messages to rainbowsix:
(click here to add new message):

from kari92 :
HAPPY BIRTHDAY (for yesterday, sorry!)!!! I hope you had a great day and that the next year is full of wonderful things. =)
from skittleblue :
i guess i should have put my email: [email protected]
from skittleblue :
hey bree! i haven't updated this thing in forever (since tim kicked me out a year ago). we're soon to be divorced... there was another woman... anyway, how are things going for you? what's your password?
from caged-freed :
Hey, this is just a note to let you know that I'm trying to resurrect C.A.G.E.D. - and I really hope you'll contribute. Check out the updated info, and take care!
from caged-freed :
Hey, this is just a note to let you know that I'm trying to resurrect C.A.G.E.D. - and I really hope you'll contribute. Check out the updated info, and take care!
from hamiltonian :
greetings and salutations
from hamiltonian :
greetings and salutations
from lilrunaway :
send me your e-mail address and i'll send it to you. did you change your un/pw too? i'd like yours if ya don't mind! :-)
from noctus-angel :
Hey Bree! Thanks you for the wonderful compliments on my research! I plan on making another entry soon to discuss it more in depth. Hope all is well with you!!! Ange XO
from sun-down :
Hey, I'm not sure if you changed your password for a specific reason, but if you don't mind, may I get the new one?
from amisick :
May I get your password? I saw that you added me as a fave, thanks.
from toshchaya :
I can't access your journal. Did you change the password?
from sadangel14 :
i hope everything goes well
from noctus-angel :
Congrats on your 2 years of independence!! :D
from toshchaya :
I wear a gold band on my ring finger so people think I am married. I tried a cheap but impressive-looking one from Claire's but it turned my finger green :) so I figured I could invest a few more dollars in a more plain ring, but one that wouldn't change the shade on my skin! :)
from noctus-angel :
Hey Bree, everytime I read about you playing tennis and the wonderful comments you always get- I just want to see you play even more! I would love to be good at tennis. :) And I hope that things settle down a bit more once Warren is home tomorrow! XO Ange
from kari92 :
I haven't left you a note for a while :) I wanted to say that I'm still (as always) hoping that things can come together with you and Warren, that you can be 'ok', and that your life can get even a little easier. I'm sure my words seem pointless...but all the same.
from skittleblue :
i'm glad you got to talk to him finally. this has got to be so hard for you. **hugs**
from ravenstears :
ooopps, sorry. the newest password is...well could I email it to u? thanks, Casey
from ravenstears :
the new password; stumblein
from skittleblue :
i am SO glad he's ok.
from toshchaya :
I'm so happy your Baby is safe!
from silent-belle :
Like I already told you I am SO happy that he is okay. I saw it on the news this afternoon and you two were the first thing I thought about *huge hugs*.. so glad everything worked out. I hope you get to see him soon.
from toshchaya :
I forgot the username/password for your diary! Help! I missed you!
from noctus-angel :
Hey Bree, I just wanted to see if you are ok. I am really sorry about how you are feeling. (((hugs))) I noticed that you havent updated in almost a week and I'm worried about you. Please let us know you are ok. I hope you are feeling better. Ange XO
from kari92 :
:( I just wanted to say, other than that I'm thinking of you and care about you and hope things improve, that you will come out of this ahead of Warren. A few entries ago you said he would come out of this experience ahead; but you've learnt basically all there is to learn about life already. You know how hard it is, and most ppl don't realise that till later on. Obviously it makes things very difficult now, but in the future there won't be anything left to thrown at you. But that said, I also really really hope things change soon. You shouldn't have to deal with so much, esp at once.
from skittleblue :
**hugs** i think i've been through a lot of what you're going through right now. IM me if you need to talk (woogysarah on AIM)
from noctus-angel :
(((hugs)))) I'm sorry that it is taking him so long to get to you. It must be so frustrating, I can only imagine. Hang in there sweetie, it will be worth the wait. XO Ange
from noctus-angel :
(((hugs)))) I'm sorry that it is taking him so long to get to you. It must be so frustrating, I can only imagine. Hang in there sweetie, it will be worth the wait. XO Ange
from typelove :
hello. i saw your link on the online love ring and i was wondering if you would like to join my diary. it's a place for people who are involved in online relationships to write their feelings and support each other.
from neangel :
wow that is strange! congrats! i tried to read your site but locked is locked. ;) thanks for stopping by!
