messages to prreject:
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from sunnflower :
Came in through your banner - nice and to the point. Hope your employment woes sort out soon!
from kaire :
God knows I base my ass wiping hygiene on whatever the current box office leader suggests. Good thing you guys can intercept!! Whew, what a close one! Guess he really was the Fresh Prince huh?
from onewetleg :
that image is so cutely disturbing. 'mowr, shee, you'll never take me alive, shee, mowr.'
from purplebanana :
You would be insanely rich if you had a copy shop/fast food place on several large campuses. Dripping with giant Jesus crosses and fast cars rich.
from purplebanana :
I love that you have a name for a fake restaurant. I do that sort of thing all the time.

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