messages to quois:
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from dwell :
Autumn stands next to Octavia, watching the world turn, change and grow; holding her hand and saying nothing.
from dwell :
I must not have been paying very much attention... You have a bunch of new things written, and I just now noticed.
from dwell :
7-15-04 somehow I managed to miss that one. You the most exquisite knack for giving me the things I want most and don't quite know how to say.
from erato :
Here she is, Rabbit, Rabbit, so beautiful because of you!
from bootprints :
"The thing about rabbits," says autumn to the Rabbit, "is that you can spend ages following one. and when you come to a stop, you're always out of breath and laughing and not entirely sure what you saw. and one of my favorite things about chasing rabbits is when you burst through from somewhere and you see a Rabbit swinging it's legs and talking in the sunshine."
from erato :
Sheer nonesense!
from erato :
Ah, you wonderful, wonderful essence. To one day converse with you would be ambrosia.
from erato :
[Laughs] A great way to start my morning.
from erato :
How interesting taht you should catch me visceral like a soul print camera and that I should feel that essence between spaces. Beautiful and a little haunting. Appropriate.
from erato :
You awaken me time and time over. I needed that, how funny I should be so silly as to feel connected to a piece in some way when you write it neither for me nor about me, but for yourself. Still, you shake me, and I must confess: I am selfish with you.
from erato :
Ah, you shine. You always have, but this is incandescence.
from autumnal :
THE LITTLE DEAR - I love this piece for the strength of your voice. For your tenacity. For writing it 'from the hip' as jonathon said and also giving it a flow and a feeling that was consistent - and yet had a wildcard feel to it all along the way.
from mojo1915 :
Hello. I hope you have a really good day! :) -Jesse
from sood :
thank you for commenting on entire. the end result of the entry surprised me because it didn't start out to be about my mother. i stall out when ever i attempt to write about her usually. i have this overwhelming feeling that it's disrespectful to be honest when it comes to her, and yet she is the one i have so many honest feelings about.
from salaminia :
Re: Andrew and his poetry - superb, as always.
from salaminia :
Re: "Rankling the March Hare" - Hee! Splendid, as always.
from salaminia :
Re: "What's the Frequency" - Excellent.
from salaminia :
Oh, love the Adri story!
from berenike :
Liked "Give Now to the Coward..." very much. Go Andrew!
from salaminia :
Re: "Give Now to the Coward" - Andrew! Everyone here is most impressed!
from mhari :
"In Check" -- delightfully weird.
from salaminia :
Re "Make New Friends" - interesting. I can't wait to see where this is going.
from pasunrond :
Satine/Sailor Uranus? I am duly intrigued, even though I don't know the first thing about the Sailors. And, ah, I actually do have a couple paragraphs of Nini/Satine-ish drivel, but I'm too scared to write more. However, if someone ever does get around to producing something decent involving those two, I wouldn't be at all averse.
from salaminia :
Meredith votes for Andrew to have an opera career. She thinks his soul might be saved if he tells his old man to screw himself. At any rate, love 'Casanova Victorious'.
from salaminia :
Kyle wants to know what happened to Andrew. He seemed decent, as a little kid. :)
from mhari :
Just peeking in to get caught up. Cassandra-thing is lovely, and makes my R twitch violently. :) Poor CoventryKids, also.
from plainymph :
Ah! I /love/ Daniel; it seems like you've got him pegged down so well. And I always get attached to the bitter ones :).
from salaminia :
Oh, poor Tab. But the piece is very well done.
from vignettes :
Adore the new Calist� piece madly, it just *reminds* me of things, in the best possible way.
from salaminia :
You're right. Erikson's a nut.
from mhari :
Re: Enjy's early-morning tryst -- beautiful.
from salaminia :
Absolutely love the funeral piece.
from salaminia :
I really liked the Arianna story. Though her professors must be even more evil than the ones I have. I've never had summer reading. :)
from salaminia :
The Herchel letter is hilarious. And Meredith says she definitely is disgusted. :-)
from blueapple :
Am rendered a bit speechless, yet I want to know more.
from plainymph :
The English-class piece is fascinating. 'Specially the first section, somehow -- "And I do not know/if surviving this hour/will keep that fact stable/or make it drown/in a chromatic catyclysm"? O yes. Gorgeous, and I know that feeling.

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