from skittleblue :
sending hugs your way. for what it's worth, even though i know nothing can change how you feel, you're loved. when i read what you write, i wish i could change everything for you, wave a magic wand and take away all the bad stuff and make everything perfect. hang on, sweetie.
from ravenstears :
Hey, yeah you can have to un/pw, sorry I didnt warn anyone that I was gonna change the pasword. The username is still ravenstearsx but the password is fallenangel. xoxo good luck Love, Casey
from silent-belle :
It's strange you metion that about the calorie counting. I find myself doing the same thing lately. I haven't counted, just haven't eaten a large amount.. it's like I subconsciously know what I am eating, and I know it's not a lot..calorie wise anyway. *hugs*
from sadangel14 :
hey, cry yourself to sleep tonight and take a hot bath. just cry and breath. and dont dround in the tub. things can get better. i'll be praying for you. :-/ <3
from kari92 :
Hey :) I just wanted to let you know that I think you're handling things with your sister so well, and that she is really lucky that you're stepping in like you are. I know what it's like to worry about siblings (although thank goodness my worries are normally exaggerated by me), so I'm also glad that her school is working with you to fix stuff. I hope all the meetings go well! xox Kari
from sadangel14 :
hey, guess what?!?! you're cool. you're wonderful. your pretty. good luck. lotsa love :) be happy. and why is it that 2 months with a guy seems like 2 seconds but waiting for 2 months seems like forever?? that;s just messed up! we'll i wish you luck, he'll be home with ya soon enough. much love. oh my period is fucked up too so dont worry :-p sorry
from kari92 :
Hey, I'm so glad you updated :) And that you had a great time with Warren...I wish you 2 could see more of each other. I'm sorry that the councelling didn't work out, though - it shouldn't be like that, and he isn't doing his job right if it is. And I understand how disappointing it must be after you summoned up the courage to go. Don't forget the idea forever, 'cos if you find someone you like then I think it would help. Also, I always mean to say this; sweetie, your period never comes like it should because you eat less than you need, and you weigh less than you need! xox
from noctus-angel :
Hey bree. Thanks for updating, it was sure worth the wait. I hope you can find another counsellor who is actually qualified...its too bad he turned out to be a jerk, but trust me there are wonderful ones out there. I am really happy to hear about you and warren! :) Talk to you soon hun, love ange
from skittleblue :
sweetie, are you ok? would you please update soon. we're all thinking about you. i hope everything's ok.
from skittleblue :
just wanted to drop by and let you know i'm thinking of you and wondering how everything's going. if you get the chance, can i request an update too? lol.
from noctus-angel :
hey bree can you email me ellen's username and password, i seem to have lost it! thanks!
from noctus-angel :
Hey bree...ive noticed you havent updated, and I was wondering how your first appointment went!
from iamabeachbum :
hey sweetie! I think that the Left Behind series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins would be a great set of books for you to read. They might clear some stuff up. Even if they don't, its great reading. The first one is kinda hard to get thru but if you can make it to the second book you'll be hooked. Enjoy!
from noctus-angel :
Bree I admire the entry on religion, and I totally respect your perspective as I would hope others respect mine. I took evolutionary psychology this semester and it changed the way i will forever think about religion. I think so many ppl have such a narrow concept of religion that it defeats the entire purpose
from noctus-angel :
Hey Bree, I can't tell you how glad I am that you reached out for help today...I hope you get the help you truly deserve. Things can get better. We all love you and support you so much. Things have been bad for a while but they can always get better- I think it's worth the shot. I am so glad that man was kind...perhaps it is your duardian angel that will help you through all of this. Love you girl, and take care. Ange XOXO
from skittleblue :
hey sweetie, just wanted to let you know that i can relate to a lot of what you said. i'm so ready for school to be over and to be rid of this stress. i feel like everything is crashing down right now, and it's like a horrible train crash, where i don't really know what happened, but all i can do is sit paralyzed and watch everything, half-numb, and feel miserable that i can never succeed, and that means to fail. somehow i think i got off topic. at any rate, breathe. i don't know what else to say, and there's nothing really, i guess to say, except that i'm here.
