messages to pink-angel-:
(click here to add new message):

from kinkylinny :
Hey there! I see you've taken off the tag-board again. It's working now btw. Anyway, just checking to see if you're okay. Have a lovely weekend! Hugs and all that jazz, Linny
from teacosy :
I'm so sorry. I can harness my skills at immature name calling and call him lots of bad things if you'd like. Hold on, sweetie. I have it on good authority that it will get better.
from kinkylinny :
Hey. I already told you yesterday but I'm telling you again just so you won't forget; I'm here if you need to talk or vent or just cry. And not just by PM or e-mail. You can always call me as well. :hug:
from lazinger :
'Amazing HTML skills'? PAH. But thanks anyway! xxx
from summerkitty :
hi! I really like your diary. I wonder why I never got round reading it before. Anyways, I added you to my buddylist :) I'm Akity from eff (btw) :) love, Kat
from eandme :
"Nutcase" huh..... *shakes head* A monumental type of spanking awaits you lass! ;-)

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