messages to prophecyboy:
(click here to add new message):

from jonathan29 :
I wanna go with you!
from jonathan29 :
Look how cute you are! Of course I remember you! I can't wait to read your entries and catch up on how you've been. Hope things are well... :)
from hamiltonian :
cho rocks!
from hamiltonian :
Don't take this the wrong way, but MOTHERFUCK YOUR ROOMATE! That's his problem if he doesn't respect yoru opinion and judges your diary and disrespects you that way. your better off without him if he is too be that way. besides he should be neat anyway .. I have expereince with a pigslob ex roomate who really left me hiugh and dry.
from hamiltonian :
I say just do the best you can do and dont worry about the others. They may be thinking just like you. So worrying is just a waste of time and your life.
from jonathan29 :
What has happened to you?
from jonathan29 :
I checked out your new site. Very cool! I can't wait to see what you do with the place....
from hate-mail :
We are two girls...the pranksters of diaryland. We will fulfill your requests, just leave ur name, name of the person u hate and want to send hate-mail, and what they did to u! And we will keep who u are annonymous! Leave us a note, email one of us, chat w/ one of us on AIM, MSN, or leave us a note stating who you want to send the email (both of us can or if you don't care). We will also chat with the person on AIM or MSN is neeeded...thanx and...uh...yeah.
from karika :
hey u dont no me but i just found ur diary and i just thought id leave u a note sayin hi....feel free to look at my diary since i looked at yours...hope u write back, peace
from ozwald :
from catz-eyes :
promise to try was the first entry of yours i read... i loved what you said about wishes, and admired your honesty. it struck a real chord in me. thank you. so here's a wish from someone u'll never know, but it's for you (u deserve it for choosing to give away your wishes to others): simple happiness
from cdghost :
i enjoyed reading your words, prophecy boy..take care and all the best..the cdghost
from tom-seb-jak :
i like your name...its like prophecy girl, only not hehehe...buffy makes me depressed in a happy way....anyways read my diary....tom-seb-jak
from nirvana-rose :
heya..u seem pretty okay
from ludicn :
Your guestbook is a fucking bastard. I tried to sign it and it said "oops you can't sign again this fast"..but I hadn't signed it. What? Anyway, what I said was that for me it's that I'm so caught up in the duality of things that I'm afraid to recognize when things are good. When life is really shitty I know that there is only room for improvement and things can only get better. When life is better than its ever been, I know that it's only going to get worse sooner or later.
from rainbow888 :
You are cute! I love mysterious lads! Keep upthe mysteriousness! Leave a note 4 me. Love you, Rianna x
from renewedgrace :
Just passing by...nifty layout! I like your diary...really great! Have a great day! >>-->
from tsinaip :
Hey dude, I liked your diary, It gave me lots to think about. And I just realised how much mine sucks.
from milkquake :
thank you muchly, you've just given me a fine idea.
from keryanna :
I went to Burning Man for my honeymoon two years ago. Drove cross country in a van with no air conditioning to get there with a big, yellow cat bus attached to the back. Hope to go back next year. Sans cat bus and with airconditioning. Have fun for the both of us in Black Rock - I'll be there in spirit.
from vamosajugar :
from the-escape :
IF YOU HAVE ANY INFOMATION ON ANDRIA OWEN, LIVING IN CALIFORNIA. PLEASE CONATACT ME: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] learn why:
from barefootsage :
Two recommended books by Hesse: Siddhartha,and The Glass Bead Game.I like your username.
from boyeclipsed :
=� your entry is inflicting late night cigarette cravings
from sopathetic :
Well, if it makes any difference I think you're cool, and unique. I'm glad you liked bright eyes. i love them. ciao.
from boyeclipsed :
aight, I am only leaving a note cause I don't like stalkers and I am lovin your diary. Oh, and I definetly have adult ADD! Which is why, I need to go now! =�
from pinky77 :
you got a new fan!
from floodtide :
Hey, Sweet Boy - Finally added you as a favorite; I've been meaning to do it for ages now. Would you consider e-mailing me the username and password for the locked links? I'll look for you online, too - it would be fun to chat. Love, Flood.
from vamosajugar :
when I was a kid, I enjoyed doing math problems.
from serena6184 :
when you go to san fransico you should hook up with my good friend josh. he is a cute, rolly polly little filipino boy. and he is the sweetest boy ever. and he is single and he is looking. he is at hee hee he would kill me for this. also i just thought i would say howdy fellow member of the queer diaryring
from mammas-pills :
<sigh> is not the gold at the end of the pun included...the trash pile maybe. Don't judge yourself based upon reactions from plastic people. Really, I get the feeling you know better than this. Why do you do these things to yourself? Don't you wonder the motivation? You are both of those pictures, and neither... <sigh> I Don't know what to say... :)
from mammas-pills :
I like late-night inspired notes. Don't fret none, son, it's all good in the end. ;)
from mammas-pills :
the children's books are hilarious!! I loved paddington...paddington's drunk....mmmmmm marmalade
from vamosajugar :
from mammas-pills :
Hi. Hope you don't mind I was randomly going through the alphabet and came across your journal...and I read some of it. There's good stuff in your soul.
from keryanna :
It's all so very Pavlovian. :)
from keryanna :
As soon as I read that you read Corona and started salivating ... I started salivating too. I don't know if that's because of you or the Corona. Either way, I need help too. So you're not alone. :)
from the29th :
Thank you for including that link to the free tax filing. I had looked at the one that the government offers but couldn't follow it enough to even start. Now my taxes are finished and filed as well - even for state. Without a good segue, if I could I'd give you the guitar that is gathering dust in my closet. Too bad I'm on the other coast.
from ciaramyst :
from gbg :
Welcome to the Buffy/Angel diaryring!
from ludicn :
Sorry I didn't show up last night. I was bummed that Morgan didn't call or come home like she said she was going to. I didn't want to flake on you guys but when I drove out there I couldn't find the street and I got frustrated and went home. When I got home I started having chest pains and feeling naseous. I fell asleep on the couch at 6:30. So I think it's good I didn't come over afterall. I'm glad you had a good time though.
from ludicn :
Wow, you like Vast? You're only like the 2nd person ever that I've known that likes Vast. You know what I hate though, is when music has potential to be something really great, but it's like... almost there. That's how I feel about Vast. It's still nice though, once in a while.

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