messages to queerfatgirl:
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from mystikwaterz :
I would love to add you to my list. Your writing isnt even on the same wave length as everyone elses. (in a good way) I mainly bitch and comlain about things in my diary so its refreshing to find someone so... like you. Blessed be*~** Tabitha
from phizhy :
_Notes are available for free-members while comments are just available for paying members -gold or super-gold-. Hope I helped!
from phizhy :
_♥ your diary! ♥ it!
from leebeenz :
Thank you for your comments, Emily's birth story is something really special to me, and it is lovely to get nice comments. Especially from you. Your past entries, I have read them and then just sat at the computer thinking 'Wow'. Seriously, you are an amazing writer.
from hissandtell :
Your entry about your grandfather was incredibly moving, darling. I don't remember either of my grandfathers, but what I recall most about my husband's granddad are his hands. It amazed me that after a lifetime spent working in the bush with sheep and cattle and horses, building fences and fixing machinery, he could have such soft, smooth gentle, pale hands. Love, R xxx
from hooterville :
You need to write a book, or freelance or SOMETHING. Seriously. I can't even remember the last time a diarist's entries captivated and moved me like this... Oh wait, yes I can. It was when I found weetabix.
from queerfatgirl :
Getting notes is the neatest thing! (Now, if I can only figure out 1.the difference between "Notes" and "Comments", and to activate my "Comments" section!) Thank you for writing and encouraging me!
from leebeenz :
I've just read your diary and it made me laugh out loud. I too have people telling me that I always seem so happy and cheerful when I answer the phone. Little do they know the curse words that spewed from my mouth by being interrupted from my internet surfing by telephone. I look forward to reading future entries.
from hissandtell :
Can I just say again how much I LOVE your writing, darling? Brilliant stuff. Love, R xxx
from hissandtell :
Oh, my; your writing is utterly delectable. I clicked on you through artisthussy, and wanted you to know that I'm adoring your diary. Love, R xxx

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