from drowningblue :
hey, have you checked out the counceling center at your school? that's how i was diagnosed as bipolar. i know how horrible it is to not know. i read every mental illness book known to man and just about drove myself nuts. anyways, i was able to go through our counceling center to get a psychiatrist appointment. it costs me 30 dollars every time i see him and since i am able to pay for it, my parents never have to know. i absolutely hate having to go, but it really have helped at least knowing what is wrong. ya know? anyways, i hope things get better. it upsets me so much reading your words because they sound so much like my own at various points in my life. xxxooo
from silent-belle :
I don't quite have the words to express how sad I was to read your last entry. Please hold on sweetie- you are a beautiful person whether you see it or not. I hope someday you will. You deserve nothing but happiness. I can relate all to well with people thinking you are this happy person, when in reality you are hurting so much inside. *hugs* You are not alone, remember that. xo
from greenpearl8 :
hey i just stumbled across. i'm dealing with some depression myself and i know how painful the sadness can be. happy birthday just in case you didn't hear it enough times as you deserve to.
from jalepee :
You're definitely not short of encouraging words from bloggers, I can tell. But I figure another one won't hurt, will it? Just read your entry (Feb 9) and just wanna say that you're being brave and strong by still being here. I've had sililar situations with my dad and college and stuff, it's easy to just want to forget it all. Hang in there though! You're gonna win in the end if you don't let depression beat you. It's okay to feel crap sometimes. :P Drop me a line if you wanna chat, hey? You can find my email on my blog. Love ya!
from misskissie :
happy belated birthday........I like your are my newest favorite:)
from catz-eyes :
g'day fellow aquarian. have read a few of your entries.. you write very well... and i see some similarities (very general, but still there). i'll be back to visit you again cherub =^..^=
from onecutabove :
Here is the addy for the pics: Make sure you get back to me on what you think of him. And me, if you look at the other folders.
from kalindar :
Hi again Your a good writer dont stop now I am 13 and I look up to your writing skills I want to become a writer and write just like you. I think the only thing wrong with you is probably all the stress the goes on in life outside your house and diaryland. Have you ever thought of becoming an author Just stop by and leave me a note you can acces my diary by going to one of close friends diaries Arwenalways
from kalindar :
Hello, I saw you on my friends profile so I came to check your diary out.. I love your profile and your poems are so beautiful!
from silent-belle :
((HUG)) That's it..just a seems like you need it. Wish I could give you one IRL. Take Care of yourself. xo
from sadangel14 :
thank you for writing that... a sickness of life and everyting and anything inside of it.. and too fucking scared to end it... God that fucks with you so deep. . .
from thespark :
I run a diaryring/community. I'd like for you to join the ring. E-mail me if you're interested: [email protected].
from silverelite :
i've moved to
from etfreak :
I am soooo stoked that you added me to your fav. diaries list. Thank you thank you thank you!!!!I'm adding you to mine cuz you seem like a cool person who has to deal with the same stuff I do.
from superlindsey :
It will be ok. You'll find the strength you need. I'm thinking about you, and praying for you.
from foreva-young :
I've felt the way you're describing so many times and wanted to die just as much. I'm not going to tell you everything will be OK either cos I know from experience its the most patronising thing coming from people who don't have a fucking clue how you feel. Keep your chin up hunni we're here for you no matter how distantly xxxxxx
from silent-belle :
I'm not going to tell you that things will get better from here on out. I will tell you that I am thinking about you, and even though I dont know if things will get better.. I hope that they do. ((HUG))
from foreva-young :
hi I love the new layout its beautiful!
from munchkinett :
Hey I'm 17, and I have had an EKG. You basically take your shirt off...that's the worst part, and they put those little round stick pads on you...then they hook those up to something, and it shows a bunch of stuff. Didn't hurt me at all, you will be fine. GOod Luck
from starfishchik :
You have a beautiful layout design.
from skittleblue :
i think it might be the flu... i've only had it once, but i didn't really get much of the sinus, etc stuff. just a bad fever and aches. whatever it is, i hope you get better soon.
from thiswonthurt :
Thanks for adding me as a favourite. x.
from dntlive2eat :
hey! what is your email address? i will send you the password.
from drowningblue :
Hey, I don't want to freak you out or anything, but what you are describing really sounds like mono to me. My roommate had it and felt the same way. Have you gone to a doctor yet? anyways, i'm really impressed with your self-therapy. I seem to have all those thoughts and conversation going through my head, but I don't think that I would be able to articulate them so clearly. oh well, I need to go work-out before work. I hope you feel better! xxxooo
from unfixed :
i came, i saw, i liked. (yay banners) mind if i stay awhile?
from fairyfantasy :
hey! i just came across your diary and what can i say? i love it! your diary will prolly become my new fave read!! peace love and harmony!
from thevow :
Is rainbowsix your name because of the video game? I am a rainbowsix fan so was curious. Nice place. I will come back often.
from erato :
genius! A fresh new read. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. They take me back to places I seldom visit anymore.
