messages to pro-keds:
(click here to add new message):

from arajane :
funny you left me note today... i had a very strange dream about you last night. very vivid. and aren't you in vanvouver now? or will you be soon? pinch arno's ass for me. xoxo,
from johnnieutah :
i absolutely could not agree more. being turned down for a simple roll in the hay is enough to make me self-abusive for months.
from idiomatic :
i'm *so* done with law school. you should do it. it's fun.
from idiomatic :
worked with arafat.
from johnnieutah :
plus, vancouver is one of the most beautiful (not to mention cleanest and friendliest) cities in the wordl.
from pantasy :
thanks for the b-day note, pk. sorry 'bout that election...ouch.
from salmondriver :
smarty pants.
from arajane :
i still read you, too, PK! and yes, when you're on this coast please come visit and play cribbage with me and arno! dook dook dook...
from johnnieutah :
absolutely cannot wait to hear the new band.
from johnnieutah :
use your powers for good and not for evil, my friend.
from salmondriver :
ooh, yer psychic! mysterious ways, my friend. mysterious ways.
from johnnieutah :
holy mackerel, sounds like love, dude!
from johnnieutah :
what a thrilling post. i am vicariously happy for you.
from idiomatic :
is that it?
from johnnieutah :
i'd like to also nominate: 'support hose', 'trannyshack', 'toolbox', 'pink cigar'.
from salmondriver :
yer bro is my new hero. bring him down for a tourney!
from johnnieutah :
dang, i couldn't sleep last night either.
from addieplum :
sleeping on the fire escape sounds scary but fun.
from pantasy :
dude, you are such a duster-buster
from pantasy :
i like what little boys are made of
from salmondriver :
you moan and you cry, but that won't affect the sky.
from salmondriver :
ooh are you in training???
from pantasy :
bring your dream journal to Canada, please. you're gonna need it.
from johnnieutah :
i skip those two sections too. plus, i skip travel, because it just makes me anxious about trips i'm not going to take anytime soon.
from pantasy :
Dear pro_kink: get some sleep! You're gonna need it!
from salmondriver :
nah, i picked nevada to lose in the first round! i got stanford winning it all.
from pantasy :
i want to be a researcher in the Nether-lands. yeah. no. really.
from pantasy :
oh. Canada. sigh.
from pantasy :
please bring some drunken irish girls to Canada please...we certainly don't have enough of them up in these parts.
from pantasy :
you ain't so bad...but you ain't so good either.
from salmondriver :
road trip to philly. of course!
from johnnieutah :
i don't think he's smart enough to know that.
from johnnieutah :
you ought to come by my studio. i have something for you.
from kittyleopard :
Awesome diary. I love it like I love my pocket protector. You rock my socks. Karma and Kudos for you.
from addieplum :
and i'm a sucker for a beard, too.
from johnnieutah :
i never knew voting could be so titillating.
from pantasy :
Dick Pound is a Canadian. I hear he likes to rock the beaver from time to time.
from arajane :
ooh happy birthday! it's also my ex-girlfriend's birthday, and she's a bad-ass too, so your theory seems to hold true. xoxo,
from salmondriver :
whose birthday is it? your birthday.
from johnnieutah :
you're only as old as you feel. to others.
from johnnieutah :
just so you know, i think the invective you've been unleashing via your blog lately is awesome. keep it coming! fight the power!
from addieplum :
all of the above!
from pantasy :
you know me - sometimes i like to kick it into overdrive....ow!
from johnnieutah :
your song kicks ass, but your math is i think a little too simplistic. 300,000 democrats in florida voted for bush. in any case, i don't know what nader is thinking.
from salmondriver :
if only we lived in a country where simple math prevailed, but the electoral college overrules majorities. or where there could be more than 2. also, can we get a source on those election figures? they are mighty contested.
from johnnieutah :
what can i say? i'm a sentimental green party member. thank god i don't live in florida. my friend holly actually drove down there to cast a ballot, i think she will do it again this year. bush needs to go, that's for sh*t sure.
