messages to prissy-pants:
(click here to add new message):

from readnglst999 :
Where is clarity25? Recent vacation blog - "Eric's" Photobucket account -
from cardiogirl :
Hi, Been reading recent posts. Is the Strange New Creature who deciphered your dating style the man in recent posts whose kiss you really enjoy? I hope so. He seems like a keeper. Not sure about the cat and mouse game, either. It is a shame that men are like that. When you click and find the right man you will not have to play these games. Both of you will want to be with each other. All the time. No more playing hard to get.
from f-i-n :
happy turkey day
from leesmry :
Am loving reading your diary :-)
from f-i-n :
that's so beautiful!
from shine434 :
Hi. It's been a while since i've been on here. I totally know where you are coming from. I don't know if there is a right way to date...if you ever figure it out...let me know!
from bluemeany :
Hey, I'm sorry it took me so long to get back to you! I'd be happy to answer any questions you or your daughter might have about the military -- but keep in mind -- I'm a bit jaded. Take care!
from thenoodle :
Yes, Prissy, I am some sort of daredevil! ;) Don't let fear of the unknown keep you from living. Life is too damn short to constantly "play it safe", as that game plan really isn't 'living' anyways. Yes, just jump and let him catch you and yes, take a chance. I didn't realize you were talking about James in today's entry, so I'm glad my advice was essentially the same. Men like James don't come 'round every day, as you well know!
from thenoodle :
You would be a fool not to take a chance. Go for it! What do you have to lose?
from cosmicrayola :
What beautiful pictures!! Thank you for sharing!
from theturtle :
Well, OK, but then what?
from theturtle :
I was. You are right. Turtle
from theturtle :
WTF? I am old, I have nothing good to say, my social life looks like the Arizona desert without the Joshua trees... I am not worth the obsession.
from thenoodle :
Thanks! 40 isn't so bad, not yet at least. I'm thinking of it as a clean slate...anything is sitll possible.
from cyberpurple :
I have e-mailed you the html code for the no right click script, if it doesn't work try viewing my html source and copying it from there. Just thought that it might not work as I sent it as html not the [version] i put on my diary. (((hugs)).
from blueeyes19 :
I'm sorry that you are going through relationship troubles again. Believe me I know all about it. I too am the one normally single during christmas, and new years, and valentine's day. I've only spent 3 valentine's days with someone. :-( But there is hope for us all.You'll find the good guy soon enough. Long time no talk by the way!
from maliger :
Hi, prissy-pants, I've been so busy with stuff that I haven't posted all that much. I need to write some stuff for the book that I'll be in, Sun Shadow Mountain (minstrellite is also in this) of poetry and art, the deadline is Oct 31st. I must be really pressing the deadline because I have two or three pages out of nine done. Anyway, thanks for saying hi, I may post some of the stuff when I get it written to the themes. Peace, love, understanding, and truthes.
from luciangrey :
Foremost- thank you, for the note. The consideration in my direction is surely more than I deserve. Things -ARE- well for me, for once. * Offers a gentle smile * I hope the same is for you.
from f-i-n :
that's awesome....i hope she finds her romantic romero someday.
from clarity25 :
Thanks for adding me to your fav. list. I started reading through your archive and your list of 100 "things to know". I really like your journal and some of the questions of life and relationships you ponder. I'll be back to read more, I just wanted to say "hi!"
from theturtle :
That's just great. You're cute, but you live in Tennessee, and you have kids. Argh.
from dunkin86 :
stumbled upon you through a link at another diary, fell in love with the template and decided to stay for the writing. ~bows~
from theturtle :
Actually yes, you seem to have a little of that. Not really really pronounced (if there's too much of it it begins to look like a caricature) but it's there.
from blueeyes19 :
long time no talk girly. i never get on here anymore but figured i would today just to reminisce and catch up. your entry second rate is how i've felt in almost all of my relationships. I've always been second best. Be better than me. Stand up for yourself. xxoo
from basal :
from younameit :
"The falling has begun." I don't know if I envy you that wild, wonderful, painful ride or not... � ...OK, I do know. I definitely envy you. � Sort of... :-)
from shine434 :
Men are so fickle and confusing. They don't know a good thing when they have it either!
from shine434 :
I am going to add you to my buddy list. I hope you don't mind. I can really relate to what you write.
