messages to ramble-on:
(click here to add new message):

from tragicskies :
from biodtl :
I am so sorry that you are going through such a rough time. Please don't be so hard on yourself - you're a good person and you deserve good people in your life. If Mark is not one of those people, fine, but there is a whole world out there. Be strong and know that there are peope out here thinking about you and sending good thoughts your way.
from biodtl :
I sent you an email, but just in case your email has changed or something, I wanted to leave you a note and let you know. If you don't get it, let me know.
from biodtl :
did you chnage your password? It's not working for me :(
from smedindy :
Thanks for the add! May I have the keys to read your particular madness??? Thanks again!
from biodtl :
It was me! I forgot I was logged in under that one!
from sidesofme :
I lost your email, so I have to leave this here - I started up a new, more private diary that I'm only sharing with a trusted few, so if you want the info, email me and I'll send it along.
from janegamma :
Hmmmm, I seem to be doing something wrong. I will try again after work tonight.
from janegamma :
Hello, and thanks again. I fear that I emailed you unsolicited info. I apologize; I mistakenly attributed another's comment to you. And now I can't get into hotmail, so here's a note! I am going to move on to your diary now...
from formerlymr :
It's me silly. It comes up all different numbers but the tmod. I'm wireless. --Madi-Rae
from formerlymr :
While I was reading your entry I was listening to the news. The story: More single women are buying houses than ever before. Keep your chin up. Eventually we are going to take over the world. Men will be nothing more than pets. Ha!
from formerlymr :
I'm tagging you. Details in my diary. :)
from plopphizz :
Wow, that site is pretty cool. I'm not even completely convinced all of the ideas are that silly, just because there is so much creativity that goes into the ideas. Thanks for the link :).
from jumblygiant :
A couple of things: 1. I love the tattoo. I can't wait to see what colors you decide to put on/in it. That's an awesome Christmas present. 2. That house - it's awesome. Let me know what happens with that. I love the stairs as well. And it looks like it has a lot of light in it. It rocks. 3. I have NOT yet mailed the little thing I got you for Christmas. I will this week (hopefully). I'm a little behind. I still have all of my Christmas decorations up too. Hope you have a good night.
from biodtl :
You know I want the password!
from formerlymr :
I'm confused. Are your man's arms missing? Is he physically unable to do his own laundry? Does he cook/clean/whatever for you? I don't get domestic life like the '50s when both genders work. Hang in there Girl. **Madi-Rae
from beltwaybelle :
That's amore!
from vickithecute :
Wow, just read through a bunch of your entries. Between what I read and your comment (which brought me here in first place) I see a bunch of similarities and coincidences. Freaky!!
from formerlymr :
OH MY GOD GIRL! I AM SOOO SORRY. I once worked two jobs trying to build my life with my fiance only to catch him cheating. WHY? WHY? jackasses. --Formerly Madison
from alwaysange :
I don't want to kill you - I really do feel that you are looking out for my best interest. As am I. Which is hard to explain really, cause you know nothing is ever black and white and there are always shades of grey. Anyway, I have resigned myself to this heartbreak and determined it is best to let life work it's healing magic on my heart. In the meantime, I can milk all this pain for what it's worth and write something. It's my way of expressing myself, my way of dealing with the hurt inside. I fully intend to write a full length novel this winter and I feel lucky to have this heartbreak in some ways - the inspiration has been just what I need to start the wheels turning. And most of all, I just wanted to say, thanks for sharing your story with me. I fully don't mind being single right now. I rather enjoy it. Maybe my staying in this relationship has been my way of saying I'm not ready for the real thing either. Who knows if I ever will be. If I'm meant to be alone, I can dream that I go down on the bestseller list. I really believe I was meant to be inspired by this and I wouldn't do it any other way. Thanks again for reading, looking out for me and not being afraid to tell me what you think.
from lovemyfriend :
I loved the movie 'The Notebook' as well .. definitely a tear-jerker, a great ending to ..
from madisonrae :
I emailed you my resume. I'm not sure if the email link works or not. Let me know.
from arc-angel666 :
Good Afternoon Ms Ramble: Thank you for adding me to your Fav's list. I see your from Maryland, do you by chance know Six Weasels, or Zen Celt, Batten or Eastport Gurl? They are from Maryland and very special people and friends of mine. They are a ton of fun and very bright individuals. If you get a chance to read them please. Excuse me, where are my manners? I'm Michael and I'm pleased to meet you. Thanks for the kinds words about my beloved Alayna Kate. So I have started to read your diary. Interesting, and by the way I am so happy for you and your cleveage :-). I hadn't had the time lately but I'm looking forward to reading about the guy you send packing who you thought was only after your cookies, especially loved as you put it the bakery is closed lol. Thanks again Ms Ramble, I'm looking forward to getting to know you.
