messages to punkbraat:
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from hamiltonian :
I like the way you write! You have a great journal and eloquent way about you.
from alex-punk :
ur in the AF, are you at Seymour Johnson AFB? my bf is stationed there, maybe you guys know each other. Punk rocks :) Alex
from argolam :
So you're a 20 year old in the AF? I guess it just grabbed my attention, because I'm also a 20 year in the AF (only not the US). So hi.
from reyahead :
found your site through a banner.. Just wanted to say.. a punk in the air force is something that doesn't happen often, so there's something you've got. A couple years ago, when I was also 20, I made the decision to stop being "punk." Still listen to the music and all.. and, i still find myself attracted to shiny things on people's wrists, but I just got so sick of it. Your entry sounds similar to the last article I wrote for my zine. I just went off on everything I hated about "punk" and it was cathartic. Anyway, I'm babbling. But I guess it really is something people grow out of. I still have some bracelets and some band shirts and dogpile pants that I wear on occasion, but for the most part, I look like everyone else. My hair's a normal color, I'm going to school (kind of), and I'm tired of everyone and everything. blah. I'm done with this note now.

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