout, enjoy your entries, and have added you to my faves list.
from flyinby :
from flyinby :
i can relate.
from megamikawaii :
OMG! I love your diary! I am an anime fan as well!!! DBZ is a fave, as well as Gundam Wing *sighs Shinigami* Anyways. Love the diary! And to let you know, They're bring back Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles. Feb. 8th on Fox. Don't know the time though. Hope its as good as the original! Peace!
from alkalinetrio :
hey i like the enders game section of your banner. rock on.
from echoman :
here in St. Louis, our high for today is supposed to be something like 8 F, with a low tonight of -3 F or so. It needs to warm up, and fast.
from seventigers :
Yup. It's cold in southern Michigan, too. The thermometer on my car was at 0 this morning. It's what I like to refer to as "snot freezing cold."
from justenough :
such a cute diary! i love it
from seventigers :
I too miss X-Men (the cartoon) and feel barely satisfied by the X-Men Evolution cartoon. Great diary.
from crookedplaid :
your Calista layout is beautiful! i love it!
from saiyanstar :
Hello from a fellow Draon Ball Z fan :) I love your diary by the way
from chadmuska :
q and not u
from jehsika :
I used the wrong "you're" in my guestbook entry and now I'm really embarrassed. Did I spell that wrong?
from evangeline :
We're both sick sick people, then, because I think Daniel Radcliffe is adorable, too...such a little cutie...
from interview :
Hi! Your interview was just published:
from sooner :
Oh My God! How do I make my Memento DVD do that? What's the secret?
from polkadot7815 :
Like the lemons.
from lauraeliz : was from Delia*s!! and I wore it to school and got called numerous odd names such as "ewok girl" The hat is like an insta-convo-starter. haha.
from scarletbaby :
Rufus Wainwright is the one who covered hallejuah on the shrek soundtrack. I agree, it is amazing.
from alveena1024 :
Funny diary, especially the part about Daniel Radcliffe, cuz he's mine!!! Plus I have more chances because he's only 3 months older than me. So ha! Ha Ha!
from tattodnanny :
Love the banner! Love the Douglas Adams Devotion, and just wanted to wish you a happy towel day(may 25!), you cool frood, you!
from sardon :
hehe, i saw your banner and clicked onnit 'cause i thought you'd give me a dollar.. *winks* and then i saw the disclaimer.. and thought, aw well heck, might as well leave a note. :D
from goops :
didn't u guys see the disclamer?
from anti-all :
where's my dollar?
from hevbell :
just thought I'd say "hi" in passing as I hate when people visit my page and I dunno who they are! anyway i only read a couple of entries but I like :) have a good weekend
from musicchick44 :
I would offer to tape it for ya...But I don't know how it'd get there. :-P
from lisse :
I like your banner.
from killandra :
Hello, just stopping by..I'm going to miss Ally when that show ends.
from darksoul :
We want our dollars! I say we take over their diary. Be the evil ones... JOIN ME!
from clevelandsux :
give me my dollar.
from lore129 :
hey i joined the south park diary ring! cool diary :)
from cairli :
You're not allowed to have Ebola, dammit!!! You can have herpes, measles, fungus and any phobia you like - but you're not allowed to have Ebola. Do I make myself clear???
from pixaholic :
HAPPY BWIRFDAYYYYYEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! from a loyal reader. isnt that just terrifying.
from lacorneille :
Thanks for the comment. :)
from kittykat202 :
i like pez tuu :) bwheee hehehehe
from zornog :
dammit, I knew the song name (Pixies) but I didn't want to sign your guestbook yet again
from few :
from wickedkitty :
Holy shit! Are you serious about Newsies? Is it really going to Broadway? I'm sorry...I'm a complete dork...check my profile for my email and tell me what you've heard.
from zornog :
Those coats remind me of Doris Day. What's next, crazy looking hats?
from zornog :
from zornog :
Wuss! Write the speech! WRITE THE SPEEECH!
from absent-youth :
I have a wisdom tooth coming in (JUST ONE!) and it doesn't hurt at all! Go me!
from absent-youth :
First off, I like the Ben Folds album more than the BFF stuff, but that's just me. Secondly, are you even reading this? Thirdly, I like pants.
from pezpunka :
G'day. Rad, keeping the Pez scene real. Too cool. Great movie list, too. Whoo, NJ!
from zornog :
Back again, to ask how you changed your picture. me want know. meee wannttt knowwww.
from pezloko :
Now? Silly Joshua. Glitter was all the rage, even back in seventh grade. And it wasn't by choice that Laura or I were wearing it that night.
from zornog :
What's up with the glitter eye stuff? Why does everyone have that now? Why do women love glitter so much? You're all weird, I say.
from sinnamon :
I love Miss Saigon! It's only one of the best musicals of all time!
from pezloko :
That's right. I'll sign my own Analyzer page if I damn well please.
from girllikethat :
Upon reading your latest diary entry, I NEED to comment--from an objective point of view this Dan fellow likes you A LOT. Yeah, a lot. Act on that! Quickly, quickly!
from gimbal :
ack! edits!. swap "hopefully Gore will not stay active" with: hopefully he will... .
from gimbal :
hopefully Gore will not stay active, even if he does not gain the presidency, this term. it seems like it would be odd for him to not stay active, in either event.
from confruzzled :
all your appreciations have been de-appreciated! i appreciate you! you are, infact, one of my all time favorite reads, and a definite inspiration. i read you every day, and hope to be able to for a long time. keep writing, yo!

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