messages to planetpink:
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from life-my-way :
Great news and so much of it!!! Sobriety and love and fun, oh my! I'm happy for you--both.
from annanotbob2 :
Hiya. Just found you, just added you. Wishing you the very best xxx
from biggoomba :
Ancient China passed into and then out of a social phase where non medical use of cannabis was embraced and then rejected with alarm after it was demonstrated, over time that cannabis use sort of fucked people up-- a promising youth after a few years became an red eyed absurd wastrel- all talk and no work. Eventually China rejected pot completely and still keeps a keen eye open for anyone who accidentally becomes habituated . The expression " ASSASSIN OF YOUTH" you may be familiar with as a quaint cutline from the Reefer Madness era was actually transposed from Ancient Chinese Literature and dropped into western pop culture-- we too imagine pot is just another swig of tapwater the straights just don't understand.. Joke will be on us in 20 years when the hospitals are jammed full of useless old stoners yabbering on about the stupidest of subjects.. BTW - Ancient China noted that a characteristic long term effect of cannabis was literally " Seeing Devils " All the science is there, decades of study but stoners consider all science a conspiracy- thats why cannabis will never be legal anywhere in the world, abuse potential even within medical use context is enormous. Whether pot is legal nor not will never change this- be glad you woke up, now STAY AWAKE -- Billions of people live full lives without getting stoned- Drugs are for sick people same as sick people are for drugs. wake up and stay awake, thats a huge move towards being who you really are.
from life-my-way :
For what it's worth, I'm still out here reading and could relate to yesterday's entry. Like you, I had to stop and, like you, found it difficult and unnerving (probably, I suppose, because it had been an effective self medication). It's in the past and now has about as much appeal as the thought of smoking a cigarette (which has less than zero appeal), so it does get better, but you know that already. XO K
from life-my-way :
Thanks for letting me know you're back, it's nice to be reading you again. I (selfishly) hope you'll keep writing for a while. As opposed to Jessie, I think you sound a lot like yourself. Your voice on the subject of grief is singular and wonderful, declarative and not emotionally overwrought (amazingly). So, anyhoo, glad you're back.
from outer-jessie :
...this "here" I meant of course. *anal compulsive*
from outer-jessie :
All right, now for shizz...did you get the two comments I left on your page? One was a real comment, and one was an anxiety-note I left after my first comment seemed to disappear. This hear is also an anxiety-note, refried.
from outer-jessie :
It's interesting...this doesn't sound like you. That is, it's not meshing with my memory of you. I'm curious to hear more of this story and see if there will be an overlap between the "character" of you in this diary and the one from your other one. Hmmm...
from xorbit :
I was in a similar abusive relationship for several years. Took me forever to figure out it wasn't my fault and he wasn't going to change. I have added you and look forward to further installments :)

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