from drowningblue :
Hey, what is "shattered mirror" and the other dialogues from? They really make me think about my own struggles as well. Just wondering...xxxooo
from sadangel14 :
i give that scale the finger every day, an no it doesn't help.
from silent-belle :
Sorry, I just HAVE to tell you this again..You are so beautiful! And that baby... ah, so cute. You and Warren are a great couple :) xo
from silent-belle :
What is "inside out" from hun?
from silverelite :
I hope you are doing wonderful! :-) I miss your updates, but I know you're busy. Take care and have a wonderful holiday season!! *hugs*
from silent-belle :
I am so beyond happy for you! It sounds like paradise to be visiting Warren right now! Have a wonderful time while you are there. You definitly deserve it. Take this time to be together, and don't worry about a single thing. You are truly a beautiful person and I hope nothing but the best for you. xo
from eclecticmist :
I've just stumbled upon your site and wow, you're poems are so beautiful. Your latest one (I'm not sure what it's called) really stuck a chord with me. You have a real talent. I'll definately be back to read more. :o) *~*~Sara~*~*
from gods :
your 8anners are ensnaringly ubiquitous.
from foreva-young :
Right I'll try n say this without sounding like a crazed stalker..I'm addicted to ur diary!! your poems are just so amazingly inspiring and I can't believe I've found someone who is as obsessed with lyrics as me!! No one else I know has that fascination. Your poems have inspired some of mine and your diary is just truely amazing!! I can't keep off it!! **Lauren**
from ediblekitten :
where do you get off stealing my life...? I want my emotions back ;) evocative, provocative, a complete parallel to my own life. Without Warren of course. You're a brave brave girl. Good luck.
from heaven911 :
aww Warren sounds like such an amazing guy.. ur so lucky to be with him... good luck with ur tests *Tara
from isadoragirl :
I stumbled across your diary through a banner ad, and it's great! I love your poetry especially.
from mojo1915 :
Hello, I hope you had a fun and eventful Halloween. If not, I hope today will be a good day for you. God bless ya! -Jesse
from invisibledon :
Happy Halloween 03
from xliteyesx :
Hey! I was brought here by one of your banners. I really like your journal. I checked out past entries and read some of you poems. They are really good. I really like your diary and I am definatly coming back! I feel as though I can relate to you in some of your entries. Its really awesome.
from fan4 :
Why do you want an A so badly? What's wrong with a B?
from lilindamil :
Your diary is dripping in elogance. simply wonderful. <p> ~jess~
from techielove :
you're poems are beautiful. very heartfelt and they actually mean something. <3 glad to see that you are in love aswell- i guess these poems will be much more beautiful as the days progress.
from beyond-ceres :
I love coming and reading your poems, so beautiful. Not that it happens often, but I sorta feel lonely when you miss a day in your journal. And of course, tres jealous of your wonderful banners that brought me to your writting in the first place ^_^
from iamabeachbum :
Holy Cow! I totally fll in love with your "Love is like pi-....." quote. That is tooo cute. Where did you find it? I just adore it! And I reallly like your layout and you also have a pretty good diary. Lauren
from rainbowsix :
LOL :P (i'll take that as a compliment)
from dalyrical1 :
you and those damn banners!!! i cant name how many times i have clicked them!!! it's a good thing i like reading you!!! *smile*
from dazy-rox :
Hiya your diaries really good! I love your layout! ~Dazy~
from candoor :
yay for love (inspiring hope everywhere since all the time) and thank you for sharing some as it keeps my hope alive during the lonelier moments of life :)
from girlwcurls :
just wanted to let you know that i was here, and enjoyed the stay :-)
from court-s :
Saw your banner today - the "shadow over the sun" one... Am just wondering if that's from a song, and if so, which song? It's bugging me now! I am trying to get a tune in my head but I'm not sure if a tune actually exists! :)
from cryinghatred :
you are so awesome
from officegal :
lovely banners, and poetry
from banshee-rose :
lol ok again with your banner girl. Anyway the one that has the qoute saying sumfin like "I'm not always right i win when i choose...." where did u get it from. That is so perfect for this image i want to do. Just wondering if you wouldn't mind me borrowing it?
from icedreamsoup :
WOW, i love reading other peoples poetry. I write some of my own... there are times where i just pull words outta my head in the middle of the day and in 10 minutes i've jotted something down... You are truely talented..looking forward to reading more.. hope ya don't mind i added you, I like to get whisked away sometimes in other peoples writings...
