messages to rainiemoone:
(click here to add new message):

from miedema2002 :
Hi, I like your diary. You are an art therapist? What do you do? I am curious since I am in social service work and trying to figure out what field I want to go into. I have never heard of art therapy before. Thanks.
from confusedpain :
Hi! I'm a new diary for survivors of anything. If you've survived, you're welcome. We're an anonymous diary where you can come to vent, and no one has to know who you are unless you want them to. We also have a feature where you can become a regular member. If you plan on posting more than once, you have the option of having your name under the members list on the entry pages. All you have to do is leave a note and I'll put you in.
from rainiemoone :
I changed my email address to [email protected]. The other one got screwed up by junk mail which continuously comes, non-stop, as someone pressed a devise to keep sending non-deliverable mail unitl it gets delivered.
from pink-circle :
Hi, the circle is soon to be sending out news letters - to let you know of new activies ect. Please note back with your e-mail address so that you can receive it. Thanks. ~Pink
from pink-circle :
{Circle Invite} On behalf of the circle, I would like to invite you the our writer's group. We are in the middle of a reform, to rebuild our group. I have noticed your displayed interest in poetry &/or writing, please visit our site. If you're interested, leave a note to this account. -Circle Council
from rainiemoone :
oops, They deleted me! I guess it was too long since it had been updated. I'll have to make another art page.
from luckyjinx :
sorry that was so long. :)
from luckyjinx :
hi. thanx for reading me. now i know i'm not completely nuts. :) i read some of yours, too. it's awful knowing the truth but being pulled down by emotions you can explain (i think that came out right) - but if you've made it this far and became an art therapist, you're ok. my mom's a therapist and she uses art therapy sometimes. i do it myself when i'm not using d-land therapy. i'd love to see more of your artwork but the art link said it couldn't find it.
from sylviashadow :
Thanks for joining poetica! May the muses always whisper in your ear.--sylviashadow,ringleader ps. Love the fact that you are an art therapist--how awesome!
from pleasureable :
Don't be lonely! I'm here to save the day! *puffs out chest but remembers she's a chick* Haha...I'm a dork.

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