from younameit :
Thank you for adding me to your buddy list. You are the first person to add me to yours before I added you to mine first. That means a lot to me. I am curious. Did you, by any chance, find me through the diary of "Where I Begin"? Finally, in closing, let me just say that you are an excellent writer. I am, therefore, very glad you found me.
from luciangrey :
I have not been here in a while, for that, you have my sincerest apologies Miss. I came and read the under-lined pain in this latest entry and I am sorry for that which you now endure. You deserve the best in life.
from theturtle :
I am back. Tell all your friends. I met her. i met the love of my life, and yes, I will be telling all about it.
from fan4 :
What happened to the surveys you filled out earlir today?
from cosmicrayola :
Lady, you have my deepest admiration. I have been off work for a week. I went in midweek and worked one day when the poss wasn't there but she kicked me out the next day. I don't have pneumonia at least. Get well soon!!
from fan4 :
Get well soon!
from to-my-heart :
I love your layout. And I know that feeling.
from cosmicrayola :
I agree. Sometimes when it starts out perfect, it has no place to go but down. I thought hubby was too old, too chubby and too bald. We have been together now for 10 years and married 7 1/2 years and are total soul-mates.
from daze-of-rain :
You know what? That might actually be a GREAT sign in the long run. Sometimes the hotter something burns right away...the faster it burns out. I hope it goes well and that he is as nice a guy as he sounds like. Good luck, babe.
from daze-of-rain :
I hate to point this out...but ANYONE can have business cards printed up and I find it odd that he used that as proof of he says he is.
from hodgson :
That's why you rock so much, stupid! :)
from amomsmusings :
Ah, better are the wounds of a friend than the kisses of an enemy. The man you are searching for is out there, somewhere, searching for you.
from amomsmusings :
Thanks for adding me! By the way, I love your Jan.9 quote of the day. It's how I wanna live me life.
from prissypants- :
Hellooo. I just noticed we have the same username, so hey, username twin. :) I'll have a read through some entries and check back soon. :) Hope you're having a good day.
from omnipre5ence :
What can I say? Your note hit a chord.
from omnipre5ence :
from omnipre5ence :
Perhaps yes. :)
from omnipre5ence :
Happy Birthday, fellow Diarylander. :D
from daze-of-rain :
not sure what exactly you are looking for, but some of my favs include wickedcrazy, long-ignored, sanetwin...
from cosmicrayola :
I have my list of favorites on my page. Enjoy! There are a lot of great reads there and many are over 40.
from blueeyes19 :
why are you not going to see james anymore???
from sunnflower :
Thanks for sending me birthday wishes!
from blueeyes19 :
im sorry! what happened? i thought you guys were so happy?.. so where do you go to set up dates? i need a new website. but if you haven't tried it go to it is completely free. i met my last two boyfriends there. love ya girl
from daze-of-rain :
Oh hun, I am so sorry...and there's nothing else that does justice than that.
from blueeyes19 :
from blueeyes19 :
how long did it go on with you and him? and were there kids involved? there are two in this case. but he says when he does leave her it won't be for another woman, it will just be because he doesn't want to be with her. so far he calls me all the time and we have seen each other 6 out of 10 days in last two weeks. he seems into me but i know im fucking crazy lol, its hard cause i keep it all to myself.
from blueeyes19 :
you are welcome. im in love with a married man, so that's not good at all.
from blueeyes19 :
you go girl
from maliger :
cool diary
from theturtle :
Yeah,I guess I am single again. M thinks I'm just out for fresh meat, but hell, toward the end I wasn' even that worried about fooling around with HER, let alone someone new. The iBook proved much more durable than our relationship. Buy an Apple.
from blueeyes19 :
I just read your last 4 diary entries to catch myself up. I'm so happy you met someone that you really like! I know it is still early but I hope things go well! Anything could happen. Last week I met this great guy at the gas station and now we are dating. life is strange. Good luck with it, you deserive it!!
from cosmicrayola :
The noodle said it best. Just do it. I think sometimes people sabotage a relationship simply because they THINK too much. Just kick back and enjoy and stop trying to analyze it.
from thenoodle :
Just jump. And let him catch you.
from hamiltonian :
Your journal is a representaion of you and I read some of your journal and liked it.
from hamiltonian :
I undersatnd, btw.. I like your journal. Meaning I like you...
from hamiltonian :
The WTC and the Pentagon were not unlikely targets, just so you know. Ramsey Yousef had plotted them out years before as specific targets for hijacked airplanes. Its disgusting still... one story that got me was a man in LA had his wife and daughter on one plane that hit the towers and on the other was her best friend and his best friends wife. his best friend was working at the woers that day. Still upsets me thinking of it...