from johnnieutah :
dear pro-keds, ralph nader had little to nothing to do with bush getting elected. you have antonin scalia and the protofascists on the supreme court to thank for that. i voted nader but it didn't matter because new york was already going to gore. sincerely, myopic retard
from pantasy :
street hockey!?! Now Michelle and you will be thugs - with sticks!
from pantasy :
thinkin' of a master plan...all Eric B. and Rakim like
from pantasy :
long live pasties!
from pantasy :
I checked with the Governor General. Turns out Adam is bang on about the Queen.
from johnnieutah :
kerry and edwards both seem blander than mayonnaise. go sharpton!
from pantasy :
Presenting her Royal Highness Queen Munchin. Oooh we oh, o whoah-o...
from pantasy :
crimson and clover, over and over...
from pantasy :
oh dear. the cherished but dreaded hardonnay. be careful, PK!
from idiomatic :
whole pecans look like twats.
from idiomatic :
ah, now i am understanding. it is a cheap-twat connection. send her a letter asking her to do it, point out that you were burglarized and that there is clearly a security issue, and if she doesn't do it within two weeks, do it yourself and take it off the rent, sending in a receipt for the amount with your rent check.
from idiomatic :
right i get it. i know you want better locks. what i don't get it why your landlady would be a twat about it.
from idiomatic :
why would your landlady be a twat about better locks? if she is, she could be held liable for your break-in if there was a lack of security measures and she was informed of it but did nothing about it. how did the baddie get in the building in the first place? was the apartment building door busted or the lock not functioning? that equals landlady's fault if she knew about it.
from salmondriver :
heavy lifting?
from cdghost :
i really enjoyed your entries .. thank you--thecdghost
from pantasy :
i thought you'd never ask...
from arajane :
stinky! being robbed sucks ass. smelly ass. i'm sorry for you...
from pantasy :
i sure hope he didn't drink your whiskey! you'll be needing it, I'm sure.
from idiomatic :
that sucks. violation. not to get all legal on yr ass, but you were burgled, not robbed. beat cops are the best - they always know the local criminals. i've got stories.
from addieplum :
nice to see you too! i think i might be hooked on new-yorkers now though. ima need to get a fix soon!
from salmondriver :
from johnnieutah :
it certainly does, my friend.
from idiomatic :
from lemonaide :
realllly, ok fuck nylon. i will peddle my wares to vice magazine instead. thanks man.
from zakcula :
Hey man, how's it going?
from pantasy :
I thought you'd be more concerned with the other games that will be played. Better hold your cards close to your chest, PK. I can see what you're holdin'.
from pantasy :
me: blush
from pantasy :
perhaps Michael needs a hand...can you help him out?
from salmondriver :
yes indeedy p. keddy.
from mr-sparkles :
I've seen John Waters over 5 times.....but I guess that's 'cause I live in Bmore. He's Kool-Aid.
from salmondriver :
yer fans are all masochists.
from johnnieutah :
it really depends on who's doing the beating. and how. but i'll still rather have a beating than a meeting any day of the week.
from pantasy :
well, i've never heard anybody say that a four hour beating was a waste of matter how you look at it.
from salmondriver :
depends on the nature of the beating.
from pantasy :
it's better to burn bright
from salmondriver :
the sadness at watching peanuts specials may also stem from the fact that stories and characters are really sad. i cry my eyes out at "a boy named charlie brown", and, yes, that piano does pull at the ligaments around the heart.
from johnnieutah :
unfortunately, i think it takes far more than a bonfire to create a disturbance in brooklyn. especially now that the northside firehouse is closed.
from idiomatic :
i can't tell which would be more exciting - cubs v yanks or cubs v sox!
from pantasy :
PK, I heart Neko Case too. Sigh.
from pantasy :
just add liquor.
from peth :
Fifth avenue is feeling you too.
from arajane :
oh, i watched it. though i wasn't sure if i thought it was fucking hilarious because i was trashed, or if it was genuinely funny. now i know.
from weeme :
o...i think it's really nice that you're a boy. a real boy. with racing stripes and sneakers. 'tis all.