from alone777 :
Haha I have the same sleeping problem... Your poem, 35, it's amazing, I love it =)
from so-in-love :
hey I just clicked on your banner because rainbowsix used to be an old password of mine that I used hehehe that's so weird! where did it come from? I just thought it up out of the blue so it's weird that your diary is called that. anywho! I'm gonna read some of your entries now:P
from toshchaya :
Hey I'm up too...even with midterms in a few hours I can't get the sleep I need..doesn't it suck!
from silverelite :
congrats on your 98%! yay! :-) Way to go!!! Keep up the great work!
from dalyrical1 :
dude...your banners have sucked me into your site like...oh...15 times today!!! cool banners...nice layout...good content...I am so sure I'll be back. drop by and see me sometime!
from thoriumpeach :
i really like your layout. will read your diary soon, very busy. ^.^ love your layout. ~Th Peach
from m0nique :
Hay love the template .drop by sometime.
from icutmyself13 :
I liked what you said about knowing what to do and still not doing it...I feel the same way. Its hard sometimes, knowing exactly what to do, and just...not. Great diary, by the way!
from manda2247 :
Congratulations on a great test score!!
from raven72d :
Your diary continues to fascinate...
from arwenalways :
Oh. My. Gosh. Your poems are AMAZING. Unbelievable.
from silverelite :
I'm about to go do laundry! :-) The machines haven't been working in DAYS...and I haven't washed in well over a week and a half!!! haha. Have a great day!! Is it just me, or has it been a really good Monday thus far? it's only 1:16pm tho...hehe...sorry for rambling in your notes! *hug*
from no-yes-maybe :
I really like your diary!
from intralemma :
Some people are cazy.
from soulsurvivor :
i like your penelope cruz banner. are u a fan?
from rainbowsix :
I know, I wasn't doubting that. I was just trying to tell the story as I got it. That's just a detail and not my point at all.
from fan4 :
The two girls you teach may have been adopted, but in my mind, they are sisters.
from candora :
Love your design and wondering about the other rainbows (I love rainbows :)
from lightedpath :
Hello! Lighted Path is now up and running! You are more than welcome to come and add your site to our Christian Directory! Can't wait to see what God does in and through us as we all work together! - with much love, Christy
from fan4 :
I like to read and write too. Do you have any fave. books?
from serpentwitch :
ahh! pretty layout! roses are beautiful, and i love the pink and yellow scrollbar. it's surprisingly simple, and yet elegant at the same time. also, i am impressed with your mad driving skills too =) bye! lovely diary.
from ktdream :
Hi, just visiting. I noticed the cool banner! I really like your layout too! Roses are the best. So elegant and pretty. And your entries are interesting. Congrats on being told you should do psych honors. I'm interested in psych as well but I think I'll save that for master's. I don't know for sure what I'm going to major in but am leaning torward literature creative writing.. kind of want to double major though. Some people say that's not a good idea because you don't get that in depth into either subject but you'd still need to take all the classes for it so.. anyway I'm rambling now. Sorry! But hope you'll stop by my diary someday. [I've just started college!]
from cdghost :
beautiful words
from coppersky :
just hang in there.
from noctus-angel :
Hey Bree...I totally agree with you about the new fall season getting serious...and much worse in the ED sense. It happens to me every fall, not quite sure why... Angel
from skittleblue :
sweetie. breathe. you are so stressed out about everything, and i know it's all going to be ok. i can sorta sympathize on the time with your dad, but it'll pass, and it'll all be ok. you won't have to spend that much time with him, like you said. and as far as school and your sister and everything, relax. i'm sure everything will be ok. sending you hugs.
from toshchaya :
I know what you mean about those dreams, and the looking up the ED treatment places in the area. I remember leafing through the phonebook once and thinking those same thoughts. Only it seemed I was more fascinated with anything related than actually considering help. At that point I was denying that I had an ED to the world and myself. I hope your dreams get better. *shudder* XOXO Tali
from skittleblue :
just wondering where you went. noticed you hadn't been on in a little while. is everything ok?
from skittleblue :
hey girl! sorry i haven't checked out your new diary until today. i haven't been on here much lately. i have much to catch up on. that's ok. lots of reading to do. sorry to see that you're so down. let me know if there's anything i can do. luv ya.
from kari92 :
***hug*** I really hope things get even a little better...I wish I could help, say something that would make a difference. Don't give up, ok? You deserve more than the life you're living now and I know that you will get it. You are far too special to stay in this hell forever. I'm thinking of you :)

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