from firinne :
My previous note, by the way, was not meant to imply that ALL men are "selfish little boys trapped in men's bodies". I have never been, am not, nor ever will be a man-hater. Some men are absolutely wonderful and amazing creatures. Insert some cliche about bad apples here _____.
from firinne :
Your note to me, as I'm sure you already know, was right on target. Why are so many women willing to sacrifice intelligence, strength, and self-worth for selfish little boys trapped in men's bodies?! It's baffling and very, very humbling. We're all idiots, given the right circumstances. I never believed it before, but that's the sort of (painful and humiliating) lesson one only learns through experience. Thanks, my dear, as always.
from cosmicrayola :
24? Girl, GO FOR IT!
from daze-of-rain :
That is so great...I am happy you had such a good time. Keep us up to date on Mr Charming
from magchianti :
On your 8/28/04 note... He gets it. He always did. He just says what he says because it is the best way he knows to hurt you least. Good luck with your new cast of players... ;) M
from yellowrosetx :
OUCH! I hope that wasn't your personal story??!!
from luciangrey :
Miss- your writing is refreshing thank you for giving me something to read. As far as Claire goes - she is an esteemed writer I know as well as a dear friend. I even named my 17 month old daugher that I raise alone, after her. Perhaps the best internet lover I have ever had - and yet I have never owned her in any relational way. Thank you for your consideration in the matter, but it does not bother me a bit. ( ) ...
from luciangrey :
Miss Cheri. ... Mm. The inspiration in which you speak of, the past correlations - who is to say? Time is of such little consequence to me? It passes so much the same these days. To such an extent in fact, I do not keep track. I lost the desire in this respect, years ago. to the writing you aim to do. I am so very honored I could benefit you anything. If you intend to write, then by God, Cheri, Write. I will read, what ever it is you post, should you require it of me. I encourage your expression to the fullest. (I do not often encourage this in others- especially upon a political/theological stand point). ... ...distraction. This is... my herione. My...addiction. I thrive on it, -need- it, or I find myself in constant determental cycles bearing negative reciprocal affects on anything and anyone (myself included) within my life at the present. I am weak. Perhaps your words will still me for a bit. I prefer, interaction. I look forward to your confession.
from luciangrey :
Miss Cheri - May I call you thus? ...again thank you for your presence in my book. Strange you would warrent a comment in saying that you feel as if you know me (or rather we knew each other)? - Why do you suppose that is? Where does the relation strike you? Is it fair to ask you to delve for me? Broken - as you used it, is such an astute adjective, I thank you for that as well it is never good to assume the unwell are wholesome. I do not strive for peace of mind as you hoped I find. I thrive only in distraction.
from luciangrey :
I know you naught, save I am more than appreciative of the addition to your list. I am underserving of your credit. Whereas I cannot say I wear brown shorts, but I do tolerate pink and I hope soon you are spoiled to your every whim. ... Am Or Not, L.
from blueeyes19 :
I love your diary. It is beautiful. I love getting inide your head. I especially liked your entry titled Just friends. I definitely relate to what you mean. i am the girl that guys care for but don't want to be with. The girl they meet before they meet the "Girl" of their dreams. You should really join Eloquent. It is a elite writers clique that I'm in. You have what it takes. Check out my diary if you want. You might like it. Stephanie P.s I hope it is ok to add you to my fav diary list!
from pridegrl :
i voted for your poy entry on Online Friends!
from cosmicrayola :
We have a lot in common. I loved Dumb and Dumber. I love GWTW too. I think one of the funniest movies ever, though is "Dude, Wheres my car." If you haven't seen it, do.
from daze-of-rain :
I noticed you added me to your favorites. Thank you very much. I'll be reading through some of your diary soon so don't be too surprised if it seems like you are being stalked. lol
from cosmicrayola :
Please Don't Eat the Daisys was originally a movie from 1960 with Doris day and then in 1965 it became a sitcom. I remember it well.
from parlance :
Hi :)
from cosmicrayola :
I completely understand your problem. At 50, I am on a constant diet to lose, but it wasn't always like that. When I got pregnant with my son, I weighed 98 pounds. If anorexia had been discovered back then, I would have been accused of having the disorder. I was skinny as a rail and I hated it! I was made fun of as a kid because I was so scrawny. I don't know what's worse. Too thin or too heavy, but I know from experience that being too thin is just as much a curse and it is just as miserable.
