messages to purplesage26:
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from alwaysmuted :
I hope you can share your password.I hope you are ok. [email protected].*hugs*
from theflyingrat :
Could I have the password, pretty please? I understand if you're not sharing, though. ♥ [email protected]
from theflyingrat :
I love purple! I'm sort of like that with Spanish - I can read and write it very well and I understand it when people talk (as long as they're not going too fast!) but I can't speak it for crap. :) Have a good 4th! ♥
from theflyingrat :
Some people are just waaaaay too insecure, haha. Like you'd cheat on Danny with the coke vendor.
from theflyingrat :
What happened to your haloscan anyway? Haha. I'm sorry about your dad. I always hated that day. The worst for me was in school when they'd hand out those stupid fliers for father/daughter dances and whatnot. It is STILL hard for me on father's day and it's been 16 years.. so I don't cry or feel "empty" anymore but it still stings a little. I know exactly what you mean about people who take their parents for granted. It's different though, when you've never experienced that kind of pain firsthand - it's hard to imagine. So people pretend they have all the time in the world and end up regretting it when they realise that they don't. It's so wasteful. ANYWAY! I didn't mean to rant in your comments. You and Danny are in my thoughts and I hope you can get through this "rough patch" and get back to a place where you feel more secure. ♥
from theflyingrat :
Game night sounds like fun! I need friends or something, haha. I hope you will be updating more, I miss your updates. Kent and I do the fighting thing where we don't fight for awhile and then WHAM! we have a huge one. It reminds me of thunderstorms, you can feel them building and heading toward you, they rage for a short time and then afterward there is that clean smell in the air. Does that make sense? hahah. I need sleep! ♥
from theflyingrat :
Yay! I'm glad things are looking up. ♥
from theflyingrat :
Thanks for the comment. You're too nice! ♥
from theflyingrat :
Yes, those update gods can get quite feisty. Hehe. ♥
from theflyingrat :
Yay, you're back! ♥ And where the hell did your haloscan go? Notes suck. Haha. :)
from frogmom :
I thought it was an aweful long time to! Some BS about them sending it to Portland and yada yada yada, I am calling today to see whats uP!
from hunterpoo :
otay sistage. I fixed that password crap. hahahha. I actually need to hi-jack that page again. I see errors. UGH!
from wish4booboo :
Gracias for the last two comments! I do agree that SIL will have karma lash upon her. I do love the nephews though.It's hard to have to deal with such bad people in order to see the kids. better things,right? BTW,I am sorry to hear about your grandmom. It is always hard to deal with someone when they are sick,but if they are mentally ill,it is even harder. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you or your sister.Ok? Keep the faith,and your chin up.Ok??? Take care. P.S.I was trying to add you to myspace,so can I add you? Or add me? I really want to get to know you and your sister.My email is [email protected]. You guys seems like good people:) Adios and thank you...
from frogmom :
the dancers were all in the gym, they moved to the gym when it started raining. At the timne it didnt occur to me tho. Its a really small pow wow, the vetrans pow wow always is. But there is usually at least 5 food stands, not one! Very depressing!
from frogmom :
I got to go, but I didnt get my taco! :( Tomorrow tho!
from frogmom :
thanks we did have fun!
from theflyingrat :
It almost would be easier if it happened all at once because then I'd KNOW. That's the hardest part, there still being that hope when I could be hoping in vain. Does that make any sense? Thanks for your concern, I know there's no point in worrying because it won't change anything. But it's still difficult. I'm sorry that you had a miscarriage, I don't think anyone should ever have to deal with that. What especially pisses me off is that there are people out there throwing their babies away or getting abortions when other people want kids so much and have so many troubles. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. One thing that makes it easier for me is that I keep thinking at least I have one beautiful son. I have not lost sight of the fact that I am still terribly lucky to have him. Thanks again for your kind note, you're a sweetheart. ♥
from wish4booboo :
I am going to wait to test,if I don't have any more symptoms after my first day of class. I don't want the needless stress of the what-if's to get to me. I hope I don't get my cycle either! LOL No AF is a good AF:) I send you a *hug* too.And thank you.You do not know how your kind words are appreciated.In fact,you do.I appreciate them! LOL Cuidate,chica...
from wish4booboo :
Hi:) Thank you for the notes you have left.I feel like a butt because I haven't written anything back until now. I hope we can become allies and support each other through this process. Good luck to you too on your next cycle.*HUGS* and Cuidate...
from theflyingrat :
I stayed with Kent (my husband now) less than a week after we met and I never left haha. I am reading your older entries to catch up, hope you don't mind. You had an entry about a roommate moving or something that made me think of that. Also, I've had 3 different cars and on EVERY one of them I had windshielf wipers fly right off the car. Of course, it's always the driver's side too. (You were talking about some rain and no wipers, haha. In case you forgot. I always forget what I write 2 days after I write it.) And apparently, I write a lot. :)
from frogmom :
that sounds likea pretty nasty cold you had! Glad you are at least feeling a little better!
from frogmom :
thank you for the kind note!
from frogmom :
Thank you for the kind noye. I am rather new to Diaryland, but I have had other "blogs". I have been off birth control (the pill) for 14 months now. It is so hard to start your period each month! Good luck to you and hope you get your precious baby really really soon
from frogmom :
Thnk you for leaving the note I am also trying to concieve I hope you dont mind I added you to my buddy list Leslie
from frogmom :
sounds like you had a great day.

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