messages to physgeek:
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from czarandom :
nice hack
from psychotic13 :
I like James Baldwin, and you like James Baldwin. Let's hug.
from czarandom :
it could be worse, you could have extremely hot radioactive material stored in one of your lab rooms, just covered in lead bricks that profs frequently use for doorstops.
from shyhairxshy :
You must be smart, I don't know what the hell your talking about. Nice diary.
from technibeetle :
pics of an attempt to cook ramen noodles w a bunsen burner might be highly entertaining... in an odd sort of way
from czarandom :
You're a regular Niels Bohr (or Descrates if you prefer) Happy Sleeping :)
from ravenfae :
What in the world is the matter with looking like Shrek...long as you're not green with ogre ears?
from technibeetle :
i would buy your physics gangsta rap CD ;)
from parlance :
I call things/people spiffy, too :) Just thought I'd share.
from ravenfae :
I believe it is an outright sin to prohibit the use of TI-89s, especially if they would have done so in Calculus. Er, at least for me, I'm not so brainy on the math. Hm, come to think of it, I don't actually remember using my calculator all that much except maybe to graph or do a string of derivatives or...something.
from technibeetle :
wow. what a dream! i'm not sure what is worse, getting drafted or getting perpetually dumped on by the same person... :/
from czarandom :
Wow, that's a doozie of a dream. I'm sure you're not the type of guy, and I'm pretty sure I'm not either, but I think it would be fitting if the dream-you told M what a horrible person she is for doing that to dream-you while she was crying. Sleep tight.
from ravenfae :
That's odd. There's a town some two hours from my homestead called Columbus. It's got a college there as well. Actually it's not that odd; I think 'Columbus' is a popular name for cities.
from ravenfae :
Us womensies do loves thu smarties. Sweet little round capsules of sugar! mmm my! Oh, smart guys are good too. Read what you will into the word 'good.' *Wink wink, nudge*
from czarandom :
May your depression be quick and painless.
from jenne1017 :
thanks for saying hi!
from czarandom :
Your summry plans are positively cracked. Fabulous, expertly fabulous!
from ravenfae :
You'sa very interesting boy - yessir. You get to join the wonderful, selective club of my daily reads! I know I know, it's just so exciting! *coughs* (sarcasm).
from technibeetle :
Destinations are often a surprise to the destined.
from luvlyrita :
My husband-to-be comes across to some as a pompous ass, too. Sometimes I even think of him this way. You geeks can't help it. It's not your fault if there are insecure people in the world who are threatened by your intelligence. Just remember to be humble and respectful of us smaller-minded folk. Nobody likes a know-it-all, and sometimes you darling smartypants men just come across that way.
from technibeetle :
did the vet give you a plastic cone to put around his head so that he wouldn't mess with the stitches and the shaved area? if not, you might want to ask for one because after a couple days the shaved area can get itchy and you really don't want him to accidentally open the wound...
from technibeetle :
i'm glad your dog's okay!
from czarandom :
perhaps we are kindred in our misanthropic nature. See my next blog for more detail.
from buddhawhoa :
you're not alone, you'll always have your ohio geeks!!
from technibeetle :
good luck kicking ass and doing math tomorrow ;)
from technibeetle :
"PHYSMAN... international man of mojo... err... espionage... err... mystery" hehehehe you crack me up! just wanted to say thanx for the advice, i'm going to call the police tomorrow and see what i need to do to take care of the stalker type person and at least report him for harrassment... i would call sting, but you know, he's busy ;)
from technibeetle :
i just aced my easiest exam, anthropology 201 (archaeology/world prehistory)... only 3 essay questions and 70 multiple choice auuuugh! it took me an hour -- i think my brain is officially on hyperdrive! good luck with your last exam!
from technibeetle :
congrats on your A!!!!! (i have two exams left and a paper... and they're all due tomorrow... ahhhhh!) how many do you have left?
from technibeetle :
"In space, no one can hear your teddy bear scream." that's very profound, but i can't imagine what your professor would think if you actually put that in a paper ;)
from kittyleopard :
Cool diary. Karma.
from technibeetle :
thank you for joining the ohio geeks diaryring :)
from luvlyrita :
Found your diary in UncleBob's comments - was checking out your archives and just knew you were referring to Semisonic in your entry title "...and you don't have the final word." One of my favorites of theirs. "Chemistry" was my first favorite - my fiancee and I met when he became my chemistry tutor. He's a PhDer too, but in physical chemistry, or chemical physics, or something like that. I remember when I found out about chemistry.
from k1ttykat :
Hullo. I'd be the slightly odd British girl who randomly added you to her buddy list because she was bored. Not much to say really - except for you have good taste in music (in my opinion anyway)

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