from outlawrose :
Ok! A little bizare. We BOTH like TerryBrooks and MCR. Geezz...Have you read Straken yet?
from outlawrose :
:) I hope it gets better. (for you) and
from madisonrae :
You don't sound like a brat. Check out my entries from 2004. I went from having an awesome career to waiting tables. I was over 50K in debt. But made it out. Things really do get better if you try your best. "Don't stop believing". Gross... I just turned into a Journey song. HA!! --Madison Rae
from madisonrae :
Hey chica. Saw you added me and read through a bunch of your entries. Interviewing sucks!! If you want a second opinion on your resume I can take a look. Been doing the management thing for a while and just re-did my mom's. [email protected]. Good luck with everything!!
from outlawrose :
Hey, just looked at your diary, after searching diaryland for MCR likers and you were on the top of the list and then i read your diary and geez...
from bedamned :
I only have one session a week available in my area, so I joined an online group and that is actually working much better for me.
from mreieio :
Thanks for your reply to my diary entry today. Reaffirms what I'm feeling. Ah well, we can't give in to the heebies or the jeebies. As a friend once said (I'm paraphrasing a bit): If we leave everything up to the assholes, we end up with a world that IS run by assholes. I guess I mean that we each have to do whatever we can and face the days as well as we can and not lose hope.
from biodtl :
I LOVE Big Time. I had it on the list and missed it somehow. And you are right about Los Lobos.
from biodtl :
Yeah, I understand the "mysterious disappearance". Quite a few of mr b's things have mysteriously disappeared over the years. No pics, though, since he doen't have any nekkids and he only has a few of his ex. Since she's Miss Homely 1988, he can keep them and thank his lucky stars every time he looks at them.
from alwaysange :
I'm sorry you had a storm there the night of the finale and missed it. That sucks. I mailed my copy of the tape out to a friend but maybe once she's seen it, I can get it back and pass it on to you. I found a bunch of the guys on the show on the NBC AJ4 message board and MySpace and talked to a few in IMs and emails, etc. They're a great bunch.
from haloaskew :
Oh yes, I've heard of the doggie clothing trend...I just didn't realize it had trickled down to Target. YIKES! Luckily, that probably means it's almost over (let's hope). Do they realize that Paris Hilton doesn't shop at Target? Or in MALLS for that matter? I know, I know. The masses will buy this crap, nonetheless. But they will hate themselves for it, very very soon.
from alwaysange :
Comments were acting up so I am leaving you a note. Happy Birthday! I hope it ends up better than you expect.
from littlenik :
Hey, we have a lot in common. I found you/this site when I typed in "I hate my boyfriend" in the search engine LOL! U r computer savvy so take that geocities link to your old blog so that that ex can't find u again (or if u want him to...nm) Anyhow, it is nice to know people like us are not alone in this world. littlenik
from toiletwater :
thanks for the message, its nice to have someone to commiserate with!
from biodtl :
Or you could just go on Oprah and jump on her couch.
from biodtl :
OMG your comment cracked my shit up. I wanted to be snarky and bitchy to that jackass about the grammar, etc, but didn't want to start up a flame war. So I loved it when you said just what I wanted. I may cut it and paste it into my desktop celebrity quote file!
from biodtl :
OMG your comment cracked my shit up. I wanted to be snarky and bitchy to that jackass about the grammar, etc, but didn't want to start up a flame war. So I loved it when you said just what I wanted. I may cut it and paste it into my desktop celebrity quote file!
from biodtl :
If you can help me with those damned question marks, I will love you forever!
from biodtl :
Girl, not only would I eat it, I would eat it IN THE SHOWER!!
from fraid-knot :
Thanks for the kind words. I mean, I'm sorry that you can relate, you know, but it does help to know someone else understands.
from sunstargirl :
thanks for the entertainment, and the laugh. Have a good one!
from malthus :
Someday, when we're up and runing and can afford to pay someone besides the business may hear from me. Until then, read for updates. A Diaryland get together would be SO at a hotel conference room with catering, or a big restaraunt. I'm down...
from crapshack :
Thanks for the add, you seem cute and quirky. I don't mean that in an offensive/Eddie Haskell kind of way.
from gumphood :
How you find me! I like the tiki theme. Now I go to read your old entries.