from peth :
Funk #49. James Gang. Oh, being sober at a meetup is nothing. You should try being shy and plump at a meetup. It was fine once I found my corner.
from salmondriver :
i'll do peyote with you.
from arajane :
joe walsh is excellent make out music. too bad you were alone in that limo.
from salmondriver :
chicago always tries to rip me off. hope you get out of there unscathed.
from idiomatic :
yeah sure. i'll remember to put my teeth in. how about the 17th or so?
from pantasy :
Monday night? Was that the eve of the fluff and fold? Or maybe it was the rub and tug?
from pantasy :
And this Canadian girl will kick your ass at cribbage in two weeks time. Mark my words, yank!
from salmondriver :
up with canada!
from pantasy :
You know, PK, we're still looking for a third roomie...
from salmondriver :
from peth :
oh, the eggs, the milk, the walls of the home, leaning out the window precariously. I loved that story.
from pantasy :
You, dear Pro Keds, are facinorous.
from arajane :
i think you're just being contrary. and by the way, i think i'd rather watch naomi watts wipe her ass for two hours than watch le divorce. seriously.
from pantasy :
ack! That's Your Boyfriend! I'm blushing!
from arajane :
oh no, please don't go see le divorce. i did, and it STUNK. and really, i had high hopes for it even after all the lousy reviews i read.
from habbit :
hey pro-keds, we met a while back at a fotolog meetup. i was heartily laughed down for being a d'lander, but i see you are too! =)
from peth :
oh, I would like to be "in beauty"
from idiomatic :
but not all women are like that! not by far! most just want a nice, interesting guy who appreciates them and will occasionally change a light bulb. right?
from idiomatic :
aw, come on now, why so much cynicality? here's my demerol-addled take on it: people like a challenge. bigger bastard -> bigger challenge -> make the bastard your bitch -> bigger victory. unless you're a saline-stuffed bleached-blonde with low self-esteem. in that case you're just trying to please a perpetually unapproving father. daddy, love me! love me daddy!
from pantasy :
dude, before you Vote for Dean you should definitely attend the Texas Bushwhack ( After that, maybe you could host the Shirts Off for Dean Party in NY?
from peth :
haha! i was going to say similar things as idiomatic did below, my fondness for the word 'cobbler'-- underused and archaic and lovely. I need to get some shoe polish.
from idiomatic :
yes! cobblers are the best! they're magicians with the polishes and the waxes. and they have the best name ever. cobbler. i want my job to have the same name as a dessert.
from peth :
that is a wonderful thing, that dirty girl chain.
from peth :
meetups! there should be more. I met up with no one linkable today. yet.
from peth :
rock! i found you!
from arajane :
new layout! me like. very much.
from pantasy :
nice new site and nice new sneaks!
from pantasy :
wow. i feel cheap already.
from pantasy :
ooooohhhhh...I can't wait to turn 30!
from pantasy :
Van Halen! I can't wait to hear that jukebox.
from idiomatic :
look at the bright side: most of that dough is going to american companies, like halliburton, doing "business" over there, so it'll just come right back here and... you know, trickle down. right?
from pantasy :
Given your nation's dour fiscal outlook, I think it'd be in your best interest to move to Canada. No war costs here! Gay marriage is a-ok! Decriminalized marajuana! Oh my! The last two alone will keep our economy ablaze for years to come. Head North, pro keds! I'll be here to greet you with a Beaver Tail in hand.
from pantasy :
Is that an obelisk? Those Catholics make me blush.
from johnnieutah :
i'm so down i'm up again. yeah, let me know what's up with a fotologger band. and maybe we can shoot for a BK meetup sometime next week.
from arajane :
i wish i could be at the nyc fotolog meetup. seattle meetups continue to stink (or rather, i'm assuming they stink since i havent' been to one yet--they're always at coffee shops. who the fuck wants to hang out in a coffee shop? oh wait, that's what i'm doing right now...). i'm still holding out for my september nyc visit. soon, soon...
