messages to puppydogeyes:
(click here to add new message):

from missy-17 :
hey hows everything, i am good and i am wondering if you would write back!!!
from ilovemy240z :
I've locked up. User is kelly password is jean.
from candyrave :
Hey! I noticed you have the movie 'Groove' in your fav movies list - i loooove that movie too!! Ive just updated the layout/design in my diary so please go check it out and tell me what u think! Anyway talk back soon! CandyRave xxx
from not-it :
thank you. i'm crazy though. i'm no good at being happy. i'm convinced i'll fuck this up.
from deadkandy :
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DON'T LEAVE!!! Please!!! Anyways, I have some place where you could vent without some peeps reading it...e-mail me.
from rockergemini :
I. Am. Bored. Gah.
from rockergemini :
IN THE MIDNIGHT HOUR...SHE CRIED MORE MORE MORE! MORE MORE MOREEEEEEE...teehee...Im a sucka for the sneer...I havent signed a note in a long time....woohooo. *draws an aerosmith symbol* So....whens my tour of Cali, Munch?
from not-it :
you rock too! yeahy us rockers! this is the 5th message in a row i've left you! who loves you?
from not-it :
thanks for the encouraging words friend. you wanna teach me how to conqour those fucin hills? man, i was so frustrated. everyone on the streets hated me. ):
from not-it :
rock on man! good music? was "tigger" there? p.s. if you see an e-mail from "[email protected]" its me :)
from not-it :
how was popsickle?
from not-it :
thats fuckin nutty man. i was only on the actual street for minimal time this year (thank gawd). it gets too crazy to be fun. NEway, i'm not going to popsickle..let me know how it goes! [email protected]
from not-it :
your so money and you don't even know it! lets go meet all those beautiful babys.
from deadkandy :
Hey...shoulder's better than nose...yeah...I got shit on my nose by a fucking bird this summer.
from deadkandy :
no hard feelings...PLUR as we're supposed to be :P
from deadkandy :
Jay, I never said anything about the whole model thing. Everyone has standards...and everyone's standards are different. That's how it is.
from deadkandy :
It's not liking an asshole part...I think it has to do with physical attraction...not that I'm attracted to jerks, because I'm not, but being nice is one thing, being attracted to a nice person physically is another story. We are women, we are superficial.
from not-it :
thank you for listing me under your favorites. duuude, f- the f-ing bay!
from patw-21 :
Oops....i read like a whole bunch of entries....i liek it
from rockergemini :
...OHHH....scratch that last note...Ima retard
from rockergemini :
wha...? AM I BLIND? Ive seen notes like 'thanks for emntioning aerosmith in your profile blah blah" I DONT SEE IT!!!!
from rockergemini :
and the american idol is!! oh wait Cali has different time zones..Im not ruining it for you! hahaha.
from rockergemini :
yeah if that bastard justin wins, i'll start a riot....right after I get through banging Simon....ahh i 4got you linked me sooooo much...its just I made myself a perdy clique button thingy and Im ....overexcited...LOL...Nicki was my favorite...I felt bad, she had a son...I dont think Justin or Kelly will go anywhere...their voices arent distinct, theyre too normal, in my opinion...AND I DONT SEE ANYTHING ABOUT AEROSMITH IN YOUR DIARY! LMAO *raises one eybrowe* 69-Manda
from rockergemini :
the accent...well yes partly...I'm all about American guys tho *cough cough STEVEN TYLER cough cough*...but back to Simon...hes got a nice chest and nice hair and.....hes SAYS IT LIKE IT IS! ...I just hope he isnt that critical when it comes to sex.....dear god I hope not....not that Im bad in bed...not that Im a slut!...not that....never mind...uhh......*looks around* LINK ME!
from raven72d :
Great site...and a wonderful name...