from alwaysange :
I found your diary from the Book Club website and thought I'd check it out. I found out you're from WY originally (I'm from MT) and thought I'd give you a big ol' howdy from way back west. I've enjoyed reading some of your entries and I'm going to add you to my faves. Seems we have more in common than the anti-social behavior, boyfriends from the east coast and an affinity for Anne Rice novels. We're both so damn cool. :)
from haloaskew :
Kurt's death coverage blew George Burns' death outta the water? Wow -- good memory! I totally don't remember that! Must've been too focused on Kurt dying, I guess. But you know what? George Burns was so great in "Oh God!" and the next one and the one after that! (And all that other great stuff he did pre-1970's with Gracie and shit). And I LOVE me some John Denver, but he's DEAD too...and it all just BITES. I cannot believe John Denver was decapitated in that plane crash. He was too sweet-n-wonderful to go out that way! Except for the fact he flew flaky-ass-shit planes he built himself (or thereabouts). Decapitate Charles Manson. Or Bob Saget. You don't lop the head off JOHN DENVER. Thus, there is no God. Works for me. P.S. Peanut Finger will STILL work...Cracker Ho is good, but Peanut Finger might come in handy too. I'm not losing hope on this one. I already lost John Denver, and George Burns, and the Pope and Terri, so don't take away the one last thing I have to cling to! (Lie to me if you must. Or, better yet, just call him Peanut Finger ONCE, that's all I ask).
from hissandtell :
Hmmm ... I didn't find your diary by googling "female genitalia", sorry - but it was through miss muffin (so that's possibly a close second). At any rate, your entries are a lot of fun and I'll be back to read more about the Peanut. Love, R xxx
from toiletwater :
hey thanx for adding me to your favorites...i'll be reading!
from haloaskew :
Now,'s not too late. Let's compromise: "Peanut Finger." C'mon's catchy! And different.
from haloaskew :
Instead of "The Bird," why not just name it "The Finger"? ;)
from crazy4muffin :
Not such a fan of wide open spaces, Wrangler butts, or Cowboys for that matter. But I certainly enjoy and take any opportunity to see people have a good time/make fools of themselves, regardless of the venue. Probably why I don't miss an opportunity to stand in the gutter and watch a parade. Lovin your journal.
from gutterballs :
there are flaws in all my ideas...haha.
from haloaskew :
Cornmeally. Been there. But it's good at 2 am. Especially when you have nothing else "more handy" to eat. You should've seen me go happy ape shit to find a bag of microwave popcorn the other night (with an expiration date of last summer). And, for the record, chocolate-dipped granola bars DO NOT go bad six months after their date. They are softer, but no less nibbly. One day, my child, I will tell you how many recipes I done fucked up with a little too much o' something, then righted it all up with a SMIDGE o' something else (not pot, but had it been sitting next to the McCormick Paprika, I so WOULD'VE!) Like the time I accidentally dumped garlic powder on my supposed-to-be-cinnamon toast. Just shake it off! It's all good. (Avoided that one edge though, for good measure).
from crazy4muffin :
Bikini bullriding. Hmmmm? I actually leaned back in my chair and pondered that one for about 5 minutes. I wonder if the thrill of the ride will ultimate exceed the pain of the chaffing? Now I'm all tingly and boarding a bus for Wyoming!
from malthus :
Until then...I remain intrigued.
from meganwaits :
You actually had to travel to poor poor thing, but at least you don't have to live here.
from malthus :
Ramble...I feel your pain. I love the East coast, but not this part of the East coast. By the way, I am both flattered and humbled by the fact that you added me to your favorites and by the very nice (if somewhat ambiguous) comment you put there. I can't believe someone actually likes my diary. Gosh...validation...AT LAST! (Kidding) Thank you kindly, Ma'am.
from sallydallydo :
If a guy other than Hubby gave me ANY attention I'd be flattered. Then I'd realize there must be something really wrong with him. EEK I love your template...Hubby saw it and was totally bamboozled by it. "He tries?" Whole point...they just don't GET it most of the time...
from nebet :
thanks for the comments! That is indeed Clara Bow in my profile. I have a tendency to imagine myself as a silent movie character, sometimes. Oh, how nice it would be to let the text speak for me! Have a great night.
from nebet :
I feel so honored that you added me to your favorites list! I hope to read more of yours soon. I know how the comfort food craving feels... and I think that your bubble-wrap man may have helped me get over mine a little bit.
from omnipre5ence :
That IS pretty messed up!
from fuzzmom :
Thanks so much for adding me! I do believe I'll return the favor, too, because you seem very interesting. :)
from blue-parade :
Love the jello shot recipes! I'm a big fan of the jello shots too, although I've only had the standard "add vodka" kind. I'll definitely try some of your varients!
from dramoth :
Thank you very much for taking my quiz! I really appreciate the thought in your answers.
from ilmomof3 :
Thanks for the note in my diary -- I can relate, somewhat, to your hair conundrum. I did cut mine, and I love it, BUT I don't recommend it unless you are really, really ready. I waited over a year before I did it. Plus, have you had short hair before? 'Cause I think that matters too. Maybe stages would be good... Anyway, two cents from a totally useless source. :-)
from bedamned :
I've caught up...Congrats on the engagement!
from bedamned :
Hi Staci, thanks for the little kick to get me back on track. You will see I've FINALLY updated my diary. Hope all is well with you! Dana

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