from johnnieutah :
yes! good to make a connection. i don't know if i'm gonna even make the PMM tonight, depends how much work i get done for my studio move. but i look forward to running into you soon. i've been talking with staciemerrill and lauratitian about organising a brooklyn-only mini-meetup. into it?
from arajane :
july *is* the best month of the year because it's my birthday month. also, i'm going to make is so, since i'm about to stop working and i'm going to do nothing all summer. yay!
from idiomatic :
it's prolly karma, the ire i draw. it's happening all at once though - i'm having a hard time dealing. plus the whole-bar-exam-in-another-state-keep-your-business-afloat-in-the-meantime thing.
from idiomatic :
does no one but me leave notes for you anymore?
from idiomatic :
does no one but you leave notes for me anymore?
from idiomatic :
i'm going to pretend that you didn't make an LA Law reference. and please, before you do it! no ally mcbeal refs either. god bless you.
from idiomatic :
oh your so nice to offer to get my back w/r/t the prima-donna-next-door. i considered leaving the dead mouse i found at her door. not quite a horsehead in the bed, but it would've freaked her out all the same.
from pantasy :
I think that the Frito Lay float looks like the funnest float of all times. I'm so down with potato chips. Wish I was there!
from arajane :
well, i expect to see pictures once it's come in. also, some pictures of you with lesbians would be nice, too.
from arajane :
what kind? a thin john waters type? or a brushy burt reynolds type? or maybe a handlebar?
from arajane :
you're the best. if only i looked that good in a bikini while pulling cement blocks across the ocean floor. xoxo
from pantasy :
I'm on Natalie's side. And I bet she looked really cute in that sleeveless FUTK tee too.
from pantasy :
or so you've read...
from arajane :
i want my life to be 100% blue crush. sigh...
from artlifelove :
hey yo, what's up? you wanna be postcard pals? my email is on my diary
from pantasy :
The beer, it was from Lethbridge. Great work on the photolog. I'm going to win me a truck and a mechanical bull tonight.
from pantasy :
Aldo Nova? Classy.
from pantasy :
In the great words of B.T. Express, Mr. Hall, "Do It Till You're Satisfied...Whatever it is." I'm glad you did it.
from pantasy :
Mr. Hall...I'm with you on the weapons argument, not against you. Sigh.
from arajane :
oh no, what happened?! i'm no longer your "first blog crush"? what did i do to deserve this change of heart?
from pantasy :
Not really a banger? You forget - I saw the tatoos. You wear your rock claw on your heart AND your sleeve.
from pantasy :
Vice City! Don't do it, thug. Trust me on this one.
from pantasy :
I think that you just signed your name.
from arajane :
happy birthday, mr. hall. did you know that you were at the cat power show with another diarylander who you probably don't know? check out for his alternate take on the show. xoxoxo, --ara jane
from pantasy :
ummm...why are you so rad with your pictures of Cat Power and stuff. I mean, how do you do it? Please respond. The world needs to know. We all deserve to know.
from jekylandhyde :
woo anti-war
from pantasy :
Just so y'all know, pro-keds is now officially known as the coolest person in diaryland. Who made it "official?" I did. And it all has a little something to do with a man we fondly refer to as Bon Jovi. If you want to know just what it is that makes pro-keds so cool, you can visit this site: Yes. That is pro-keds in front of the satellites, impersonating no one other that the Jovi man himself. Well done, pro-keds! Well done! Misunderstood no more.
from pantasy :
I like your diary almost as much as I like Rollerderby.
from idiomatic :
nah... i was just quoting manic street preachers.
from idiomatic :
dur... "i found that *soul* yeah i found that home." that's what it should be. yeah.
from idiomatic :
i found that sould, yeah, i found that home.
from arajane :
no sweat, spanky. hey, are you in this series of pictures? (don't ask how i came across this...)
from arajane :
slots-a-fun at circus circus is really great if you want cheap and seedy. it took me until 4am to lose 20 bucks at the dollar blackjack table, but i did it.
from arajane :
aw shucks. i'm blushing, no lie. hey, why didn't we hang out when you were in seattle visiting sweet arno?
from wingdpony :
did? get to avoid the media? i tried to.

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