messages to pseudomuffin:
(click here to add new message):

from spamlover147 :
Nice name. Are you a false muffin. Or maybe the muffin man. Visit my diary.
from angel23wc :
hi... my name's staci... i was lookin' around on diaryland, and i came across your diary, and i read it, and i went to your webpage... it was really kewl... and i really liked your poems and fantasy designs... well... i just wanted to let you know that i liked them... bye-bye *staci*
from angel23wc :
hi... my name's staci... i was lookin' around on diaryland, and i came across your diary, and i read it, and i went to your webpage... it was really kewl... and i really liked your poems and fantasy designs... well... i just wanted to let you know that i liked them... bye-bye *staci*
from tiranaki :
Hi again :) I hope you feel better soon.
from preceptionss :
this is your mysterious note
from tiranaki :
Dude! What an awesome layout! Ok, yeah, anyways, oh hey thanks for leaving me a note. Had to return the favor ;). Power to the Moderators (don't ask).
from aerieyena :
Hey, thanks for listing my diary in your favorites. Yours is actually one of my favorites, I was so suprised when I saw my name on your list. Well, I love you're diary, you're really cool from what I've seen, plus, your layout is beautiful!
from mallie03 :
hey ur funny...nice survey by the way. i don't know u, i'm just bored
from thevelvet :
gorgeous layout!
from mindspin :
your drawing was really, really good :) heck, i can't even draw like that with a regular ole pen and paper. *grin*
from pub-grrrl :
whats wrong with ring whores?
from agoatnamedaz :
Hahaha! That illegal operation story is cute. It always makes me happy when people link me. :) Thanks. And nice legs.
from herworship :
Thanks for signing my guestbook--and good luck on the novel! Writing is such an amazing thing. Some days are bad, but in the end, even the bad days are good--and if that doesn't make sense now, it will someday.
from semirhage :
Haven't read it yet, but will soon. I'm excited. I don't think I like the first character's name though - it made me laugh. Will talk soon. I hope you make it through the day.

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