from rockergemini :
You know you love aerosmith. you cant deny it. You know it was just a careless error not mentioning them SOMEWHERE in your know how much they know you love know you want to add them in your know you...DAMMIT SCREW THIS HYPNOTIZING SHIT! IM OUTTA HERE! -Manda (j/k...kinda)
from rockergemini :
umm...reading your diary just made me think of class. U said "nekked" and it reminded me of an embarrassing moment. In Literature, I was supposed to read aloud the word 'naked' but I pronounced it 'nekkid' and the teacher stopped me and said "No, Amanda, Long A, nayyyyked. Naked means nude, however, nekkid means to for a man and a woman to be together in bed." and I was mored embarrased for this sixty-something bald british (yes BRITISH) man to have mentioned sex to me than I was for the mispronounciation. I turned bright crimson and choked the sentence again, this time saying nayyyyyked. LOL. xo-Manda
from dem0nchild :
ahhh i feel so alone! Im like, the only one who doesnt know this guy. jay, i think it is. But anyway...i love the diary. really fun to read. anywho...keep updatin and i'll keep readin...(along with your other groupies) ttyl *hugz and kissez* Jaymee
from ilovemy240z :
Me love Angelina images too! Heh heh heh... Hey Jay... she's single now... what you say we hunt her down and see which one of us she'll have? Muhuhuhuwhahahha! =� No contest... she'll pick you, I know it.
from raven72d :
Percocet and vodka is a major defense against broken hearts and encroaching doom. You do have a wonderful diary and layout. I love your entries...and the Angelina images.
from rockergemini :
preppypunq! How'd she get here...preppy is my Online friend!!! LOL! Hey Randi, love ya baybee! Oh was just ironic that prep was mean to crowd your notes
from rockergemini :
"We're in Barney!" Confused Silence. "Rubble? Barney Rubble?" More silence with a few questioning glances. "Trouble!' ....Yes, I very much love Ocean's Eleven
from preppypunq :
just thought ya should know... your diary kicks ass... and anjelina jolie is hott! i must have stared at those pictures for five minutes before i actually started reading.
from rockergemini :
...just'd you find my diary? lol. whatever. ^A^ Rock On!!!
from rockergemini :
I Love You. lmao.
from deadkandy :
congrats on the job jay :) And I think you should still bring your car to the show...if you're proud of it...why not? even if you don't win...
from matilda- :
I asked because people usually dream in black and white with splashes of color here and there. I'm all color though. Weird.
from bitchfight :
24 Days until what? *confused*
from princesse69 :
aww its so lovely that you rate me as a good diary.thankyou! sharon xx p.s i think your diary rocks
from emmaj14 :
Wow! Cool!
from boudicca83 :
you're like the insomniacs best friend... every once in a while random things make me smile...and this rant that popped up on my screen was what i wanted to say, but couldn't..
from mindella :
Hey! I don't know you, but i did a search to see if anybody had mars&mystre as one of their fav bands, and you were the ONLY ONE. I was sooo disapointed that there weren' more! But, you kick ass for being the only one. Props. Just wanted to drop a note. check ya l8r! -Mindella
from deadkandy :
hey boi!!! wazzaaaaaaaaaaaaa :)
from princesse69 :
Thanks for signing my guest book. I love it when someone signs me, I feel as I have a fanbase. Drop by and leave a note again if you like. Thank you Jay you lovely star!I am gonna read your diary now.
from islandofness :
i totally lost my little box thing html where can i find it again? like url styles? ~*the cute one in michigan thats thinkin bout ya*~
from islandofness :
from islandofness :
hell yeah im sure shes just waiting for u to say sumfin first! =) i have faith that it wont get weird lol u OWN!! and if i got roses at work i would tell every one who sent them and totally hump on him LOL ~*amanda*~
from monica1110 :
hey. thanks for saying i'm cute :) where'd you're guest book go? I like the new layout. i like that quote too.
from islandofness :
yeah the last 40 notes sre from me (its my cutness showin thru again) im the one at the top if u pass the pointer blahs over it it says *damn i was cute when i was kandy* lol
from islandofness :
=) sweet yo! good lookin out lol do u know ne thing about adobe photoshop by ne chance? ~*amanda*~
from islandofness :
i listen to grooveradio all night long while im at work lol!! how do i go about saving the linkness to my blahs do i have to save it to my puter and then upload it? u know u wanna help me here buddy! ~*~amanda~*~

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