from anyinside :
I just wanted to tell you that I find your diary very moving...and honest. I'm not a single mother, I don't even have kids...but, I can identify with some of the things you say. I guess that's why I find it moving...thanks for sharing your thoughts.
from blackfetisha :
Hey! You live in TN? I do too! I am attending college right now for Respirtory Therapy myself! I would love to chat with you sometime about the work you do, considering its also what I am going into. Do you have AIM or MSN or Yahoo? Stop by my diary. TTYL! =D
from sunnflower :
Thanks for the tips on Nashville. I think every look has an appeal - tall and thin versus short and curvy. With all the fuss about reed thin girls like Paris Hilton your body type is probably more in style!
from sunnflower :
Thanks for signing my guestmap. I'm going to be in Nashville this summer and am excited - I've never been before! I really think your layout is gorgeous by the way.
from pantypulldwn :
i am a single mom of three too and the bra thing weel i can of need it after those three. i just want them lifted to where they've never been!lol! i don't understand the html thing either,it can all be so confusing!
from ciulionn :
You, my dear, are the absolute sweetest person ever. Thank you SOOOO MUCH!!!
from cornflake1 :
Ooh, I would *love* your beef stew recipe! Thank you! I'm having trouble finding some really easy recipes, so that would be fab. My email addy is [email protected]. Thanks, and I promise I will keep your secret safe! ;)
from minstrelite :
Hey - I feel bad about that last note. He's not necessarily interested in someone else, and I shouldn't have presumed to worry you about that. Thanks again for your note, though - I'm glad you think I'm a sweet person. I certainly try to be. :)
from minstrelite :
Thanks for your note. I'm determined to work on this tragic flaw of mine. By the way, I just read your recent entry, and I would say, 90% chance he found some other woman he was interested in. I hate to say it, but that's how guys are. Another item of interest is that most guys like women who are mellow and quiet, and are turned off by agressive types. Also, the man will seldom if ever admit that he needs space. That's too female a thing for him. You are right not to pursue him. Good luck to you, though.
from perceptionss :
Sorry it took a while but thanks so much for the kind note you left me *SMILES* You are such a sweetheart =)
from supercilious :
Actually, ya know, you can see a lot of my photography on my diary, just click on cast/photography, and scroll past all the text to the links. :) And yeah, I will tell Tallfreak you said 'Hi', and I'm certain he'll say 'WTF!' :) (btw, that three month thing, don't let it become self fulfilling prophecy. It's easier to do then some people might think =\)
from prowlingleo :
Hehe thanks :)
from amigamaster :
Thanks for the second note. I jumped to conclusions. SOmetimes I do that in my old age. Guess the world is full of misunderstandings....Have a great weekend.
from amigamaster :
Hi.Thanks for the note. You're a respiratory therapist? Hmmm...I'm a psych nurse and when I was in school, I learned what is called poor boundaries. Do you remember what that means? As a nurse I would THINK of going to a persons note box and take it upon myself to lecture another person. Where I come from that is feferred to self-rightious arrogance. The whole world is NOT your patient. Perhaps you need a refresher course on how not to be intrusive and how to learn to develope healthy boundaries with others. Remind me not to seek you out as an RT. Heaven forbid!!! I can imagine what your bedside manner is like. I work in a hospital and deal with a quite a few wonderful respiratory therapists, all of who are kind, responsible people and who their place AND their personal boundaries. Sorry to hear you have asthma... Take care.
from ciulionn :
Damn! Good for you! If "J" has a brother who lives in Denver, help me out!
from sunnflower :
Hi and thanks for adding my diary to your DLand favorites. I just wanted to say that you deserve better than this guy and you need to stop telling yourself that he is the love of your life. The love of your life doesn't treat you that way and you need to close that door so you can open another. I am glad that you are starting up in DLand and I look forward to reading more of your heartfelt entries.
from supercilious :
No, he will not rule your heart forever, but it does take a lot of time. Trust me, I know *exactly* how you feel. The one entry up right now about the thing I'm embarrassed to admit? I found out my heartbreaker has a new guy. And, well.. it's been 2 years now. I haven't even spoken with her in 5 months. Eh, take things slow, always be honest, and if your current guy is worth anything, he'll understand and work with you. You'll 'get over it', but it'll always be a part of you. Ahh.. lemerence.

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